Sentences with phrase «climate targets»

The phrase "climate targets" refers to specific goals or objectives that are set to address and combat climate change. These targets are designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment. They are important for individuals, communities, and countries to work towards, in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a sustainable future. Full definition
Over the next decades, the planet's energy challenge will be resolving how hundreds of millions of people can gain access to electricity while meeting climate targets.
When are you going to catch up and commit to ambitious climate targets by 2020?
One open question is the role carbon markets will play in meeting global climate targets.
It makes no sense to continue to allow new climate - damaging projects that will make achieving climate targets harder, particularly in cases where climate - safe alternatives are already available.
Of particular interest to the ambition question is the gap in 2020 between emission levels consistent with the 2 °C climate target and emissions levels projected if country reduction pledges are fulfilled.
The strategy adds that member states and the commission should collaborate on carbon capture and storage, which will be «critical» to reaching climate targets cost - effectively.
The online tool shows how global prosperity can increase, even as emissions fall by 60 per cent from current levels in line with climate targets.
It's just the second time that a nation has put long - term climate targets into national law.
The immediate next step is to put forward a higher climate target through the development of the new 2050 zero - carbon strategy.
A figure 10 times this amount would be wasted if climate targets are observed over the next decade.
But some countries are wary of being obliged to keep strengthening their voluntary climate targets.
It is time to read the writing on the wall and realize that if we hope to fulfill climate targets, CCS needs to have its chance.
And think about how much energy usage has to be eliminated to meet even the most basic climate targets.
Key climate targets might not be met if future land and ocean sinks weaken in ways we can not now predict.
To meet ambitious climate targets, we must transform our energy systems, how we use natural resources, and how we produce and consume goods and food.
There are clear limits to the potential for existing technologies to meet climate targets.
Since this fact continues to escape the attention of most analysts and policymakers, it also seems reasonable to conclude that meeting global climate targets could be considerably more difficult than we currently assume.
Without action to support the deployment of low emission coal technologies, achieving climate targets will be difficult, if not impossible.
The study found that the short - term objectives, which aim for 2030, would help achieve long - term climate targets.
The EU proposal is not consistent with a more ambitious global climate target of limiting warming to below 1.5 degrees, however.
The adequacy of new EU climate targets for 2030 was further undermined by the findings of the UN climate science panel's latest report released yesterday.
The report «identif [ies] the range of carbon prices that, together with other supportive policies, would deliver on the Paris climate targets agreed by nearly 200 countries in December 2015,» according to the council's press release, which was issued under the title, Leading Economists: A Strong Carbon Price Needed to Drive Large - Scale Climate Action.
In the article «No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously by David Roberts, Energy & Environment, Vox, Apr 29, 2017», the following statement is made
Highly critical study warns energy projections used by the organisation tasked with leading the charge towards renewables are so skewed towards oil and gas that it may break climate targets set in the Paris agreement
Simply by changing the number of modules, Climeworks expects their DAC technology can be freely scaled to meet the demands of any sustainable industrial application, and that it could have a carbon removal potential that is relevant for achieving climate targets agreed upon in the Paris Agreement.
The landmark U.S. - China joint announcement of climate targets by our leaders last November marked a new era in climate diplomacy.
It's not even clear if the US will be able to meet its current climate targets of slashing emissions 17 percent by 2020.
Public pressure helped push EU leaders to set our own climate targets in October this year.»
European Commission President Barroso indicated that the EU is set to continue its business as usual approach to meeting its climate responsibilities, with EU climate targets for 2030 set to be agreed in October.
Attempts to mitigate future climate change are based on climate targets, reflecting atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
Po Hou, Managing Partner, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industry, Deloitte China said: «The Chinese government is striving to meet new climate targets for 2030.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has gone further and called on this coalition approach to deliver on the U.S. national climate target for 2025.
If it turns out that fossil fuel emissions have peaked, this would spell good news for international climate targets as it suggests countries are on track to meet their national commitments under the Paris Agreement (dashed line in the graph below).
Adding the climate lag to the current level of global temperature increase would take us past the 2 degree Paris Agreement climate target within a decade.
«Better technology could take agriculture halfway towards climate targets
Caribbean countries have campaigned for strong climate targets, captured in the campaign slogan» 1.5 C to stay alive.»
Last but not least, we need binding climate targets in Germany's Climate Action Plan 2050.
Even so, Pruitt's action threatens to curtail a potential framework that could strengthen climate targets nationwide and encourage utilities to ramp up investments in renewables.
However, as sea ice loss would act in a linear fashion to temperature rises, once these are slowed down and controlled to no more than 2 degrees of warming on average [the official UN climate target], part of the Arctic summer sea ice could recover.
Australia's current climate target under the Paris Agreement is 26 - 28 % below 2005 levels by 2030.
Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop at the last year's Lima climate talks, where nations agreed new transparency rules over climate targets.
Meeting climate targets using existing renewable technologies too would be more expensive at # 1,100 billion, the Mercados study found.
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