Sentences with phrase «button masher»

A "button masher" is someone who repeatedly and quickly presses buttons on a controller without using any specific strategy or technique. They usually do this in video games, hoping to win by luck rather than skill. Full definition
Like playing on your own, with friends involved Diablo III is still mostly a relatively mindless button masher for most of the time, No, the fun comes from the sheer mayhem that erupts on - screen during a fight, and the continuing hunt for loot with your mates.
Shrewdly, the game's variable difficulty accommodates less experienced players, even welcoming button mashers on the easier challenge settings.
Tecmo Koei has spent countless years developing and releasing a long line of button mashers set in the feudal period of ancient China and Japan.
Thor - God of Thunder is not the most original game in the world but if you're looking for a relatively mindless button masher, then you've come to the right place.
All the careful interbalance and dueling mechanic created by facing enemies is thrown out the window against specials and bosses, instead becoming an annoying and punishing button masher with zero rhythm.
It would have been easy to create a simple button masher and slap the UFC label on it — instead, THQ have created a detailed fighting engine that is not only a blast to play but gives you wonderful insight into the depth of MMA combat.
It may be surprisingly faithful to the original transcripts, even if it gives very little information regarding the Trojan War, but that is the only positive aspect of this new, «western oriented» button masher from Koei.
Novices can tap buttons arbitrarily to string together moves, while veterans can still outperform button mashers by relying on precise execution to pull out longer, flashier combos, or disable simple moves and input specials using the tried - and - true mix of joystick movements and button presses.
Launch Break — 3/5 Maybe I'm biased since I'm not a good button masher.
The game's stunning visuals make every match feel like an episode of the anime, while its frenetic 3 - on - 3 fighting system is inviting for button mashers while offering tons of depth for competitive players.
It is definitely not a boring pick up and play button masher.
It's a hardcore fighting game experience, as well as a more casual button masher.
The Dynasty Warriors games have always pushed the boundaries of what can be done in a large scale action button masher.
Yes, that's right, the great Button Masher himself has completed Resident Evil 4.
DmC: Devil May Cry is the reboot to the classic hack and slash button masher series.
Took me awhile to buy this game cause i really don't enjoy button mashers except for God of War.
Overall it's a fun multi-player button masher just not the best on the market.
Is it really a «close to God of War button masher» type - game?
If you are a hard core gamer, but a lousy button masher (no - not an oxymoron) you will have a sucky time.
Yes, this isn't your straightforward button masher, this is MUCH MUCH MORE!
Learning what to use and when is pretty essential if you want to play this game as a more in - depth fighter than just a random button masher, which I quickly learned.
Until now, Omensight is an isometric button masher.
Then you've come to the wrong place, friend, as I've returned from Gamescom 2014 with footage of me being a total and complete button masher.
Being the Chief Button Masher that I am, that was a little disappointing.
To add further depth to this, you have more advanced options such as shadow counters and counter-breakers which allow more skilled players to dominate button mashers or predictable attacks.
Counter breakers exist for a similar purpose, countering specific attacks while locking out an opponent's ability to combo breaker; and every character maintains a deep enough move list that stringing together attacks and mixing up combos isn't very difficult to do even if you're just a normal old button masher.
Even shirtless unarmored humans and the lowliest rats take two or three strikes from a massive broadsword to perish, mutilating the former new fluid combat experience into the same endless button masher of the first game.
So what's to stop every player simply relying on this light punch combo or this two - button hyper combo, reducing MvCI to some braindead button masher?
Different enemies have various weaknesses and resistances that come into play and change up the dynamic of battles, making tough enemies more than just simple attack button mashers.
Later on, you can also upgrade your defenses and you're also free to switch characters and load outs before finally initiating the combat phase, where the game suddenly transports into a third - person button masher.
For many years, I had ignored any of the Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors games because critics and gamers alike were of the general opinion that they were repetitive button mashers, unworthy of any attention.
In previous titles to become a master at beating people up you needed to be a skilled button masher (If there is such a thing as skilfully mashing buttons like a madman / women).
There will be players who will be extremely skilled, but can easily be toppled by a common button masher.
Generally these quick - time events are save or die button mashers, but they aren't too difficult.
It's a glorified button masher, but one with a certain level of depth.
Both games feature a very simplistic approach to the fighting, but still allowing depth if players are looking for more than an average button masher.
Koihime Enbu is a 2D Street Fighter - ish button masher.
Fighting games are primarily button mashers, and the touchscreen can never get you that feel.
New mechanics mean that anyone raised on quarter circle inputs and hadoukens will have plenty to learn, but a streamlined 16 character line - up makes it the perfect entry for fighting game scrubs and button mashers too.
Kicking off New York Comic Con with a scare, Capcom announced plans to release a collection of titles from their monster button masher Darkstalkers series for digital release in early 2013, and continued to fan the flames of a full -LSB-...]
A new setting and with the power of the PS4, this adventure looks to be something more than a hack and slash, contextual button masher, and more of an open world adventure.
Resemblance to Tekken and Steet Fighter is a given, but the superhero style breathes new life into the classic button masher.
From chaotic button mashers to super-precise combo wizards, Injustice 2 offers the opportunity to duke it out with the deep roster of both familiar and relatively obscure DC heroes.
Each level is a long, boring point - A-to-point-B button masher with zero difficulty in puzzle solving or problem resolution.
The mouse could use a few extra buttons for hardcore FPS games, and the keyboard's shallow keystrokes might not satisfy button mashers, but both left us happy during our gaming stints.
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