Sentences with phrase «charter expansion»

"Charter expansion" refers to the process or action of increasing or extending the number of charter schools in a particular area or region. Full definition
Half of voters felt the cap on charter schools should be increased versus 41 percent who were not in favor of charter expansion.
It's hard to see a path for charter expansion, however, that doesn't do far more harm than good.
Third, I assess the effect of charter proximity on historically underperforming students at district schools, a population often referenced in debates over charter expansion.
If I read the phrase «a national model for school reform» one more time in the context of rapid charter expansion, I may scream.
But yes, the resistance is fierce from suburban families who think their schools are perfect, and philanthropic foundations have not been focused on supporting suburban charter expansion.
The teachers union raised its dues to fight it and commissioned a study to battle charter expansion.
But rather than solving the underlying challenges, excessive charter expansion undermines public school systems.
The public also deserves a more level playing field when it comes to students served by charters and the financial impact of charter expansion.
That leaves me fearful of the upcoming referendum on charter expansion in Massachusetts.
In this new climate, teachers unions openly organized against charter expansion in Massachusetts, Washington State, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and elsewhere.
With this in mind, the Los Angeles Times Howard Blume wrote «Thousands of LAUSD teachers» jobs would be at risk with charter expansion plan» last week.
The war of words intensified last week at the Huffington Post when American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten attacked LA charter expansion as «part of a coordinated national...
Short version: Task force members are still very concerned about charter expansion.
TRENTON, NJ — In response to the ongoing debate on proposed charter school regulation changes and subsequent calls for a moratorium on charter expansion at the State Board of Education meeting today, several education advocacy organizations and charter school parents offered the following statements:
Remember, this year's Los Angeles School Board race was the most expensive school board election in U.S. history, as the powerful charter lobby ran candidates in an ultimately successful effort to gain a pro-charter majority on the board in this city that is desperately fighting against charter expansion and the subsequent financial strangling of Los Angeles Unified School District.
But Felder said there's no rush and suggested the issue be dealt with after the budget is adopted, along with charter expansion.
Two days later, Rangel voted for the «Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act» in the House of Representatives to fund charter expansion.
«We had to convince voters of the value of charter expansion while [the other side] simply needed to falsely position charters as the root cause of local school funding issues.»
In all likelihood, the strongest objection would come from UTLA, the LA teachers union, a group that fights charter expansion as part of its DNA.
The war of words intensified last week at the Huffington Post when American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten attacked LA charter expansion as «part of a coordinated national effort to decimate public schooling by rigging the system against neighborhood public schools and the students they serve.»
The only reason to create such a commission is to push charter expansion at the fastest possible pace, regardless of the impact on traditional schools or North Carolina's children.
As a result, the charters are feeling the heat, especially during «walk - ins» organized by the union, where students, parents, and teachers have protested charter expansion.
Teachers unions are mobilizing to block charter expansion in state legislatures and through collective bargaining agreements with local districts.
Advocates argue that charter expansion not only meets the needs of students currently on lengthy waiting lists, but also can improve performance at all public schools due to increased competition and opportunities to innovate and share successful strategies.
Last summer, after its convention attendees approved the draft resolution, a national coalition of local civil rights groups called the Journey for Justice Alliance issued a statement affirming the need to halt charter expansion.
We question why this big of an increase this year, when we are cash - strapped and moving on to an even bigger deficit next year, and what is the criteria CPS is using to make decisions around charter expansion?
We also report on a victory against for - profit charter expansion in Florida, and efforts to stop a district takeover in Mississippi.
In another sign of weakening support for Question 2 among Democrats, a different poll taken in April found 45 percent of the Democrats supporting charter expansion and 34 percent against.
The NAACP national executive board passed a resolution on Saturday calling for a moratorium on new charter expansion, and increased public accountability for charter schools.
If Zimmer loses to challenger Kate Anderson, both sides agree, that will permanently tip the scales 4 to 3 in favor of a board that pushes for more charter expansion and data based teacher evaluations.KPCC Donations From Independent Groups Shaping City, LAUSD Elections Independent...
In several weeks, two states — Massachusetts and Georgia — will vote on state ballot measures to allow charter expansion.
Larger management organizations, which have traditionally fueled a major portion of Bay Area charter expansion, are increasingly rethinking their growth plans in order to refine and improve their models.
In a new article for Education Next, Robin Lake, Trey Cobb, Roohi Sharma, and Alice Opalka of the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) study the factors holding back charter growth in the Bay Area of San Francisco, where the recent slowdown in charter expansion mirrors the national trend.
Because real estate is at such a premium in renaissance New York, the Bloomberg - era charter expansion was facilitated by co-location, the practice of giving charters unused space in district school buildings.
Clearly, asking funders to just keep bankrolling charter expansion is not enough.
Sweden's problems should temper the enthusiasm of reformers for free entry of new schools or even large - scale charter expansion.
«If New York City has been a national model for growing charters, I think Mayor de Blasio is laying out a blueprint for killing charter expansion,» said Phillips, whose school network serves New York and Connecticut.
While the board will not vote on the new applications for at least another month, any public discussion on the requests could provide valuable insights into the board's latest sentiments on charter expansion by an outside group and on more charters, in general.
In hindsight, the mayor could have gotten away with blocking several thousand charter expansion seats while winning applause from his many anti-charter supporters.
The latest evidence: a 7 - 0 vote last week to oppose the Great Public Schools Now charter expansion plan.
Hall County's charter expansion started about six years ago as an attempt to deal with dramatic demographic changes.
We also are asking them to stop charter expansion and to stop handing over these schools to politically connected, under - performing charter networks.»
So its September 11 editorial favoring continued charter expansion was unsurprising.
Others, like charter expansion and school closures, did not live up to the promise Clinton hoped for.
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