Sentences with phrase «climate catastrophe»

The phrase "climate catastrophe" refers to a severe and harmful event caused by climate change. It indicates a situation where widespread and disastrous impacts occur, such as extreme weather events, rising temperatures, melting glaciers, or sea-level rise. The phrase highlights the urgent need to address climate change to prevent these catastrophic consequences. Full definition
Not stating the frame of climate catastrophe doesn't help, it hurts.
At a time when we have run out of carbon budget and run up carbon debt for avoiding climate catastrophe, the oil production in this country has shot up.
Humans stand accused of having set off a global climate catastrophe by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
We're just not running out of fossil energy soon enough, not in time to prevent climate catastrophe.
It pays to talk about climate catastrophe, simply and briefly, but most of rules people have come up with are useless.
How do we get electricity to the world's poor without pushing into climate catastrophe?
That's the target we need to keep in mind if we are to stop and then reverse the steady march toward climate catastrophe.
And even if climate catastrophe were approaching, the best fix would be for the private sector to unleash its ingenuity on the problem.
The proposal that we are facing imminent climate catastrophe ought to be comical.
Not if we can't mention climate catastrophe; that solution follows only from the correct diagnosis of the problem.
After 20 years of talk, the world is still accelerating towards climate catastrophe.
Currently, we are headed for horrible climate change, or maybe climate catastrophe.
Humans are developing technologies and means to improve lives while reducing environmental impacts even as humanity is increasing greenhouse gas emissions and worsening climate catastrophe risks and impacts.
Will enough of it happen in time to prevent irreversible climate catastrophe?
So what's going on when the media turn their noses up at good old - fashioned climate catastrophe when it's handed to them on a plate?
A major result of climate catastrophe is harmful reduction of soil moisture especially long - term.
Another way of saying this is that our futures will be shaped by the effort to avoid a full - on global climate catastrophe.
None of its core scenarios for the future of energy provide a reasonable chance that the world will avoid climate catastrophe.
The most convincing fact about climate catastrophe is the scientific consensus over the fact that global warming is happening, our fault, dangerous, and can be fixed — partly.
In other words, it is a scenario that is based on energy policies that lead us head first into climate catastrophe.
Simply put, computer model «predictions» or «scenarios» are not «evidence» of a looming climate catastrophe.
All they do is demonstrate the bankruptcy of those pushing the AGW / CO2 / climate catastrophe hypothesis.
But we can't talk about that if we don't mention climate catastrophe.
If they had spoken up, would we now be balancing on the brink of a complete climate catastrophe?
GRIST January 2, 2009 We're gonna need a bigger boat Scientists and other experts rattle off options for averting climate catastrophe Meanwhile, the mysterious Edge Foundation released its annual question for 2009, asking smart folks of all disciplines to name what new idea or technology will «change everything.»
Speaking to the Guardian for an interview ahead of a landmark UN climate science report on Monday on the impacts of climate change, Lovelock said of the warnings of climate catastrophe in his 2006 book, Revenge of Gaia: «I was a little too certain in that book.
Additionally primary responsibility for climate catastrophe falls on those who bear substantial responsibility by dint of economic positioning, scientific obfuscation, political patronage, political influence or political position as to the direction of our political - economic system, where that system effects our society's energy and land use and therefore climate impacts.
Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth about the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.
Instead, he found the greatest impact would come from climate catastrophes.
«The United Church of Canada has voiced its concern about human - induced climate catastrophe for decades.
«He castigated people who don't believe in climate catastrophe as some sort of major fools,» Rossiter says of the president's speech, adding he would have agreed with the president — back then.
By: Larry Bell President Obama has put salvation from dreaded climate catastrophes on his action agenda hot list.
To the point, frankly, that it's hard to see how we can honestly hope to avert climate catastrophe without a major shift back to progressive taxation.
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