Sentences with phrase «charter renewal»

"Charter renewal" refers to the process of reviewing and extending an agreement or contract, called a charter, between a governing body or organization and another entity. It usually involves reviewing the terms and making decisions about whether to continue the existing arrangement for a certain period of time. Full definition
This was a significant accomplishment, and we are now actively preparing for our 15 - year charter renewal in the 2019 - 2020 school year.
An initial charter is up to three years, and charter renewal contracts may be up to five years based on school performance.
As part of the process for charter renewal (which expires at the end of 2016) the culture secretary, John Whittingdale, has recruited eight experts, among them former Channel 5 chair and chief executive Dawn Airey and Dame Colette Bowe, the former chairwoman of the regulator Ofcom, to oversee a «root - and - branch» review of the public broadcaster.
All five of these schools were denied charter renewals by the LA Unified school board last month.
Recently, our School District's Charter School Office recommended that the School Reform Commission, (Philadelphia's school board) accepts Shoemaker's charter renewal application.
For Charter Schools, school authorizers have weighed very heavily the test scores of students in charter renewals.
In 2013, the Texas Charter Schools Association took a strong stand and supported the Texas Legislature's passage of Senate Bill 2, which requires the commissioner of education to close charter schools failing to meet state financial and academic standards for three consecutive years or at the time of charter renewal.
Last week I co-presented a webinar on garnering support for charter renewal with my colleague from San Jose, Alicia Gallegos.
This week's agenda includes: Tribute to teacher Janie Naranjo - Hall, update on Oakland Public School Pledge (formerly Equity Pledge), update on equity policy, update on Math in OUSD, civics instruction, charter renewal petition, and more...
In the current rapidly changing state and federal accountability landscape where the criteria assessing school performance is in transition, we know student learning remains the most important factor during charter renewal, and for parents and families deciding on the school that best meets the needs of their child.
Meanwhile, Thea Bowman Leadership Academy survived a rocky year and received a one year provisional charter renewal from Ball State.
This week's agenda includes: Superintendent work plan year end report, new Superintendent contract approval, COVA charter renewal denial, East Bay College Fund / Oakland Promise report, and more...
Senate Bill 1263 is seeking to resolve an issue in a specific district, exacerbates many charter schools facilities challenges, creates more work and uncertainty for charter schools when they face charter renewal, and draws resources away from educating students to thrive.
In March, Whittingdale told the Oxford Media Convention how carefully his department was looking at the responses to a BBC Charter renewal public consultation.
Charter renewal doesn't have to be like House of Cards
The Conservative manifesto pledges to freeze the BBC licence fee «pending Charter renewal» but the new Culture Secretary John Whittingdale MP has previously said it should be scrapped.
What were once routine charter renewals became ordeals.
A decade later, restarts are providing charter school boards with an opportunity to effectively and proactively address poor academic performance well before charter renewal and closure become issues.
For schools nearing the end of their current charter term, CEI can help prepare your renewal application, conduct mock school visits to prepare for your authorizer review, and address any issues raised by the authorizer required to gain charter renewal.
I want to salute the California Charter Schools Association, which recently announced an accountability proposal that links charter renewal to student achievement and growth.
Zimmer noted that the school board took a «leap of faith» in approving Green Dot charter renewals and said their two schools on this state list indicate «this should green - light more collaboration and I hope that it won't be punitive, and would be a lot of engagement.»
She had multifaceted leadership roles at TCCA which included Admissions, Student and Family Relations, Building and Business Operations, After School Programming, coordinating 2011 RIDE charter renewal data binders and organizing community appeal.
Charter and KIPP New Orleans Leadership Academy, the state board made charter renewal contingent on contract riders addressing particular concerns.
Schools that transition into their own LEA can not fold back into OPSB control until their next charter renewal, which is 10 years for most schools.
We trust he will recuse himself on AF's charter renewal votes based on his conflict of interest.
Regardless of Admistad Academy's status, the State's own charter renewal report documented educational concerns and overlooked substantial problems.
In addition to «overlooking» state requirements that charters serve a requisite number or special education and English Language Learners, and that charters are not supposed to be over-concentrated in a limited number of municipalities, the State Board has rubber - stamped charter renewals, even when they fail to meet the standards set forth in their charter authorization.
Even a new policy the state board announced, which applies to charter renewals only and not initial approvals, fails to require that charters serve the same students that their host district public schools serve.
AdvancED informally partnered with the GaDOE to assess the needs of the Charter Schools Division and developed a common framework aligned to both the GaDOE's requirements for Charter System charter renewals and the AdvancED External Review protocol.
This meeting's agenda includes: Asian Pacific Islander and Latina / o Achievement, school merger proposal, enrollment impact analysis, enrollment stabilization plan, LPS and Civicorps Academy Charter Renewals.
In this role, she leads the comprehensive charter renewal review process, which includes reviewing renewal applications, conducting site visit focus groups and classroom observations, drafting renewal recommendation reports, and defending renewal recommendations.
Upon charter renewal (anticipated summer 2018), the DRAC will likely shift focus to more technical aspects of demand response, leading to supporting the Council in development of the supply curves for the Eighth Power Plan.
In keeping with this covenant, the California Charter Schools Assn. has established an accountability framework and minimum criteria for charter renewal.
The State Board of Education (SBE) met this week in Sacramento, and members heard an update on California's charter renewal process and Public Charter Schools Grant Program, and the federal compliance requirements set by the U.S. Department of Education.
A proof point for alternative education, Phoenix Chelsea receives an unconditional 5 - year renewal of its charter
The discussions have become more frequent in the run - up to next month's board meeting on charter renewals, when 34 schools will face a vote.
School board member Richard Vladovic rattled off low scores or graduation rates, or high suspension rates, from all of the schools up for their five - year charter renewals but paid particular attention to reclassification rates for English language learners.
Charter renewal denials can be appealed to the County, which has the authority to overrule a school board decision.
During the 2015 legislative session, the Association worked with lawmakers to consider progress towards academic performance expectations as one of the most important factors in determining charter renewal.
«We've had a charter renewal process which has been littered with wild kites flown, which we can not see whether the string is held by the Secretary of State, but the suspicion is that actually it's people very close to him,» he said.
Sir Michael Lyons, who chaired the BBC Trust from 2007 to 2011, said the Corporation had been trying to «hedge its bets» ahead of the White Paper published today on its charter renewal.
Director general is expected to promote James Purnell, heavily involved in the charter renewal talks with the government
I am here to ask that you support the charter renewal for our campus.
Partnering with CSDC allowed McCurdy to move into a new 39,000 square foot facility in June, 2017, which was critical to securing its charter renewal.

Phrases with «charter renewal»

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