Sentences with phrase «common condition»

Thyroid imbalance and disease is one of the most common conditions in the Western world today.
This is one of the most common conditions in an offer to purchase a property.
Babies born prematurely can find help for common conditions of the eye that impact them upon birth.
They shared these findings of the top 10 most common conditions for dogs and for cats.
In this very common condition in older pets, the lens starts to look a bit cloudy.
While the diagnosis itself can sound intimidating, feline diabetes is actually a very common condition among the global cat population — especially among overweight cats.
-- appears to have the potential to lower the incidence of common conditions such as cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies and hyperactivity in children.
One of the most common conditions affecting cats is an allergy.
One of the more common conditions encountered in pets, especially as they age, is kidney (renal) disease.
These modalities can be great for reducing stress which can be great for healing the gut and reaching symptoms of many common conditions.
They also treat common conditions such as tennis elbow and golf elbow.
The amount of seminal fluid in an aging dog may be decreased by such common conditions like enlarged prostate.
The most common conditions causing hair loss are color - coded gray in the table (some may be more common in certain geographical areas).
For some among us, it seems so normal to come down with a little cold, allergies, gastrointestinal problems, headaches or other common conditions.
In fact, one out of every four patients report symptoms of dry eye, making it one of the most common conditions seen by eye care practitioners.
The services reduce common conditions associated with these settings.
This measure takes into account just how common a condition might be in a given group of people.
High Blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is an extremely common condition found in about 1/3 of the population.
Here a few common conditions that flare up during pregnancy and tips on how you can workout to relieve the symptoms and prevent damage to the joints.
It is also designed to help patients maintain their long - term health, featuring health assessments, advice on managing common conditions and «magazine» style features.
Attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common condition diagnosed mainly in children.
This incredibly common condition is still misunderstood by many.
This is an all too common condition that kills dogs everyday and is completely preventable.
We also offer preventative care and check for common conditions so we can catch illness and disease at an early stage.
Get at - your - fingertips care for common conditions through our live, confidential video consultation service.
Regardless, the most common condition resulting in functional female hormonal imbalances that I see is «estrogen dominance».
The rabbit health articles in this section cover common conditions and diseases that can affect house rabbits.
If it is a simple common condition, they may treat you.
So here are three of the most common conditioning mistakes coaches make.
However, it's a really common condition and can affect up to one in five babies, starting within the first few weeks of your little one's life.
This section describes how the most common conditions premature babies face are treated.
It's a fairly common condition currently estimated to affect one out of every 150 people (8).
Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries are among the most common conditions within the general population and among athletes.
And the rest of my family is getting tested for this hereditary common condition, that for some reason, no other doctor ever even thought to look for in twenty years.
Over 40 million of people live with this draining yet common condition, but only a few know they are infected.
We also are able to assess the health status of your pet and give you guidance on common condition prevention, like ensuring that your pet gets her or his vaccinations annually.
The important thing is to highlight common conditions so that you can refer to photographs when explaining a certain condition.
It is a rather common condition in our domestic dogs.
Diabetes in dogs is one of the most common conditions amongst dogs today.
The information below describes the more common conditions named above.
It's well priced, accepts many common conditions present among seniors, and offers insane protection to the already mentioned niches.
If you have any health condition — even common conditions like diabetes, arthritis or cholesterol elevation, make sure you speak with a high risk life insurance specialist.
Most common conditions combined with a diagnosis of substance abuse / dependence included: major depression (26 per cent) and post traumatic stress disorder (22 per cent).
Ask the Doctor takes a closer look on common conditions affecting your feline's health.
Common conditions of pet ferrets include diarrhea, intestinal foreign bodies, parasites, heart disease, and various types of tumors.
A tongue - tie is a relatively common condition that approximately 5 % of newborns are born with.
One of the most common conditions among dogs, a proper diet can not entirely solve this but can certainly prevent this from happening.
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