Sentences with phrase «carbon compounds»

The phrase "carbon compounds" refers to molecules that contain the element carbon. These molecules can be found in living organisms, fuels, plastics, and many other substances. Full definition
This is an important positive feedback on the carbon cycle (the exchange of carbon compounds throughout the climate system).
The products of this reaction are reduced carbon compounds in the form of short carbon chains.
Plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into carbon compounds and oxygen.
With plants it's not air over vocal cords, but carbon compounds released into the air.
They happily convert carbon compounds in their food to carbon dioxide, and also to very substantial quantities of methane, which is much worse than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
The surfaces of carbon planets may be covered with a layer of long - chain carbon compounds — in other words, something like crude oil or tar.
So why are carbohydrates important if the body can use other carbon compounds such as fatty acids and ketones as energy?
This gas is produced when carbon compounds, such as gasoline are not fully burned, as there is not enough oxygen present to form carbon dioxide.
What the researchers found was a mix of carbon compounds, plus one other thing: potassium — and that told them a lot.
The slow churning of the mantle pulls in carbon compounds from the ocean floor and spits out carbon dioxide in volcanic eruptions, regulating global climate.
C3 plants plants that produce a three - carbon compound during photosynthesis, including most trees and agricultural crops such as rice, wheat, soybeans, potatoes, and vegetables
However, the toys themselves provide a source of nutrients: the plastic materials — often low - quality polymers — release substantial amounts of organic carbon compounds.
«This study shows that corals do in fact influence the picoplankton community by selecting specific lineages of picoplankton for removal and also by potentially using the complex carbon compounds excreted by the coral to promote the growth of these lineages,» adds Rachel Parsons, a microbial oceanographer at BIOS and coauthor of the paper.
Study researcher Doug MacFarlane, from Monash University's School of Chemistry, said that learning what plants do with sunlight to produce carbon compound could pave way for researchers to develop artificially produced fuels.
«New method for identifying carbon compounds derived from fossil fuels: Technique may find many industrial applications and can be used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions..»
Clathrates might hold more carbon compounds than all the world's coal and oil.
Researchers from the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the University of Oslo in Norway reached that conclusion after comparing the four - pound (two - kilogram) extraterrestrial rock, ALH84001, with samples of earthly volcanic material — and discovering a matching pattern of minerals consistent with a chemical process that yields carbon compounds after rapid heating and cooling.
The fungus consumes carbon compounds released by tree roots, says the UW - Madison associate professor of botany and bacteriology, and in return helps the roots absorb soil nutrients.
«On the other hand, this increased activity can transform carbon compounds into forms more easily locked onto soil particles, allowing them to stay in the soil for longer periods of time.»
Formate may also have served as the first step toward forming reduced carbon compounds that were central to primitive biochemical pathways on early Earth.
Rather than wrenches, nuts and bolts, the drawers in the chemical industry's «toolbox» contain commonly used processes, such as ways to make carbon compounds or oxidation - reduction reactions.
Background Lemon juice — and the juice of most fruits, for that matter — contains carbon compounds.
In gas with extra carbon or too little oxygen, carbon compounds like carbides and graphite condense out instead of silicates, possibly explaining the origin of carbonaceous chondrites and suggesting the possibility of carbon planets.
Since the Advocates and the Opponents have a dispute over the impact of carbon compounds on the climate, it is most appropriate to take a look at the history of carbon now found in fossils.
Simulations for the experiments were projected over a 30 - year period and found that root - microbe interactions stimulated protection of carbon in soils where cold temperatures limited decomposition (high altitudes), and in regions like tropical South America where high soil clay content allowed carbon compounds to be locked onto mineral particles, protecting them from microbial decomposition.
While computer chips are typically made of bulky carbon compounds, scientists at the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry at Oregon State University are looking to replace these bulky compounds with metal oxides, which would allow more transistors to fit on a chip.
«Even more unusual, the matrix contains a high amount of very specific carbon compounds, called polyaromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH, a major component of interstellar dust, which existed even before our solar system was formed.
Each nuclear sample has a host of distinctive attributes, including the exact mix of impurities, the ratio of different radioactive isotopes, even embedded carbon compounds that indicate the sample's age.
Attendees at the astrobiology meeting in Arizona showcased an assortment of high - tech devices for next - generation exploration, ranging from microfluidic «life analyzers» and integrated nucleic acid extractors for studying «Martian metagenomics» to exquisitely sensitive, miniaturized organic chemistry labs for spotting tantalizing carbon compounds and minerals at microscopic scales.
The results revealed chlorinated carbon compounds, which probably formed inside SAM's oven.
Potassium salts appear to be good at getting carbon compounds to stick together.
According to the study, black carbon compounds have the potential to decrease the world's average temperature by 0.5 degree Celsius or warm it by 1.08 degrees C, depending on how it was produced.
These castoffs are a huge source of automotive - related pollution — the average used tire weighs 22.5 pounds and contains about two gallons of fuel, as well as other combustible carbon compounds.
Buckyballs, carbon compounds shaped like soccer balls, can survive between stars and absorb their light, astronomers announced, helping solve a nearly century - old mystery.
According to the geochemist, comets originate in the cool outer regions of the solar system where volatile water and carbon compounds condensed into ice.
Curiosity rover team members are now reasonably confident that contaminants brought from Earth can not entirely explain certain carbon compounds Curiosity spotted in martian rock.
Methanogenic organisms such as M. barkeri are of interest because they are involved in the anaerobic breakdown of organic matter under sulfate - limiting conditions and are essential for recycling carbon compounds and maintaining Earth's global carbon flux.
A kind of symbiosis, or «living together» has developed, where vent organisms provide a secure «house» for the bacteria, who in turn, provide carbon compounds to the host animal.
Computer simulations confirmed the readings, proving that AFM technology is well - suited to conducting chemical analyses of impurity atoms in the promising two - dimensional carbon compounds.
Why It Matters: All bacteria studied here may play previously unrecognized roles in hydrogen production, sulfur cycling, and fermentation of sedimentary carbon compounds.
BMW also offers carbon compound wheels for the GTS, which save 7kgs of unsprung weight.
A hot, high - pressure gun fires a tungsten and carbon compound onto the braking surface of a regular cast iron brake disc.
Moving closer to the pavement, we find this tester comes equipped with a rather sizable brake package, including large multi-piston calipers and drilled discs created from what appears to be a ceramic carbon compound.
Like in Formula 1 racing, these components, which were fine - tuned in the wind tunnel, are manufactured from an especially light yet very strong carbon compound.
«We now have evidence from the Earth's history that a similar event happened fifty - five million years ago when a geological accident released into the air more than a terraton of gaseous carbon compounds... we have already put more than half this quantity of carbon gas into the air... and as a consequence the Earth is now returning to the hot state it was in before, millions of years ago, and as it warms, most living things will die.»
After all, before carbon compounds became converted to fossils, they first, by definition, had to have been incorporated in living materials.
There are ten million naturally occurring carbon compounds (more than all the other elements of the periodic table combined), and beyond these, man is finding that there are almost limitless opportunities to come up with new products using carbon - from fantastic nanotubes composed of the toughest stuff known to making better tennis racquets.
All the foods we produce and eat are carbon products - and that not only includes our carbo (n) hydrates, but all the fats and proteins in our food are made of carbon compounds too.
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