Sentences with phrase «clear guidelines»

"Clear guidelines" means having specific and easily understandable instructions or rules that help people know what to do or how to behave in a certain situation. Full definition
Provide clear guidelines for the assessment, including estimated time to complete and any additional resources your learners may need.
For this, parents must be provided with clear guidelines on their role in homework support and interaction.
We will provide clear guidelines for you on the successful preparation and conduct of safe and effective selection interviews in schools.
That and establish clear guidelines for what is expected.
You'll want to set clear guidelines about how much candy they can eat and when.
He sets clear guidelines of what this guy has to do for these tickets: He has to treat his daughter properly to a date.
Also because each child's rate of development is so individual to them it can be difficult to give clear guidelines on when exactly one should become concerned about sleeping patterns.
We have a brand book, which is our bible, with really clear guidelines about what is on - brand and what our design ethos is.
Setting clear guidelines as to how many «personal» e-mails could be considered acceptable could be a start, but would be a very fine line to have to draw.
This is a very interesting question that may cause me to contact a state legislature to propose a bill to set more clear guidelines in this situation.
Without clear guidelines, many teens struggle to handle the responsibility of owning a smartphone.
The very clear guidelines made it so straightforward and told us what to do each step of the way.
There are now clear guidelines regarding the inclusion of families when supporting a parent who is experiencing a mental illness.
Create clear guidelines about your expectations to help your teen understand the importance of healthy relationships and the risks associated with sexual activity.
Schools need clear guidelines on how to choose the best literacy programs for their students.
Give your child clear guidelines and explain your expectations ahead of time.
You must also create clear guidelines so that everyone knows what to expect.
Just make sure you setup clear guidelines on how the fund will be managed, and who can place trades.
When it comes to calculating our FICO - based credit scores, the major credit reporting agencies follow some pretty clear guidelines.
The officer in the case ignored clear guidelines on disclosure — which require them to disclose ALL relevant evidence in a case.
This might be done by facilitating adoption, by establishing clear guidelines for remaining in foster care or by helping the child's family become capable of meeting the child's needs.
The key is to establish clear guidelines for classroom management so the fun doesn't become chaotic.
So they need to come up with clear guidelines as to how they're going to solve this problem, which they have not as of yet.
Contracts provide clear guidelines, and clear resolution to problems on both ends.
This article provides parents with clear guidelines for making social and emotional learning an important aspect of their parenting.
If teachers want students to enjoy the day and the activities, they must have very clear guidelines and describe them in detail, letting students know what is expected.
There will be clear guidelines about how to use these feeding stations.
The report, released today, stresses the need for more education, awareness and early education, as well as setting clearer guidelines for treatment.
Children benefit when their parents support each other's decisions and give their children clear guidelines and expectations.
This is a favourable decision for employers as it establishes clearer guidelines on an employee's obligation to mitigate damages.
Another big myth about Christian dating says that the Bible does offer clear guidelines for dating.
Zepeda and Kruskamp (2007) reported that department chairs, without clear guidelines from principals, were uncertain of how to conduct instructional supervision of teachers.
These include clearer guidelines for describing and managing non-compliance and clarifying third - party complaint processes; allowing the sharing of audits for the same facilities or supply chains, which will remove duplication, reduce costs and improve opportunities for co-operation between individual exporters; and recognising opportunities for industry to take greater responsibility for proactively managing the risks within supply chains.
Child support is the one area of family law in which federal law requires clear guidelines and child support disputes tend to be less expensive to resolve than other disputes because attorneys can more reasonably predict outcomes.
Quality focus adept at providing employees clear guidelines and target goals practiced in customer relations, sales and inventory control.
Yet, according to the report, the army had not formulated clear guidelines for how to uncover and destroy such tunnels in wartime; rather, the procedure was created on the fly during the course of Operation Protective Edge.
The Hechinger Report — Teacher Project review found just six states that require caretakers to follow clear guidelines on developmentally appropriate learning strategies for children from birth to age 3.
By upholding clear guidelines on how our mark is used, we can maintain its integrity and professionalism.
The guidelines are not clear because the public health community refuses to put forward clear guidelines, preferring instead to say parents should not cosleep at all, period, end of story.
Enforce clear guidelines regarding the topics that can be discussed, which may include for example, limiting or prohibiting discussion of customer information or company confidential information such as financial results, trade secrets and future plans
European Jews don't have such clear guidelines, and therefore become hostages to the fortunes of political clashes in which their freedom of worship is just one consideration among many.
The complicated trade dynamics need to be made more transparent by the Myanmar government and the domestic forest sector in order to provide more clear guidelines for overseas buyers demanding legal, sustainable, and ethical sourcing.
They also spell out changes to company culture, including prohibiting romances between bosses and their reports and creating clearer guidelines around use of drugs and alcohol.
But given that the law was passed in July 2013, why the delay in issuing clear guidelines?
Socialism has been attractive to many social ethicists precisely because it is clearly of the second type» a concrete blueprint, based on an allegedly scientific understanding of the forces of history and providing some reasonably clear guidelines for action.
Victoria will revise its planning regulations to affirm the rights of existing farms to stay where they are and give regional councils clear guidelines to adjudicate farmers» bids to expand their operations.
Therefore, it's a good idea to have really clear guidelines as to what your teens can and can't share, so your teen does not have to use his or her judgment each time he or she has something to share.
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