Sentences with phrase «climate variables»

Climate variables refer to factors or elements that play a role in determining the characteristics of a particular climate or weather pattern. These variables can include things like temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure. By studying and tracking these variables, scientists can better understand and predict climate patterns and their changes over time. Full definition
An empirical analyses of the effects of climate variables on national level economic growth.
Have you considered expanding your historical pursuits to the full gamut of all fifty essential climate variables?
They are also uncertain about how rainfall and other climate variables will be affected.
The possibility of important climate variables other than CO2 will get funding and become areas of interest.
Thus tree ring proxy data alone is not sufficient to determine past climate variables.
However, mortality in these later studies was modeled only as a function of climate variables with no explicit consideration of the effect of competition.
The empirical / statistical methods develop statistical relationships that link the large - scale atmospheric variables with local / regional climate variables.
But the new study accounts for more climate variables, not just temperature, that could come into play, including atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and rainfall patterns.
Traditional methods rely on empirical relationships between yield and the individual climate variables.
Climate models can't accurately represent natural climate variability because they don't even include most natural climate variables that influence the climate.
In contrast, the three climate variables showed significant correlations with tree growth and recruitment only in over 50 % of the analyzed groups.
We examined the longitudinal associations of school climate variables, language, social justice orientation, agency, community engagement, and educational outcomes.
Besides shedding light on previously contradictory findings, the outcome also points to the need for a research focus on how climate variables change while scanning across different scales and under global warming conditions.
Two types of analysis were performed on each ensemble climate variable.
Taken together, the combined evidence increases the level of confidence in the attribution of observed climate change, and reduces the uncertainties associated with assessment based on a single climate variable.
On other planets the «radiative balance» is the critical climate variable.
At each grid box all significant climate variables (temperature, water vapor, winds, clouds, aerosols, greenhouse gases, etc.) are defined.
Thus tree ring proxy data alone is not sufficient to determine past climate variables.
Our analysis provides a critical local look at changes for two important climate variables, precipitation and temperature.
If you pull the trend out of the ocean indices, as you should do, you can get something like a natural climate variable.
We examined the longitudinal associations of school climate variables, language, social justice orientation, agency, community engagement, and educational outcomes.
Guest post by Richard Saumarez Correlations are often used to relate changes in climate variables in order to establish a potential relationship between them.
In projecting climate variables such as temperature, precipitation, and humidity, there is generally a tradeoff between (a) the ability to produce high - resolution projections needed to inform local decisions and model local responses, and (b) the ability to sample uncertainty.
Other recent assessments using the FAO / IIASA Agro-Ecological Zones model (AEZ) in conjunction with IIASA's world food system or Basic Linked System (BSL), as well as climate variables from five different GCMs under four SRES emissions scenarios, show further agricultural impacts such as changes in agricultural potential by the 2080s (Fischer et al., 2005).
Recently at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, we used a regional mesoscale model (RMM), which monitors climate variables at much smaller spatial intervals than the typical GCM, to bring GCM results into better focus.
The third row indicates the value calculated from multi-variate («overall») histogram using the nine climate variables used in Fig. 1.
With the help of models, the researchers — more than a dozen scientists from institutes throughout Europe — analyzed data on the species found in the bogs alongside data on climate variables like temperature, moisture and precipitation.
«When looking at climate change, which is this vast geopolitical issue, you have to drill down to specific climate variables impacting specific aspects of an organism's life,» said Van Houtan.
The confidence in model performance comes primarily from the fact that they are based on the fundamental laws of physics (conservation of mass, momentum, etc) and have also now reached an exceptional level of maturity which allows them to simulate the mean state and variability in various climate variables rather well.
For example, the Fritts 1969 baseline study refers to a field study deducing wild - type growth response from local climate variables.
However, if the climate is changing both from top to bottom and right to left, as might be the case for multiple climate variables, then the range gets smaller faster and extinction risk accelerates.
The contrasting responses to temperature may be related to multiple factors, including local adaptation to temperature and other related climate variables, or sampling issues including changes in species» abundance at each location [45], [46].
Non-climate drivers such as urbanisation and pollution can influence systems directly and indirectly through their effects on climate variables such as albedo and soil - moisture regimes.
On the other hand, in the SMEs, the reliability varies between climate variables and model ensembles.
Interactions between CO2 and climate variables also appear important.
Thomas Hearing, a PhD student from the University of Leicester's School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, explained: «Because scientists can not directly measure sea temperatures from half a billion years ago, they have to use proxy data - these are measurable quantities that respond in a predictable way to changing climate variables like temperature.
The maps above show projected changes in key climate variables affecting agricultural productivity for the end of the century (2070 - 2099) compared to 1971 - 2000.
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