Sentences with phrase «climate activists»

"Climate activists" refers to individuals or groups of people who work to bring attention to and take action against issues related to climate change. These activists advocate for sustainable practices, conservation of natural resources, and measures to minimize the negative impacts of human activities on the environment. They aim to raise awareness and promote changes in policies or behaviors to protect and improve the Earth's climate. Full definition
Are you interested in taking part in one of our trainings and joining our army of climate activists around the globe?
But the real story here — and the lesson for climate activists everywhere — is in how the bills came to pass.
It now comprises over 900 climate activist groups in 100 countries.
But the political messages coming from groups from two Asian nations on the forefront of climate change impacts mixed in with speeches from climate activists was poignant.
Kids will especially appreciate the success stories of young climate activists.
But other climate activists are more keen on the idea.
This is a bottom - up, grassroots hub for young climate activists like you.
In 2017, the case for polar bear alarm has grown so weak that it appeared even climate activists were finally abandoning the animal as an icon for their cause.
With the economy still down, and unemployment prospects poor, it may take a catastrophe to turn consumers into climate activists.
Hence, the more that climate activists talk about the science, the more likely that climate skeptics will do likewise.
Though climate activists are always in a hurry, climate itself is a slow - moving issue.
We have to change the politics of climate change by creating more climate activists.
Just as important, she's also become a vocal climate activist — often speaking out on the connections between ocean conservation and climate change.
A pragmatic analysis that reveals common ground between moderate climate activists & moderate climate skeptics.
This editorial excited and impressed climate activists all across the country.
He's a dedicated climate activist, calling for conservation and sustainable development.
And to make sure that all leaders would take notice, climate activists closed the week with another action that grabbed national media attention.
Do climate activists agree that we should assume a $ 4 gas tax increase would have no affect on the amount of gasoline used?
In other words, they were willing to not just act, but be climate activists too.
Furthermore, many climate scientists themselves, and climate activist groups, have accepted oil money.
, and that includes thousands of climate activists and people who, today, are facing and confronting the fossil fuel industry.
This urgency is also the theme of so many climate activists, politicians and commentators.
This is a particularly tough pill for climate activists to swallow.
As young climate activists, we can already see what the grown - ups have contributed to the subject.
But the deal was denounced by climate activists as inadequate to [continue reading...]
Instead, gun control advocates could learn from climate activists who are devising new strategies to win over the hearts and minds of doubters.
As climate activist Bill McKibben wrote in an editorial for the Guardian, what scientists, who already tend to be conservative, said Sunday «falls just short of announcing that climate change will produce a zombie apocalypse plus random beheadings plus Ebola.»
«Methane numbers may undermine the basic thesis [of decoupling],» said climate activist Bill McKibben, who recently wrote in The Nation that U.S. emissions of methane — «CO2's nasty little brother» — have increased by more than 30 percent.
«This kind of anticipatory anxiety is especially crippling and is increasingly being seen among climate activists — in some cases rising to the level of a kind of «pre-traumatic» stress disorder,» she added.
In March climate activists in Paris staged dramatic protests demanding that the Louvre abandon its financial agreement with Total SA, another oil and gas behemoth.
Lori and Rob work with climate activists in the health field who speak to groups on climate and health, and who work with hospital systems to endorse carbon pricing to encourage medical organizations nationwide to pass resolutions regarding the need for climate action.
And on Wednesday — the day we learned that Donald Trump would be the next president of the U.S. — youth climate activists at COP22 were desperately in need of a hug.
The billionaire climate activist said he wanted to -LSB-...]
In other cases likes Stanford University, the choice to divest from the coal industry reflected in part the university's strong ties to the renewable energy sector, and the lobbying of billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, a major donor and trustee.
More on the tar sands pipeline State Dept Stays Quiet on Tar Sands Communication with Oil Lobbyist, Former Clinton Aide Wikileaks Reveals Hushed Concern Over Tar Sands Oil in US State Dept. Canadian Official Threatens Obama and Clinton With Cutting Off Tar Sands Oil Young Climate Activists Call On Clinton to Stop Tar Sands Pipeline 25 U.S. Mayors Speak Out Against Tar Sands Pipeline
The Daily Mail has published a bombshell secret memo sent by leading #ExxonKnew activist - lawyer Matt Pawa to billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, outlining a strategy to bring state - level class action lawsuits against energy companies and charging them with causing global warming.
The types of people we need as climate activists if we are to have any hope of avoiding the Apocalypse were described by Tennyson 150 years ago, and they ring true today:
It's just a bunch of like minded climate activists pushing AGW propaganda to prop up the government's climate policies.
MIAMI — One of the first sea - level rise maps Broadway Harewood saw was a few years back, when climate activists gathered in his neighborhood to talk about how global warming would affect people in less - affluent South Florida communities.
More on Occupy Wall Street Climate Activists Join 10,000 Protestors to Occupy Wall Street (Video) Why Environmentalists Should Care About Occupy Wall Street Protest

Phrases with «climate activists»

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