Sentences with phrase «carbon future»

The phrase "carbon future" refers to a future where we reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and focus on using renewable and sustainable sources of energy. It means moving away from activities that release high amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, like burning coal or oil, and shifting towards cleaner alternatives to protect the environment and fight climate change. Full definition
A study released this week finds that the global chemical industry has the possibility to make an important contribution to a low carbon future.
This global point of view extends to action on climate change and the economic potential inherent in pursuing a clean energy, low - carbon future for our children.
It is important to make the point here that electric vehicles are still a key (if not central) part of a low - carbon future in any country.
Under the current approach these would lock economies and the planet into a costly high carbon future and undermine a green new deal that could pave the way out of economic recession.
Coal is the most exposed to a low - carbon future given its highly CO2 - intense nature and readily available alternatives in the power sector.
If we make the low - carbon future look too sexy we are probably kidding ourselves at best.
Investors and policymakers who ignore the consensus to shift to a lower - carbon future do so at their peril.
The debate around a low - carbon future typically assumes that choices benefiting the environment come with a price tag.
Yes, it is imperative that the curriculum content addresses these issues in a holistic way, as integrated social, economical and environmental sustainability is central to the low carbon future.
We're not being offered a «high carbon future» because none of the political parties have any idea about how to deliver optimistic plans.
Well, as the largest city in the Lone Star state, Houston is transitioning towards a low carbon future by taking lead on tackling climate change.
The very use of Ven implies greater demand for future carbon projects, by helping to stimulate demand for carbon futures at large.
The letter sends a strong message that the American business community is poised to keep fighting for a low - carbon future even if the US government won't.
From sink to source: regional variation in US forest carbon futures.
Eliminating fossil fuel subsidies can accelerate the economic shift needed to tackle climate change and remove one of the obstacles to delivering the low - carbon future COP21 is aiming for.
Meet the lighter, more powerful BMW M3 CRT, and the man behind M and its new lightweight carbon future
«I want to say thank you to Green Car Journal, not just for honoring Accord, but for shining a spotlight on the environment and our shared vision for an ultra-low carbon future
With the decline of conventional oil and the upswing of production of unconventional oil, we are moving towards a high carbon future without a full awareness of what we are doing.
- Major focus on renewables: renewable energy is vital to steer the energy system to the low - carbon future envisioned in the Paris agreement.
Executive Director of C40 Cities, Mark Watts, said: «Tackling climate change and unleashing the economic, social and health potential of a low carbon future requires radical and urgent action.
The Obama administration succumbed, like many others, to a sort of magical climate thinking that promised a painless and even prosperous transition to a low - carbon future with the tools already at hand.
It is about how the small group of committed entrepreneurs introduced in Small is Possible managed to keep their dream alive and thriving through the economic recession, emerging with a model of what a sustainable local economy might look like in a post carbon future.
Give it up Al, the world is on to you and your phony carbon futures.
Advantages to both parties created by the Ven as the means of exchange for the transaction include greater international pricing stability and an implied carbon offset resulting from the basket of carbon futures, commodities and leading currency components which determine ongoing Ven values.
As people interested in achieving a low - carbon future know, Brad Plumer was recently hired by the New York Times to work on its energy and climate desk.
And as the economic threat of climate change comes into increasing focus, and as the business opportunities inherent in a low carbon future become ever more apparent, we can expect to see even more leaders speaking out on this issue.
Will economics (e.g., new solar power cheaper than coal power) and trade (most - of - the world international agreement on tariffs based on CO2 production) drive the US too to a lower - carbon future despite Trump?
This book provides a roadmap to a lower carbon future based on encouraging bottom - up initiatives at national, regional and global levels, leveraging national self - interest rather than wishful thinking.
«This signals the era of unabated coal is coming to an end, and a low carbon future for coal with CCS can now begin,» he said.
IIGCC mission is to mobilise capital for the low carbon future by amplifying the investor voice and collaborating with business, policymakers and investors.
These issues were discussed last November at a conference on strategic materials for a low - carbon future at the University of Oxford.
The research appeared online this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in an article titled, «Strategic siting and regional grid interconnections key to low - carbon futures in African countries.»
«There is a great opportunity for the private sector to invest in a low carbon future for Africa, using market forces to bring innovative technologies so that the continent can develop in a sustainable way,» said Dirk Forrister, the President and CEO of International Emissions Trading Association, a business organization focused on greenhouse gas emissions trading.
«This government will continue to seize these opportunities as the world moves towards a low carbon future, and will set out ambitious proposals in the upcoming Clean Growth Plan,» Harrington added.
A strong and thriving B.C. mining industry can continue to play a pivotal leadership role in Canada's transition to a clean tech, lower - carbon future, for the benefit of all British Columbians.
«That means that trustees need access to passive or systematic indexes that take account of how companies are preparing for a low carbon future and can engage with those that aren't doing enough to adjust.
The development of this new global asset class is an opportunity to advance a low carbon future...».
On April 2, 2018, the New York State Comptroller issued a press release announcing that the Company has agreed to detail how they will be impacted by the global effort to achieve the Paris Agreement's goals and how they can adapt to a lower carbon future.
In December 2014, Carbon War Room (CWR) merged with the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)-- a US - based NGO, dedicated to transforming global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low - carbon future — and together, they work across all energy sectors to accelerate the energy transition and reduce carbon emissions.
CWR developed long - term clean energy roadmaps for Aruba, San Andrés and Providencia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Saint Lucia to build low - carbon futures.
From fighting industrial fossil fuel projects and raising thousands of dollars for First Nation's legal challenges, to mobilizing tens of thousands of voters in the last three elections and promoting rooftop solar energy in Metro Vancouver municipalities, our community organizing projects empower local leaders, constituents and volunteers to to accelerate the Lower Mainland's transition to a just and democratic low - carbon future.
We also recognize electrification of home heating to be integral to a low - carbon future.
Companies, municipalities and countries are getting serious about building a low - carbon future, and they're increasingly using green bonds to finance climate - friendly projects.
«The report shows Alberta can make that shift away from coal, but there has to be leadership from government,» said Merran Smith, executive director of Clean Energy Canada, which is working for a low - carbon future.
People all over the world, both in positions of power and not, seem to believe that there is room for debate on the issues of climate change, humanity's involvement and the need to transition to a low - carbon future.
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