Sentences with phrase «charter seats»

The measure would direct state education officials to give priority to applications in the lowest - performing 25 percent of school districts and those with long waiting lists for charter seats.
They believe the district is rejecting bids to open new charters out of fear that a push to double the number of charter seats in L.A. could harm the district's bottom line.
James Merriman, the C.E.O. of the New York City Charter School Center, said last week that the new slots, combined with charter networks that are planning to expand, will allow for about 60,000 new charter seats in New York City over the next several years.
That includes 15 in the first year and 16 in 2011, when it used expanded seats available under the 2010 Achievement Gap Act that doubled the number of charter seats in the state's lowest - performing districts.
The case study is an important contribution to a relatively new field, examining how one successful charter authorizer is advancing student achievement and increasing the number of high - quality charter seats available.
Buffalo should be clamoring for more charter seats.
The figure is largely based on State Board of Education data on the number of student applications for charters and the number of charter seats available in the 2010 - 11 school year.
Thousands of parents and teachers descended on Foley Square to demand that de Blasio get behind charter school proponents» plans to increase the number of charter seats across the city to 200,000 by 2020.
By a 7 - 1 vote, the State Board of Education turned down a request Wednesday from three charter schools for 57 additional charter seats at a cost of $ 627,000.
That bill remains on suspense in the state Senate while an Assembly policy committee is expected to consider companion legislation from Chau next week that would give school districts authorizing new charters a seat on the new entity's board.
His group's One Million Lives program aims to open up high - performing charter seats for one million additional students — a strategy that leans heavily on closing the bad charters.
Studies that account for student background by assigning charter seats on the basis of applicant lotteries — research generally considered the gold standard for social science — have provided some of the strongest evidence for positive charter effects.
And let's be real: The Big Apple needs a real «revolution» that involves more than adding charter seats.
That's a good goal, especially with families clamoring for scarce charter seats.
The Georgia Charter Schools Association is trying to change the equation so that more charter seats become available.
Later Wednesday morning, the most powerful members of New York City's charter school sector will gather thousands of children in Prospect Park to hold a rally, ostensibly to push for the expansion of charter seats from 100,000 to 200,000 by 2020.
This year, about 85 percent of state - approved Newark charter seats are filled, according to data provided by Sass Rubin, who is working on a statewide analysis that compares charter approvals to subsequent enrollments.
The change would allow for 27,000 new charter seats in about 30 cities and towns, from Boston to the Berkshires.
Thousands of parents and teachers descended on Foley Square Wednesday to demand that Mayor Bill de Blasio get behind charter school proponents» plans to increase the number of charter seats across the city to 200,000 by 2020.
The state has signed off on nearly 7,000 more charter seats to be available by the 2022 - 23 school year, according to state data compiled by Sass Rubin, who teaches at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Policy.
The good news there, said Tim Nicolette, 38, who took over last August as executive director of the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association, is that there's still space for some 10,000 new charter seats in urban districts.
Tens of thousands of city families are waiting for charter seats to open up, but the mayor's not interested in what those constituents want.
The demand to attend them still exceeds the supply of charter seats in many places, and the impulse to start and replicate them sometimes bumps up against limits that charter foes have written into state laws.
Success Academy has called for a significant increase in the number of charter seats.
Long waiting lists for charter seats, however, indicate that many Four Corners parents are finding charters to their liking, whether they are basing their judgments on test scores or any of a host of other factors.
Demand for new charter seats is high.
Parent demand for charter seats is exploding.
It proposed the following goals «(1) to create 260 new high - quality charter schools, (2) to generate 130,000 high - quality charter seats, and (3) to reach 50 percent charter market share.»
It includes kids who have turned down charter seats and are now enrolled in other schools.»
But once the state allowed Newark to put its finger on the scale, to give at - risk students a better shot at charter seats, a precedent was set.
And finally, sitting on Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor's desk are seven more applications that were filed last October seeking to create an additional 1,600 new charter seats.
Over an eight - year period from 2016 - 2023, it would create 260 high - quality charters, 130,000 high - quality charter seats, and reach a 50 percent charter market share with surrounding schools.
Such words might be fitting to protest the lack of charter seats for all who want them and the fact that some kids must attend union - hamstrung schools.
New York State is likely to need 45,000 new charter seats in the next four years and colocation can only address part of the problem.
Public school advocates were rightly concerned that such a massive expansion of charter seats would decimate the public district.
Under Mayor Bloomberg's leadership, the city has opened more than 100 new charter schools in high - poverty communities, especially in Harlem, and in NYC for the upcoming school year some 64,000 kids applied for 13,000 charter seats.

Phrases with «charter seats»

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