Sentences with phrase «close coordination»

The phrase "close coordination" means working closely together and communicating well with others for effective cooperation and collaboration. Full definition
The health care project manager works in close coordination with other health care professionals.
At this level you will work in close coordination with State and Local authorities during an emergency or disaster to plan, assist, shelter and reunited animals with their families.
We also believe that local control will improve academic outcomes through closer coordination between the district and the city.
This opened the way to close coordination among corporations.
For policy makers, linking means a loss of regulatory flexibility and control on a regional level, emphasizing the need for close coordination between linked systems.
In addition, it will boost performance of the entire network via large - scale close coordination.
Now we have planning problems that only close coordination between these sectors can solve.
The compensation manager works in close coordination with other human resources professionals for issues related to salaries so that proper compensation is paid to the employees and contract workers.
«We take this report extremely seriously and are investigating the cause of this incident in close coordination with local authorities,» the statement said.
Close coordination between our energy and environmental practices means that we are particularly well equipped to meet the unique environmental needs of the energy industry.
Balancing requires close coordination of many muscles in the foot, ankle, lower legs, thighs and the lower back.
We will make all possible efforts by ensuring close coordination among various fora and initiatives with a view to promoting effective forest law enforcement and governance and sustainable forest management worldwide.
At the 890,000 sq. ft. Pearson Education warehouse project in Cranbury, N.J., Clayco reduced costs by 10 % and shaved two months off the planned construction time through close coordination of staff and improved design.
The efficiency of the large intestine for dehydrating the luminal contents is dependent on close coordination between colonic motility and absorptive functions (Rolfe 1999; Rolfe et al. 2002a).
Continental Europe boasts the world's largest synchronous electricity grid — energy flows freely across the borders of 25 countries, at a fixed frequency of 50 Hz that is maintained by close coordination between the region's power companies.
Well for one, it is part of their duties to maintain close coordination with these driving institutes in case there are any road laws and rules that are modified and changed.
Now we are seeing close coordination between Russia and the US in combating Jabhat al - Nusra and Islamic State, which may not be the best of moves — we will have to see how it works in practice.
The president's political machine worked in close coordination Thursday with state and national union officials to get thousands of protesters to gather in Madison and to plan similar demonstrations in other state capitals.
It's a poorly - scrutinised treaty which the Commission, nevertheless, thinks is «an opportunity to initiate a full conversation with the United States and France on the conditions that could allow the allied nuclear weapon states to consider closer coordination of their continuous patrolling posture».
In drive - hunting, the hunters operate in close coordination from 20 to 30 traditional canoes.
The Department for Education says that the move will mean «even closer coordination between the work already underway to improve schools and strengthen the profession»,
This announcement is the result of a comprehensive agreement between FEMA, the State of Louisiana, RSD and OPSB for all eligible Public Assistance costs for these school systems and reflects the administration's ongoing commitment to cutting through red tape and ensuring close coordination across all levels of government in the ongoing recovery process.
DOT's climate initiatives often involve close coordination with other agencies, such as:
New approaches to gathering data, and far closer coordination between observational and modeling studies are required to identify and quantify correctly the critical processes that have governed and will control the carbon cycle in the future.
The preamble of the TSCG declares the goal to create an «ever closer coordination of economic policies within the Euro - area».
The typical test cycle lasted four weeks from specification to release and was conducted in an iterative sequence requiring close coordination among development, business analyst and QA teams.
«This new codeshare relationship with Qatar is another example of how American is focused on building its global network through closer coordination with its alliance partners around the world,» said Kurt Stache, American's vice president for strategic alliances.
«This rule, though dictated by Congress, represents a major undertaking for the industry, requiring close coordination among lenders, settlement agents, vendors, and real estate professionals like you who work every day with homebuyers,» Cordray added.
Deputy Mayor for Education Abigail Smith, whose office is leading the school system's boundary overhaul, said the desire for closer coordination with charters has been a common request among residents.
The European Climate Observations, Modelling & Services Initiative (ECOMS) will provide leadership to the European Commission on future priorities and ensure close coordination between projects and activities in Europe in the area of seasonal to decadal climate predictions towards climate services.
MoFPI streamlining Food Laws: Badal Union Minister of Food Processing industries Harsimrat Kaur Badal has assured the food industry of all help and said that the government is working towards establishing a transparent system in place and the ministries concerned are working in close coordination for that system but it
The actual situation was this: There had to be close coordination of the Chief of General Staff and the Navy Minister before any big operation plan was adopted, because two chief functions of the Navy Minister are (1) to make it possible for front - line forces to carry out any plan of operations that is adopted, and (2) is to maintain control within the Navy Department.
«We take this report extremely seriously and are investigating the cause of this incident in close coordination with local authorities.
«By integrating our self - driving system into the vehicle from the beginning, and through close coordination between the hardware and software teams, we have evaluated potential failure modes for all systems, and addressed them throughout development to ensure a safe and reliable product,» the report says.
The United States appreciates the close coordination with our ally, the Republic of Korea, and looks forward to continuing robust discussions in preparation for the planned meeting.»
The official called the administration's latest move a «consequence for Russia's actions» and said the designations were carried out in close coordination with U.S. allies.
«By integrating our self - driving system into the vehicle from the beginning, and through close coordination between the hardware and software teams, we have evaluated potential failure modes for all systems, and addressed them throughout development to ensure a safe and reliable product,» GM / Cruise said when they revealed that impending milestone earlier this year.
The resources will be delivered to community health centers and clinics throughout Florida, in close coordination with the Florida Association of Community Health Centers, as well as to hospitals in Anguilla, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, U.S. Virgin Islands, and British Virgin Islands.
The mayor said he spoke with Governor Andrew Cuomo and will be in close coordination with the state.
The United States appreciates the close coordination with our ally, the Republic of Korea, and looks forward to continuing robust discussions in preparation for the planned meeting between President Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks.
Much work still remains, however, and the Task Force continues to work together in close coordination with full community input.
This excluded the costs and planning for station citing, operational requirements and parking sizing which would necessarily require extensive design development and close coordination with local communities.
He and his staff united previously fractious gay rights advocates into one campaign led by Jennifer Cunningham, a consultant at SKD Knickerbocker, in close coordination with Steve Cohen, then Cuomo's chief of staff.
«Since then, we have worked with party committees and in close coordination with the White House political team to execute that plan.
De Blasio said both he and Bratton met earlier in the day with F.B.I. assistant director George Venizelos and emphasized that his administration is «in close contact, close coordination with the federal government» and that the city is implementing extra security measures.
After relocating to New York, I worked in strategic communications for HBO and Disney / ABC where I managed the public affairs and community - based outreach for issue - oriented programming on such topics as child abuse, substance abuse, civil rights / tolerance and mental health in close coordination with national organizations who play an advocacy role for those concerns.
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