Sentences with phrase «button topic»

The phrase "button topic" refers to a subject or issue that tends to make people feel strong emotions or become easily upset when discussing it. Full definition
Since sugar is such a hot button topic in addition to healthy snack ideas, I'm also going to talk a bit about how to battle the sugar dragon.
Or how global cooling was the hot button topic of the 70's?
The lack of diversity in the legal profession has been a hot button topic for decades now and the industry has recently seen small gains.
You can see there are some hot button topics on this list.
Never post negativity and stay away from hot button topics such as religion and politics.
Smart cards are a hot button topic right now.
As far as what marriage is «supposed to look like» I think that's the hot - button topic here.
The wage gap is a very hot - button topic at the moment, and it is sure to continue to be so until the gap starts to close on the national level.
Safe driving is now a hot button topic throughout most of the nation as handheld devices, such as cell phones, continue to increase in popularity.
There are lots of hot button topics when it comes to parenting, and one that ranks pretty hot is whether or not to give kids an allowance.
This is sure to be a hot button topic today so make sure to hit the source links below for further instructions.
Auto safety and young family auto insurance has been a hot button topic ever since man first invented the automobile.
This is obviously a hot button topic for you.
Driving under the influence is a hot - button topic in many states no matter what time of year.
The hot - button topic of guns has figured prominently in the race.
You should keep away from hot - button topics such as your wife, kids, or anything too personal.
Another hot button topic throughout the festival was the question of empathy.
Property crime is always a hot button topic in society.
That notion of melding interesting, obscure or hot button topics with fan communities has proven so popular that it's lured hundreds of millions of users who generate tens of billions of page views annually, giving rise to a site slogan that plausibly reads «The front page of the internet.»
Immigration has been a hot - button topic since Trump's executive order to suspend refugee admissions and temporarily bar visitors from seven mostly Muslim countries.
Those are just a few of the hot - button topics discussed during the panel on the meta - topic «The Future of Capitalism and -LSB-...]
The legality of Harvick's car became a hot button topic almost immediately following the Pennzoil 400 when photos were posted on social media showing the upper right corner of the rear windshield having a dip.
Kitchens are always a hot - button topic because they're the heart of the home - everyone has a strong feeling View Post
And while guns may be a hot - button topic off - screen, they remain blandly par for the action - movie course, including in PG -13-rated movies like this.
Speaking of TCL, televisions were also a hot - button topic from Day One — Sony and Samsung showed off some seriously spectacular displays all the way up to 146 inches in 8K resolution.
These hot - button topics grab headlines, inspire polarizing discussions, and often get picked apart in ways that lead to more heat than light.
A number of years ago Collie Eye Anomaly was a hot - button topic among Australian Shepherd people.
Health insurance is a hot - button topic presently.
In short, you just don't talk about these kinds of hot - button topics if you want to keep conversations congenial.
The specter of privacy concerns has, of course, been a hot button topic for Apple over the decades, particularly as devices and apps demand more and more of our personal information.
it's funny the hot button topics on religion get hundreds of posts; the one about the catholic churuch discriminating against a gay couple get two pages of posts.
Device encryption is a hot button topic right now, due to the fact that Apple refuses to make tools for law enforcement to unlock encrypted iPhones.
Once in the E.U., immigrants can head where they like and Britain has seen an influx of about 330,000 people last year, most of them from the E.U. Immigration is certainly a hot - button topic here, but I believe it is a different topic than it is in Europe.
S. Woody, you have truly addressed a hot button topic with the whole gluten free thing.
Cryptocurrencies will be a hot - button topic at the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires this week.
«Games as a Service» has been a hot button topic in recent months, due to the creeping influence of free - to - play (or pay - to - win) elements in $ 60 premium games.
How does this impact hot button topics such as bedsharing and sleep training?
Timely, personal and eye - opening, this documentary takes a clear stance on a controversial issue - but more critically, it humanizes the hot button topic of gender identity.
Financial regulatory reform is a hot - button topic recently, the cause of much rancor in the Congress and amongst the public.
State funding for CUNY has been a hot - button topic since January, when Cuomo proposed transferring $ 485 million for operating CUNY colleges from the state's budget to the city's.
In a region where climate policy has shifted, Dow has learned to avoid hot button topics like the causes of climate change.
The comment, which appears to have been submitted falsely using the names of real people drawn from hacked emails lists, comprised almost 40 % of all of the comments submitted to the FCC on the hot button topic, data scientist Jeffrey Fossett, who analyzed the data, concluded.

Phrases with «button topic»

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