Sentences with phrase «close monitoring»

The phrase "close monitoring" means keeping a very careful watch or paying close attention to something or someone. Full definition
With the help of close monitoring of signs, other causes of cough should be eliminated, especially in older cats.
These drugs will require closer monitoring by your veterinarian.
In some cases your child will need to stay in the hospital a few days for close monitoring of his symptoms, especially if he's very young.
He clearly needs close monitoring by responsible thoughtful adults with effective intervention and «Tough Love» when appropriate.
Another area that needs close monitoring in helping to determine your dog's well - being is appetite.
This is used along with close monitoring of the development of the disease.
This includes close monitoring of our Support systems, forums, social media, and in - game data to measure traffic along with Community sentiment to ensure ongoing improvements to stability.
In addition, individual dogs may experience the addition of this supplement differently, thus close monitoring in consultation with a vet is strongly advised.
They may also require special measures during routine veterinary procedures and close monitoring during their daily lives.
In some cases we may recommend close monitoring at home for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or loss of appetite.
Given these changes, the nuclear sector will require significant additional resources as well as close monitoring by the authorities to oversee safety, financial balance and impact on competition in the electricity market.
Again, that is about 3 % of the patients in total, which means that this is therapy requires very close monitoring of patients and expert care.
When closer monitoring and more control are needed, parents have a number of ways to keep track of the media their kids watch, play, and use.
If your baby is under 34 weeks and your symptoms are less severe, your health care provider may recommend bed rest and close monitoring until your baby reaches 34 weeks.
Unfortunately, without closer monitoring of the animal sources of novel flu strains, human surveillance will have to remain the first line of defense.
It will demand close monitoring at both the state and federal levels.
Electronic management platforms save time, make the evaluation process more efficient, and enable closer monitoring and tracking of performance over time.
In general, they work well alongside young kids, although close monitoring — and proper training — is a must.
The appropriate nutrient profile for dissolution is relatively high in fat, potentially providing worry about pancreatitis, which means close monitoring is necessary.
She said she will advocate for closer monitoring and the creation of physical barriers to mitigate the water's impact in the future.
The larger dogs can be mixed but only with close monitoring and only if we are familiar with them.
Development of large newly - formed companies in both the natural gas and electricity markets requires close monitoring so that viable competitors do not face barriers when entering the market.
A newborn who regularly sleeps longer than three to four hours needs close monitoring to make sure he gains enough weight.
It should include close monitoring, follow - ups, and changes when needed.
However, with the proper medical attention and close monitoring by her medical team, she and her baby will be in good hands for a safe delivery.
The panel also named 12 countries to a second - tier «watch list» that deserve close monitoring by Washington: Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Laos, Russia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Venezuela.
«Our model was successful because it involved close monitoring through an entire school district, not simply one classroom.»
The state's persistently slim financial margins necessitate close monitoring and attentive cash management.»
«However, our study finds that it would take only relatively small changes to tip the scales back in favor of offering the LAIV, so close monitoring is very important.»
and how would we find a local doctor who endorses this lifestyle and who could provide closer monitoring?
For the moment, I'm going to assume this is another storm in a teacup — but obviously it bears close monitoring.
Following the surgical procedures, the anesthesia and surgery teams transfer the patients to the recovery team where the pets» close monitoring continues until they are fully awake from anesthesia and are eating and walking well.
These endpoints, and our estimates of their timing with respect to viral - induced death, were arrived at from small - scale pilot experiments that determined the necessity for close monitoring because of the rapid onset of virus - induced death.
The scientists note that the study results highlight the need for not only close monitoring of rookeries in the region, but also in - water aggregations of green turtles.
It recommends closer monitoring of regional disparities and levels of inequality within regions, and a clearer understandings of how growth strategies and public service reform can generate «inclusive growth» in different local places.
A new study from The Condor: Ornithological Applications demonstrates how close monitoring of the animals being released into a new area is helping wildlife managers gauge the success of their effort to save the Ridgway's Hawk of Hispaniola.
Despite close monitoring, however, metastatic disease develops in a small number of men on active surveillance.
The speed of the changeover permits closer monitoring of the composition of a sample as it changes.
The aim should be to ensure a seamless transition by providing optimal learning environments and ongoing close monitoring of progress, especially for children at risk of falling further behind in their learning and development.
They require close monitoring on a daily basis.
Speed is not what we are concerned with; we are more concerned about the quality of what we do rather than taking chances, as we believe some of the industry is regarding close monitoring of policyholder behavior.
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