Sentences with phrase «case preparation»

The sheer amount of material they accumulate during the course of case preparation can be overwhelming.
Our 30 years of experience at trial allows us to have great confidence in case preparation and presentation.
We have learned that success in workplace injury cases comes from careful case preparation and hard work.
Our law firm has no peer when it comes to in - depth investigation, thorough case preparation, negotiations with opposing counsel and persuasive presentations before judge and jury.
Known for our attention to detail and diligent case preparations, our traffic lawyer invests the necessary time and resources into protecting your driving record and future.
If client receives a money settlement, client is responsible for costs incurred during case preparation.
While the data required for case preparation no longer resides solely in easy - to - use filing cabinets, it is not inaccessible.
Participants also should anticipate some evening group study and case preparation assignments.
By contrast, developing tools for the research and case preparation elements of their advisory work have seen notably much less innovation for lawyers.
Our firm uses our trial experience and case preparation skills to provide comprehensive criminal law services.
We are known for using thorough and comprehensive case preparation.
Every client's case is given the full attention and focus of the legal team at the firm, with careful defense case preparation and presentation.
They are responsible for scheduling client - attorney meetings and also manage attorneys court schedule to ensure case preparations are concluded before a trial.
Consulting with us is also a primer in case preparation for the future.
He advocates thorough case preparation as the surest path to case resolution by settlement or verdict.
Many referring attorneys choose Jacobs & Jacobs to handle complex personal injury cases because of the firm's meticulous case preparation and ability to provide for all the needs of their clients.
Supports case preparation by preparing case summaries and materials for mediation conferences, preparing pleadings, etc..
At the Law Offices of Bennie D. Rush, P.C., we believe that careful case preparation leads to success.
Document Preparation: Assisted attorneys in the timely drafting and filing of legal documents and correspondence supporting case preparation for court appearances, hearings, depositions, trials and meetings.
Leaving aside this reassuring rhetoric, it will of course ultimately be the judiciary's choice whether it robustly demands proper case preparation by a prosecutor to ensure there that the court has sufficient information about the company's criminality or whether it drifts into passivity and so follows the US road.
I possess extensive knowledge of SQL, UNIX, DB2 and SDLC that includes test plan and test case preparation.
Additional benefits of the laser tomography method are its speed, on the order of minutes, and that in most cases no preparation is required for the small biological specimens studied.
The Academy includes topics such as search warrants, evidence collection and preservation, crime scene photography, advanced report - writing, court case preparations, and crime scene scenario investigations.
Since early disposition through the use of ADR is a key element of Rule 5, practice under Rule 5 will require early case preparation and evaluation, a practical knowledge of ADR processes, and effective communication with the client regarding case resolution opportunities.
The Layfield Law Firm, LLC has represented many personal injury victims and will work hard to provide the most thorough case preparation possible.
As a Barrister she is especially recognized by her instructing solicitors for her insightful advice and guidance in effective case preparation whilst fully appreciating the challenges faced by solicitors and all clients in this increasingly demanding and complex jurisdiction.
You will not pay attorneys» fees or case preparation costs if you do not recover money in a settlement or jury verdict.
The attorneys of Boyle Brasher LLC understand that in a litigation practice case preparation leads to performance, and performance leads to results.
Unlike large - volume personal injury firms, which adopt an impersonal, assembly - line attitude toward case preparation, our approach to each case is highly individualized and tailored to the specific facts of the case and the particular needs of the client.
«Very skilled» consultant Sian Warren is an «expert in catastrophic injuries» and rated for her «assiduous case preparation».
Bob Ambrogi: And a couple of years ago you licensed TopForm, bankruptcy case preparation feature, tell me a little bit more about what that is and what you see as significant about that as a product.
Bankruptcy Cases: No upfront fees if requested to begin case preparation.
Ultimately, Jimmy recommended that APB enhance the quality of client case preparation prior to clinic consultations, and client case assessment during clinic consultations.
Among the possible reasons for the disparity were «the use of integrated teams by the public defender» and the lack of «financial incentives» offered to private attorneys to support adequate case preparation.
• Maintained records of parties» interactions for case preparation purposes.
Skills include surveillance, interview and interrogation case preparation, staff training and executive protection.
• Intricately investigated internal divisional misconduct to include internal investigations, hearing coordination and auditing, researched personal property initiatives, and civil / criminal case preparation.
Case preparation means information management, and good information management wins cases and helps eliminate excess legal fees.
LegalLogs is a 24/7 online service providing the newest case preparation technology for clients facing a divorce or child custody action.
One can understand the frustration of judges when bundles are badly prepared / late / missing, but save in the most affluent of cases the preparation of bundles will often be onerous and time - consuming particularly in cases involving litigants in person (where the respondent, if legally represented, now has to prepare the bundle if the applicant is unrepresented).
Proper case preparation for CHF cases is a must.
Diligent case preparation, without question, involves thorough research of pertinent case law and legislation, but with advancing resources such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and content tagging, the pragmatism of preparation becomes much more time efficient.
A recommendation letter written for a legal intern should hold information of how well the intern knows about the legal world (terminology, precedence etc.) and how he has been able to use this information during case preparation.
At detail level it can be described as Identifying and documenting requirements, Requirement Analysis, Test Approach, Test Estimation, Planning, Test Scenarios and Test Case preparation, Test Data Planning and Pr...
The Layfield Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to helping car accident victims receive compensation for their injuries and suffering and works closely with clients knowing careful case preparation is important when dealing with the court system and insurance companies.
Among quality legal services we have offered to students for the past 30 - plus years are in - depth investigation of charges, thorough case preparation, negotiations to reduce or dismiss those charges and aggressive advocacy in a courtroom if necessary.
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