Sentences with phrase «charter proposal»

«We've carried through that at every step to bring us the highest quality partners who know how to evaluate charter proposals,» he added.
In this capacity, Dana leads oversight of the district's authorizing practices, including the approval and denial of charter proposals, execution of charter contracts, and the monitoring of school performance and legal compliance.
Authorizers in Florida are just now completing their review of new charter proposals using a much more robust process, and we are hearing that authorizers are making better decisions about which schools to open based on better information.
But eight years into her crusade, Eva S. Moskowitz is locked in combat with a new mayor, Bill de Blasio, who repeatedly singled her out on the campaign trail as the embodiment of what he saw was wrong in schooling, and who last week followed his word with deed, canceling plans for three of her schools in New York City while leaving virtually all other charter proposals untouched.
Whether it is the Trade Union Bill or the BBC Charter proposals, it seems nothing must stand in the way of winning the referendum.
Although the group had signatures from 275 of 442 parents, 62 percent of those with children in the school, the Compton school board voted 5 — 1 against the McKinley charter proposal, citing a variety of technicalities.
Mesa sends policy staff members to the state department of education to study charter proposals, checking up on the competition.
Families for Excellent Schools, the group that advocates on behalf of Success, said in a press release that the Department of Education has rejected 12 charter proposals for space this year, and rejected 44 last year before they could be voted on by the city's Panel for Educational Policy.
Superintendent Jen Cheatham, who supported the latest charter proposal, has done a good job of setting goals and measuring for results.
Three additional charter proposals, from Magnolia Public Schools, were pulled in advance of the school board meeting because they had been recommended for denial.
Joey Garrison reported on the two rural charter proposals and also on a slate of new charters proposed and approved for Nashville.
State charter authorizers have the power to overrule district decisions to deny charter proposals.
First charter proposal combining neurotypical and autism spectrum students Members of Tapestry Charter School founding group presenttheir petition...
The new charter proposal also calls for Memorial to team with outside agencies to enhance parent involvement, teacher training, and tutoring.
We normally like to wrap up our week in the news by showcasing some of the stories that feature our charter schools statewide, whether noting their back to school programs, upcoming charter proposals, or recognition for excellence.
Bennett also pledged his office would soon have a real - time, public spreadsheet available on its website of charter proposals, showing who had applied for charter schools and what stage of the process the application is in.
One of the most interesting new charter proposals might be Pathways, the brainchild of longtime LAUSD teacher Erica Hamilton, who's worked in South LA.
But while other charter proposals have languished, leading Democratic legislators said there is momentum gaining for a more comprehensive overhaul of the 1996 charter law that could loosen some restrictions and add others.
Albany County residents choose their legislators and county executive and will pass judgment on a charter proposal.
Unions sometimes claim to «support» charter proposals, but these are strategic moves designed to head off something much worse: vouchers.
These include greedy charter operators keener to make a quick buck at public expense than to educate children; inept operators whose schools are fiscally disastrous and academically inadequate; sponsors that exercise little care in reviewing charter proposals or monitoring the schools» progress; and supporters who press sponsors to leave the schools alone — even to renew their charters — notwithstanding their organizational, financial, and instructional failures.
When the contentious and costly ballot campaign was over last week, the charter proposal was steamrolled by a margin of nearly 2 - to - 1.
The charter proposal is thoughtful.
What if 10 charter proposals were submitted that met the required criteria?
At SUNY, Heather led the charter proposal review process and designed systems and strategies to support new schools, as well as participated in the on - going qualitative oversight and evaluation of schools seeking renewal.
But only one charter proposal — a Success Academy school — has actually been rejected by the PEP.
The next step is for LaVerne Elementary to formally submit its charter proposal to the school district.
The Adelanto School District must approve the charter proposal if it deems it meets the state's requirements, including a sound fiscal plan and appropriate curriculum.
Unions are quick to point out that, in Shanker's mind, charters would employ unionized teachers, would have union representatives on charter authorizing boards, and all charter proposals would include plans for «faculty decision - making.»
«Did you know that teachers in public schools are required to have degrees to teach, and in this charter proposal, they wouldn't have to?»
«I have serious concerns about the charter proposal, especially the parts about charter admission requirements that fail to give our own students preference,» Saddleback Valley president Suzie Swartz said before she and her fellow board members unanimously voted no.
Also, the Tennessee BATs (Badass Teachers) are promoting attendance at the meeting to express opposition to the charter proposal.
It is unclear how or whether the TEA might respond to the withdrawal of the charter proposal.
On Wednesday, the day after the board meeting, all charges were dropped against the two women, and the board announced that it was withdrawing the charter proposal.
It is for this reason that charter authorization is a core component of our work, including the selection of the charter evaluation team members who are responsible for objectively vetting applicants and providing recommendations to the ASD on approval or denial of each charter proposal.
It also awarded extra points in 2015 and 2016 to charter proposals that met «strategic priorities.»
The department is expected to make a decision on the charter proposal in November.
Principal Marco Curiel said the campus will submit to the district a new charter proposal that involves major changes.
He was elected on a progressive platform that included a charter proposal that eliminated the old ward system and introduced the commission form of government Portland has today.
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