Sentences with phrase «chat time»

Doing this the old - school way can involve a lot of chat time with agents and not a whole lot to show for it.
I have such a good chat each time with both.
And if he has a two - or three - minute lag between every response, just tell him maybe you can chat some time when it's more convenient for him.
You can submit questions now or just show up at chat time and jump right in.
A perfect chat time is when he's up on the changing table — not only is he a captive audience, but your face is close to his level.
Make it an occasion and go for the premium menu with matched wines and you won't waste valuable date - chat time contemplating menu choices.
I've only played with the Video calling once but I have used the voice chat a time or two.
I find that's the best way to learn We should definitely chat some time!
Save it for the dentist chat time lady, don't bug me, I'm on my phone.
Maybe a small chair for those little visitors to come in and have some special chat time with me from time to time.
Before long, all four of us were mowing down waves of slimy humanoids and robot assassins, and laughing together in party chat every time we got stomped out by a massive boss.
We had a longer chat this time around, in which Tory talked about topics ranging from Uber and cellphones on the subway to public wi - fi and the competitiveness of Toronto's startup companies.
Saturday Chat Time
The idea is to feature news and interviews with bona fide celebrities, but snagging chat time with legit A-listers proves difficult.
We sing songs, act out rhymes, have story time plus have mommy chat time!
Some ideal props include photographs, particularly if you would like to discuss your family, friends or pets during your Russian video chat time, things that you have made or designed, copies of books that you are reading or things that are special to you.
We waste money buying chat time, sending gifts, sending flowers (which she is receiving from multiple man), and in many cases men are sending cash with Western Union!
Was it for Thai women in the past perhaps something to be ashamed of or to tell only your closest friends, nowadays online dating has become very accepted as a social phenomenon or perhaps even best dating apps thailand a social activity as most Thai girls like to chat their time away.
Single occasional drinker smoker like to laugh I could be silly at times I can be serious I can be funny but overall I'm a sweetheart and I'm beautiful so let's chat
Project coordinators schedule the chats and list chat times and topics on the Web site.
Free features include profile creation, 10 minutes of chat time, letters from those you express interest in, translation of those letters, and virtual winks.
Anthony from Stockton - On - Tees be nice to meet up for a coffee and a chat looking for nice time out and in am 49 old and a widowed for 4 years am looking for my first good friend and be nice if you in Tees i have a daughter and a HIV is not good i no
All of that is nice but the ability to fire up chat any time day or night and have a short and intelligent conversation with someone damn near instantly is enough reason to make the jump.
Before long, all four of us were mowing down waves of slimy humanoids and robot assassins, and laughing together in party chat every time we got stomped out by a massive boss.
Keep me (and NMS) in mind as you're planning your online outreach — I'd be happy to chat any time.
It was a short but amazing little date and I am so glad we had the chance for some chat time.
Pull up a pew, its cuppa and a chat time.....
Every email I received started with «You seem really interesting» and ended with «Let me know if you want to chat some time
Divide the chat time up equally between both people.
Hope to chat some time, please ask me enty thing you like.
I am amazing for my ability to make others smiles even when am sad... am not here to waste time nor waste yours chat me
A bit much to get into but i'd be happy to Q&A text, email, or IM / chat any time.
Make that call and soon you'll have a bunch of new people with whom you can chat any time you feel lonely or bored!
Like Livelinks, 10 minutes of chat time will only set you back $ 4.99, and if you're interested in taking advantage of the first time purchase offer, you'll be able to purchase an hour of chat time for just $ 9.99.
For example, make sure to praise your online students using emoticons on the whiteboard or chat every time they do something right to build their self - esteem and keep them interested.
If every member of the family has a cell phone with unlimited minutes, consider changing to a plan with a reasonable number of calling minutes allocated each month and limit the chat time.
The ideal meeting place for a leisurely cocktail, snack, and chat any time of the day.
Patrons at this tier can schedule some chat time for just that.
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