Sentences with phrase «case situation»

Volunteers sometimes work in particularly volatile environments, so it can be important to have coverage for emergency evacuation in case the situation in the country becomes overly hostile or dangerous.
Also, having a home birth would provide only the need to come home from work creating a worse case situation of 25 minutes.
There are other ones that are a case by case situation such as applying to rent an apartment or requesting a credit limit increase.
It is common sense; the more you pay, the more you get back in case a situation calls for it.
And in a worse case situation such as a street robbery, the attacker will only be able to get what you have on you at the time.
In case a situation arises where the interest rates fall below those that were pre-approved, the lenders usually offer the lower rate.
In many cases this situation will worsen with further climate change and ecosystem degradation.
Worst case situation although, is that you download a virus that kills your really hard drive and possibly these of your good friends with whom you have shared the post.
This is a case by case situation depending on what specific Award Order you have for lost wages.
So keep your nominee informed of the term plan and also advise what to do with it in case the situation does arise.
You must also establish a backup career development plan, in case your situation changes.
Make sure that you are available if it does go long and don't have anything scheduled directly after the interview in case this situation occurs.
However, in most cases this situation remains more the exception than the rule.
Project out A / C unit has expected worst case situation 4 years left from when you bought.
Being the attached mom that I am, I have instructed her to call me in case the situation arises.
Agreeing on major issue before you are even married can help you in the worst case situations of death or divorce.
That makes the Packers moneyline (+240) a potentially interesting bet, but conspiracy theorists may be interested to know that the best case situation for sportsbooks would see the Cardinals winning but failing to cover.
Is this something you see happening with other Project - H titles that have been scanlated before, or was it a special case situation when the scanlators approached you?
The FHO is the last case situation when pain can not be controlled or tolerated.
Captives often don't have access to products and services that meet the needs of people with edge case situations.
But hey, at least I'm not trying to write in French — in which case the situation would be even more difficult.
ÚS 19/08, Lisbon Treaty I], it is not possible to do otherwise than to find in relation to the consequences of the [CJEU's judgment in the Landtová Case] for similar cases that in its [the CJEU's] case the situation where an act of an institution of the EU exceeded the competences transferred to the EU by virtue of Article 10a of the Czech Constitution occurred, that an act ultra vires was occurred».
We feel investors should be ready with a small gold equity position in case this situation develops, or suggest they do their homework so they can react quickly should the forecast Fed rate rise damage the economy.
«If the lenses are worn too long or worn while sleeping, they can cause redness, infections, and in worst - case situations corneal ulcers.»
Remember that without feeling good, it can leave an uneasy feeling for the entire meeting.It's important to have your own method of transportation, just in case a situation feels uncomfortable and you need to leave.
So, long story short, she's holding Zillah with one hand, the shower sprayer in the other, she has her good friend, Mark, there to help just in case this situation goes south.
Insured renters in Redmond will be better prepared to handle these worst case situations since they have help on their side.
Meeting new patients, the triage and different case situation.
My areas of expertise include play therapy, expressive arts therapy, domestic violence, sexual abuse, anger management, grief, ADHD, self - harm, LGBTQ populations, dealing with divorce issues and on a case by case situations court advocacy and testimony.
Knowledge of ethical issues in mediation, including standards of practice and review of common case situations, in order to practice in an ethical manner, and avoid areas of potential liability;
Later Toni will assume the fake job of life coach, a wildly tangled Tommy Wiseau - vian wig perched on his head, jacked - up joke teeth in his mouth, whoopee cushion at the ready in case the situation calls for artfully positioned farts.
Nor is it a sort of special case situation in which David Blunkett, say, should have been allowed to flip his guide dog or Diane Abbott to be reimbursed for hair relaxer and / or skin bleaching compounds.
However, given the potential reactions and newer and safer alternatives in many case situations, I give this prescription antibiotic an overall rating / efficacy of a 2.5 with a taste / ease of use of a 4.
Bitcoin Core 0.11.0 and 0.12.0 both refined the fee estimation software, and Bitcoin 0.14.0 now includes another set of improvements, which in particular makes the algorithm more robust in edge case situations.
Say your robotic car finds itself in a worst - case situation where it has to hit either a motorcyclist wearing a helmet or one riding bareheaded.
All other types of secured loans will be analyzed on a case by case situation.
They start thinking about worse case situations.
I would like to see a Ford model more in the line of a Jeep Grand Cherokee competitor — five passenger, some cargo space, and some off - road capability in case the situation calls for it.
«A boycott for me is a case - by - case situation,» said Steve Forcum, another Uber deleter.
Arsene Wenger is conscious about two things the Wenger players («arteta, wilshere, flamini») and the french players in this case the situation of giroud is something he will always defend it.
In either case this situation often leaves the RW lacking which is no problem for Wenger — he does not place an emphasis on wing play — but for many fans it does not seem ideal to just abandon one wing.
This could be messy at best and very dangerous in a worst - case situation, so it's best to avoid the chances altogether.
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