Sentences with phrase «climate goals»

These ten strategies could help make sure that the process of meeting climate goals provides benefits in health, justice, jobs and resilience.
-- Existing clean energy technologies have fallen in cost and will continue to do so as a function of their deployment, which implies that they are sufficient to achieve ambitious climate goals.
This sent a clear message that forest conservation is critical to achieving global climate goals.
However, these impressive gains are still insufficient to meet our long - term climate goals while providing affordable, reliable, and secure energy supplies.
We take a value - chain approach to addressing our carbon emissions impacts, setting climate goals for our global operations, supply chain and product portfolio.
We're advancing climate goals thanks to wider use of abundant natural gas.
Despite a year of major coal - related developments, burning the black stuff remains the biggest barrier to meeting international climate goals.
Those are the same conditions under which the state has been making progress on reaching its current climate goal, he said.
In order to meet mid-century climate goals, nations and other actors need to ramp up CO2 utilization quickly.
This is the only practical approach to reaching our common climate goals.
But a fair target should be calculated not on a basis of comparison, but on the world's shared 2 - degree climate goal.
In the «climate action» scenario, those sectors relied on a greater percentage of cleaner automotive and power technologies to meet the IPCC climate goals.
Every year that we continue with business as usual, it's going to be harder to meet target climate goals.
Now, this research shows that climate goals greatly influence the frequency of extremes, and this should be considered when preparing for future climate change.
Schools in the district plan to set specific climate goals, paying specific attention to bullying and improving student climate.
What data helps you monitor school or district - level climate goals?
And over the years, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has emerged as the foremost candidate to thread the needle of blending climate goals with economic development.
What does this mean for our larger climate goals?
In theory, assuming this plan was doable, it could be compatible with those broader climate goals.
Government energy and climate policies seek to influence the scale and nature of investments across the economy, and long - term climate goals depend on their success.
Current policy design options can provide real opportunities to advance climate goals effectively — if states can learn new strategies and engage in coalition building.
Yet meeting collective climate goals will require taking advantage of all low - carbon technologies.
Yes, a little skepticism of corporate climate goals is warranted.
The focus of the third panel session was the role that coal can play in achieving global climate goals.
The world needs to be spending $ 800 billion a year more on clean energy if it's to meet international climate goals.
Meeting climate goals will require countries to work together to share best practices on security of supply, electricity market regulation, and energy efficiency improvements.
But that's not nearly enough to meet our mid-century climate goals.
That's less than half of the Paris climate goals for 26 to 28 percent reductions by 2025.
The IEA notes, «Over a third of all emissions reductions needed to reach climate goals by 2040 must come from energy efficiency policies.»
It finds that «meeting the world's agreed climate goals in the most cost - effective way while fostering growth requires countries to set a strong carbon price, with the goal of reaching $ 40 - $ 80 per metric ton of CO2 by 2020 and $ 50 - 100 per metric ton by 2030.»
In many ways, I have seen California set ambitious climate goals by reducing its greenhouse gas emissions through stringent fuel emission standards while fighting back against the Trump Administration's plans for offshore drilling.
Limiting exploration in line with climate goals makes financial sense, says Carbon Tracker ahead of ExxonMobil, Chevron AGMs
With climate change talks running into their second week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued a statement directed to the negotiators, warning that its analysis «shows achieving the internationally agreed climate goal of limiting warming to two degrees Celsius is becoming more difficult and more expensive with every passing year».
Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides standards and tools that help countries and cities track progress toward climate goals.
Entitled «The Sky's Limit: Why the Paris Climate Goals Require a Managed Decline of Fossil Fuel Production,» the report says that just burning fossil fuels from projects presently in operation will produce enough greenhouse gas emissions to push the world well past 2 °C of warming this century.
The NDC Partnership is a coalition of countries and institutions working to mobilize support and achieve ambitious climate goals while enhancing sustainable development.
Düsseldorf's development strategy was to economically meet its ambitious climate goals of achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2050, which for this city in western Germany means reducing CO2 emissions to just 2 tons per capita.
Some questioned the effectiveness of the Clean Power Plan in achieving climate goals, wondering if it was worth the economic distress.
For example, 38 nations and eight institutions have joined the NDC Partnership, which aims to accelerate action and raise ambition on implementation of national climate goals.
He heads a team that is focused on increasing market opportunities for abundant natural gas, which is benefiting consumers and manufacturers while advancing U.S. climate goals.
If the 2020s electricity generation gap is filled with gas - fired power stations facing a carbon price consistent with UK climate goals, then each household would save # 20 per year, the CCC says.
«In 2018, the Under2 Coalition is positioned to both contribute to direct emissions reductions and to support and inspire more ambitious climate goals from national governments,» says Tim Ash Vie, Director, Under2 Coalition Secretariat, The Climate Group.
-- «Finally, America can not achieve its energy and climate goals without learning how to pronounce the word «nukular.»
Announcing their new climate goals today, Electrolux, L'Oréal and Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel are among the latest companies to have emissions reduction targets approved by the
«There is the rising pressure to achieve domestic climate goals and policies with a carbon price of 3 EUR per tonne.
Twenty - one of the countries at the Bali Forum agreed to endorse a Ministerial Declaration on Clean Energy that calls for increased collaboration on research, development and deployment of clean energy technologies to reach shared climate goals.
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