Sentences with phrase «close correlation»

The phrase "close correlation" means that two things are strongly connected or related to each other. Full definition
A further benefit of the map - controlled cooling module is that the engine can be cooled in close correlation with its requirements across the entire operating range.
The very close correlation between the two variables is apparent, especially during the strong run - up in commodity prices in the early 2000s and the sharp drop during the global financial crisis.
A quick look at this illustration comparing gas prices shows a much closer correlation of energy consumption per capita than does a density to energy consumption comparison.
While cognitive tests have a slightly closer correlation with job success, personality tests are useful both as a basis for interview questions and for subsequent development.
When researchers looked at carbohydrate containing foods, there is a very close correlation between the GI and the amount of insulin released (Insulin Index — II).
Up until the 1960s, there is a very close correlation between the density of growth rings in trees in northern latitudes and summer temperatures, but after this it starts to break down.
Subsequent comparison of observations with predictions find that Hansen's Scenario B (which most closely matched the level of CO2 emissions) shows close correlation with observed temperatures.
Yet, this rise has had no effect on the temperature trends, which have continued their cycle of recovery from the Little Ice Age in close correlation with increasing solar activity.»
Keith Riler FAITH Magazine September — October 2012 In his popular paper in our March issue, Keith Riler demonstrated a very close correlation over many years between Planned Parenthood's US government funding and the abortions it performs.
It included graphs that appeared to show a remarkably close correlation between solar activity and terrestrial temperatures — suggesting that other factors, such as carbon dioxide levels, have little influence on global temperatures.
«We were very surprised to find such close correlation between the disappearance of dinosaurs and the beginning of daytime activity in mammals, but we found the same result unanimously using several alternative analyses,» explained lead author, PhD student Roi Maor (Tel Aviv University and UCL).
If there is indeed a fairly close correlation between the US surface temps and US satellite temps, then that would show just how «whacked out» the GISS and Hadcrut temps could be.
To take one example, ice cores drilled from the Antarctic ice - sheet show a surprisingly close correlation between greenhouse gas levels and temperature over the past 800,000 years.
Their skin condition improved significantly, and in close correlation with AOB popualtions.
Hedge - Like Funds More Correlated with Stocks Many investors are attracted to hedge - like mutual funds and ETFs due to a lack of close correlations with stocks.
However, if you compared the change in the car's speed to the change in the gas pedal, you would find very close correlation.
A phenomenon of close correlation between the main climatic index dT and geophysical index -LRB-- LOD) still remains an intricate puzzle of geophysics.
We spoke with nutritionists and eating disorder experts about the close correlation between restrictive diets that sometimes cut out entire food groups and orthorexia: a new classification of eating disorder that combines the fear of gaining weight with an unrelenting obsession with eating healthy foods.
As long as the market remains in correction mode, we are not interested in buying industry sector ETFs because most of them have a close correlation to the direction of the overall broad market.
One last point — I am skeptical as to whether there is a very close correlation between rates of return on capital and the level of business investment.
December 2012 was seen as a key turning point for gold prices with the commodity losing its close correlation to Fed policy announcements.
Understandably so: due to the close correlation between the level of forex reserves and credit and money supply growth in China, a rapid depletion of reserves is likely to impact the country's giant credit bubble.
This market neutral strategy, pair options, seeks to fully capture all the benefits that close correlation has to offer.
In both cases there was a close correlation between this transcending human spirit and the God who transcended the world.
Whether the Gnostic understanding of the relation of the «spirit» to other elements in the psyche resulted from or was projected onto the understanding of God's relation to the created world, the close correlation and mutual reinforcement is apparent.
Research indicated a close correlation between spiritual and physical health.
In this way, too, we shall see the close correlation that exists between creation and salvation.
Unfortunately these have a close correlation with the reputation for losing points from a winning position.
During that time some of his usual touchline antics, something that curiously has a close correlation to his team's positive results, have been conspicuously absent.
Albany needs to stop spinning the tired mantra that money does not matter because there is a very close correlation between how far test scores dropped and funding levels — the more underfunded the district, the more dramatic the drop.»
But according to Peter Laut of the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, the close correlations in the original graphs, and in updated versions published in 1995 and 2000, exist only because of what he describes as a «pattern of strange errors».
Though his name is curiously absent from most biographical dictionaries of scientists, it was two papers published by the then 25 - year - old student at Columbia University in New York City in the early 1900s that demonstrated the close correlation between the behaviour of Mendel's hereditary units and that of the chromosomes in meiosis and fertilisation.
Allowing for a time separation of a decade or less, he found a close correlation between the two groups of graphs.
However, the close correlation between the fish available and the weight of sea lion pups provides «compelling evidence of a food limitation effect on the weight of dependent pups,» the scientists wrote.
Numerous studies have demonstrated a close correlation between the development of donor - specific DTH and corneal allograft rejection (3, 11, 14, 36).
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