Sentences with phrase «climate conditions»

Additionally, tree rings, ocean and rock sediment also serve as proxy records of climate conditions of the past.
This, they say, is a direct result of changing climate conditions in their natural habitats.
It will let the scientists mimic natural light and simulate a wide range of changing climate conditions.
Lack of operating procedures, uncertainties about future climate conditions, risks associated with moving plants outside their current ranges, and existing policies have hampered formal actions in forest management and conservation.
The global climate monitor shows current climate conditions in the context of current weather events.
Physical climate models can be used along with geological information to predict general climate conditions on those islands with decent accuracy.
, gather indicators of past climate conditions, and use biochemical markers to determine the gender and health of the animals that left them behind.
As consumers and humans experiencing extreme climate conditions in the present time, we should be able to judge for ourselves if we are being deluded or not.
Some of them come due to the wrong shampoo usage, but others can not be controlled due to different climate conditions or the genetic faults in your dog's organism.
Strategies include drought resistant crop varieties that can withstand shifting climate conditions, more efficient irrigation technologies and improved crop storage.
He said he was warning against concluding that a single number related to solar changes was responsible for changes in a single number related to global climate conditions.
Creating and maintaining connections between natural areas has long been thought critical to allowing plants and animals to move in search of suitable climate conditions, she explained.
They are built on - site, and as such can be subject to weather and climate conditions during the construction process.
If you're like me, you typically don't «plan ahead» when it comes to being prepared for cold climate conditions.
They're storing species in seed banks: seeds that might not be viable now, but could be 20 years from now, when climate conditions are likely to be worse.
It is also likely to become increasingly difficult for developed parts of the world to deal with new climate conditions.
Average climate conditions give a starting point for understanding what grows where, tourist destinations and other business opportunities.
Not only does the virus survive in adverse climate conditions, it's also quite long living.
Understanding a plant's response to climate conditions requires the integration of diverse sciences to examine how changing conditions influence the plant through its life history and that of its offspring.
It will even go as far to suggest a selection of plants that should grow well in your soil and climate condition based on its readings.
Climate conditions make exploration difficult and test well results are mostly disappointing.
The food supply is at risk, as crops are of course highly sensitive to temperatures, rainfall and other climate conditions.
It is supposed to function in various climate conditions, independent of the existing infrastructure, as a self - sufficient system.
The traditional definition of validation involved running the model backward to recreate a known climate condition.
The Global annual average flows of energy under present day climate conditions.
Forest disturbance did not increase much beyond present levels in their simulations while climate conditions remained stable.
Climate change has been predicted to affect the ranges of species as favourable climate conditions shift towards the poles.
Until now, scientists lacked long - term reconstructions of winter climate conditions.
Further study is recommended to evaluate sensor response, confirm selected freeze - thaw thresholds and monitor walls under more severe climate conditions.
Variable day / night cycle would not be a basis that I consider significant for difficult climate conditions since people live with that on a regular basis now.
The 1999 paper is part of a growing body of work trying to pull together disparate clues of climate conditions before the age of weather instruments.
The specific regional blends are based on cost - effective raw materials and regional climate conditions.
On the whole, we are poorly prepared for a set of climate conditions never before experienced in human history.
If you are a senior citizen, you are more prone to getting sick easily due to existing medical conditions, poor food and water quality, even climate conditions where you travel.
This makes them well suited to a variety of climate conditions including rain and cold environments.
Thus, given climate conditions and glacier area glacier runoff can be determined.
Surface life is abundant and very successful because of the availability of sunlight, surface water, generally moderate climate conditions, and the protection of our magnetic field.
These dogs are basically northern stock, bred, born, and raised in some of the toughest climate conditions in the world.
Changing climate conditions not only affect the plants themselves, but also other organisms that influence plant communities.
Climate conditions also affect decisions concerning travel and leisure.
Since not all countries have equal climate conditions and geographic locations, their vulnerability to certain impacts differs.
After climate conditions changed again, yields exceeded previous records.
By your own admission, we simply don't have enough data to verify past weather... or climate conditions rendering it impossible to say how valid the models actually are.
They told us that their powerful and sophisticated computer climate models could accurately predict what future climate conditions we would experience.
Confidence in the understanding of past climate change and changes in orbital forcing is strengthened by the improved ability of current models to simulate past climate conditions.
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