Sentences with phrase «close match»

Get some relevant data, do a bit of calculation and you get this incredible close match for the trend lines.
Try to provide as close a match as possible to the requirements of the specific position.
The final result is a chaotic party game that leaves all players shouting as they try to beat each other in very close matches.
One final note: if you receive communication but aren't interested in the match, go to the trouble of closing the match.
This warmer color, coupled with the increased contrast, creates a reading experience that's a much closer match to the printed page.
One of the things returning members have shared with me on several occasions is that they wished they hadn't closed matches so soon the first time they used our service.
A slightly more sophisticated version is also available at university careers services — this makes closer matches and suggests a wider range of jobs.
You can easily rate each one according to how close they match your preferences.
After 3 - 0, its better to close the match by passing, or creating chances if possible.
If you want a system to only provide you the absolute closest matches at the risk of having no matches at all, then you should use that system.
The DM might also close a match without giving them any time to reply to a communication, but the fact is that life often gets in the way of things.
As far as tonight goes, it looks like there will be numerous close matches.
It's a really pretty floral that up close matches lots of my skirts, but from a few feet away its blah.
BUT, I tried finding as close matches online as possible so that you CAN still achieve your fave looks with your own wardrobe staples.
On your provided details website system start to looking into their database and find out close match profile that are you looking, show on the search page.
They've really built up quite an arsenal to equip this thing with that no other company could even come close matching.
This type of anxiety closer matches the arcade experience we are after.
It's harder to get a job now, because the Internet has increased competition and enabled recruiters to find ever closer matches to their ideal candidate.
Q: Which most closes matches your writing style?
In closing, this game appears to be a very close match - up and, again, will be very difficult to predict.
So in terms of build quality, it's a pretty close match.
«When we compared pieces of DNA from the Papuans against the Denisovan genome, many sequences were similar enough to declare a match, but some of the DNA sequences in the East Asians, notably Han Chinese, Chinese Dai, and Japanese, were a much closer match with the Denisovan,» she says.
Heroes of the Storm «s upcoming Eternal Conflict patch is now available on the public test realm, and one player caught an incredibly close match on camera that literally came down to a fraction of a second.
Playing with other human players is a highly competitive experience with close matches in RIGS being some of the best multiplayer matches I've ever had.
This page is for Alpenhitze ™ Winter coats for dogs, please select your breed, «or closest match if mixed» in the drop down field below.
Simply hold Color Muse up to the wall, and it will provide you with close matches from well - known paint companies.
He won his Singles and partnered the captain in the second pair in a very close match won by Cambridge 232 - 226.
And the upcoming QX30, revealed this week in Los Angeles, will be an even closer match for those entry luxury crossovers.
Only close a match when you're completely sure you don't want to be in touch with them again — you can't re-open them if they close you too.
For example, if you happen to come across something your gym doesn't have, or something you can not do because of some preexisting injury or something similar, do the next closest match instead.
I got a really close match with Valspar's Lincoln Cottage Black.
I e-mailed with 2 guys total who ended up closing my match before we even got to a first date.
All you need to do is to print off the puzzle (as many copies as you need), laminate them for durability, cut them out carefully to ensure close matching and finally, put the pieces in envelopes.
AS result now I get so many invites from recruiters who are offering me different posisions - and this positions don't even close match experience and skills that I have in my resume.
In reasonably close match - ups (where the spread is 14 or less), you would expect the game to be slightly closer than in years past.
It turns out that piRNAs need a fairly close match to a portion of the sequence, but they can tolerate a few mismatches on the rest.
Unfortunately, this particular dress is no longer available (the neckline is a bit finicky anyways), but I've found a very close match here.
On a per -90-minute basis, Arjen Robben, who's always injured, has come to close matching Cristiano Ronaldo's and Messi's production over the past half - decade, and Dembélé's attacking numbers were nearly equal to Robben's last year.
When you are matched with individuals that do not fulfill your assumptions, since their profile transforms you off, your worth typically aren't suitable or you don't really feeling literally brought in to them, after that kindly but firmly close the match and also send them a courteous however assertive e-mail such as «Thanks for your message.
That's true, but the 2 +0 version (which will come on line after the 450 fully loaded 2 +2 launch models have been built), is a remarkably close match for the Cayman S. It's pretty much the same size, weighs 1382 kg, just 32 kg more, and its 3452cc V6 is a mere 16cc bigger than the Cayman's flat - six.
Where Android normally eclipses Apple is in resolution, but the Nexus 9 and iPad Air 2 run closer matched.
Once funded, the complete custom audio sound effects packs will be ordered to closer match Dr. Smash and her game theme.
The jump to the new generation console makes for a considerable difference on nearly all fronts, and the presentation now closer matches the true majesty of the game.
The brand new battle mechanics look amazing in action and the slow - mo endings to close matches never grows tiresome.

Phrases with «close match»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z