Sentences with phrase «button issue»

The phrase "button issue" refers to a topic or problem that causes strong emotions or controversy among people. It is something that easily triggers or pushes people's "buttons" and can lead to heated discussions or disagreement. Full definition
In fact, property and asset division is a hot button issue in most divorce proceedings.
Missing from the deal is the hot - button issue of tax reform.
Investing student loans has been a hot button issue for many years.
The movie also avoids any hot button issues like the economy and gay marriage.
In fact, those surveyed rank its importance above hot - button issues such as immigration and border security.
Nurses dating doctors is a hot - button issue with real - life repercussions..
Police vacancies were a hot - button issue on the campaign trail during the mayoral race this fall.
Being able to protect one's personal data is a hot button issue at the moment.
Topics include those relating to manners, relationship goals and approaches, careers versus relationships, and the hot button issues around age and physical appearance.
The topic of credit score access has also been a hot button issues throughout 2016 for other branches of the government.
Online security is a hot button issue across many industries and has been for quite some time now.
The latest example might be «close reading,» which has become yet another hot - button issue among Common Core critics.
While teacher pay and testing are two of the hot button issues lawmakers are likely to tackle in 2015, there will also be many other items to watch when it comes to education.
We're quick to attack each other when hot - button issues make headlines, when anger's been lurking at the top of our feeds all the while.
That leaves some of the other social justice / hot button issue films perhaps on the outside looking in.
When hot - button issues spill over from social media or the nightly news and into your classroom, what's the right move as a teacher?
We've known publishers who crashed books onto their lists within weeks in order to capture the public's interest immediately after a hot - button issue emerges.
Funny thing is you never have to use it, as well we have 3 in house and not one has a power button issues, nor does any my friends have.
The controls for the game are pretty straight - forward, with the circle and triangle buttons issuing most of the attacks you'll deliver in the game.
While sweeping hot button issues under the rug can bring about temporary relief, it will inevitably fuel frustration since problem areas are never resolved.
What have been some of the hot button issues through the course of the marriage?
The interface between pets and mental - health care has been a hot - button issue in recent years.
The gender pay gap is a hot button issue for many.
Rather, they tried to drive social divisions by mentioning hot - button issues like guns, LGBT rights and immigration.
This leads to my hot - button issue of how can a parent possibly let their kid play freely if they're wearing such a costly outfit.
The brothers discuss the hot - button issues at the film's center and their unique filmmaking approach.
Cover ups are a hot - button issue among environmental enforcement agencies, and, as a result, responding to a 104 (e) Information Request requires an abundance of caution.
Pregnancy discrimination, which is a form of gender discrimination, is becoming a hot button issue in 2008.
Fortunately, the SNES Classic works with any controller that uses Nintendo's proprietary U-shaped connector, and I was able to circumvent the home button issue by plugging in a Wii Classic Controller Pro (though using it on the SNES felt kind of wrong).
The point is this is not so much about religion but more about shutting the hell up about non work related hot button issues when it becomes clear that people just don, t want to hear it.
Paul can be quoted and misquoted on every hot - button issue faced by the Church today, from gender roles to global warming.
If that happens, New Yorkers concerned about federal court action on hot - button issues including abortion rights and labor or environmental affairs will almost surely look to the state court to uphold what legal experts say are the broad protections it offers on a number of fronts.
eBook discovery is a hot button issue right now, and as the industry moves to the digital realm, it is increasingly becoming harder to broaden your literary horizons.
Robert Putnam and David Campbell are authors of the recent book «American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us» and say that Americans have a knack for being able to disagree about hot button issues without being disagreeable.
One of the themes that's interested me since starting TLT is how feeding children can be such a hot - button issue between parents.
Yankees tickets have become a hot - button issue after Yankees announce new policy.
He has consistently voted against Republican Party values on several hot button issues which drew regional and national attention.
This timely analysis of the distorted mythology that has grown up around government in the U.S. takes on hot - button issues from the Second Amendment and term limits to the idea that the Founders sought to create an inefficient government.
Fortunately, the SNES Classic works with any controller that uses Nintendo's proprietary U-shaped connector, and I was able to circumvent the home button issue by plugging in a Wii Classic Controller Pro (though using it on the SNES felt kind of wrong).
With several hot button issues highlighted in the media recently, this article served as a timely effort to showcase the issues revolving around funding for legal services organizations, like Community Legal Services... Read More
Butterfield's public rant was unusual for two reasons: First, he's a CEO, and high - level executives rarely speak out on hot - button issues out of fear they'll alienate customers.
The placards have become a hot - button issue because many recipients abuse the privilege by using expired placards and parking in places the cards do not allow.
By thinking through constructive ways to deal with hot - button issues before your Caller ID lights up with your ex's name on the phone, you'll find yourself less likely to feel like you just want to bash him or her with a frozen turkey leg until they plead for mercy.
Another hot - button issue involves unused reproductive assets like embryos, Scroggin said.
As an extension of the political climate, the drug pricing debate has not subsided and continues to be a hot - button issue weighing on the overarching sector.
The committee's detailed disclosure regarding its decision, which included pointing to the company's significant outperformance of the FTSE 100 and S&P 500, did not placate shareholders» clear unease surrounding any discretionary uplifts in pay, which remains a red button issue for UK and international shareholders alike.
I think DV is such a hit button issue as soon as an allegation arises everyone is judge and jury immediately.

Phrases with «button issue»

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