Sentences with word «communitas»

For a moment in these complex times, the World Cup brings us all together — in spontaneous communitas in cafes, pubs and living rooms yelling like maniacs at the television, dancing and celebrating a well - kicked GOOOAALLL — united in the love for this sport.
amen brother soul... a comunity that can enter into that kind of communitas is truly a sign of the kingdom
This still - medieval link between communitas and universitas did not last.
But so too did the repressive authoritarianism of post-Tridentine Catholicism, the emergence of a Catholic ecclesiology inimical to true communitas by its overemphasis on clerical power and centralized authority, and the acceptance into Catholic theology, philosophy, and anthropology of a dualistic Cartesianism every bit as inimical to the medieval intellectual and moral synthesis (if such a thing can be said to have existed) as anything that emerged from Wittenberg or Geneva.
By contrast, in Italy philosophers speak incessantly about communita — while practicing an almost medieval and princely self - assertion and exhibiting a fiercely proud individualism that borders on anarchy.
Seligman begins by tracing both the origins and the metamorphoses of the concept of civil society, pointing out that the late medieval breakdown of Catholic universitas required, at least among Protestants, a new symbolic representation of the nature of society, i.e., communitas.
The state must cease to be a machina machinarum which «strangles the individuality of small associations» and must become instead a communitas communitatum — a union of communities within which the proper autonomous life of each community can unfold.
Later on, Turner portrayed religion as embodying aspects of both structure and anti-structure, and rituals as those special activities that mediate the opposing demands of both «communitas» and the formalized social order.
In the process account, the creation of «communitas» occurs as concrescence, a time out of time, a duration that has extension but not divisibility, a betwixt and between for that which is becoming — but is not - yet.
I need not elaborate the detailed description Turner developed of the way in which rites of passages afford the formal structuring that, he claimed, maintains the ordered value system of a group and provides a cathartic experience of «communitas
Giving special prominence to the liminal period, Turner described the creation of «communitas» as a time of effervescence, of uncertainty and indeterminateness, of being betwixt and between.
Even in Turner's work, despite the overall tripartite scheme, «communitas» is theorized in terms of the binary opposition between structure and anti-structure.
Adopting Van Gennep's categories and applying them in his own work in anthropology; Victor Turner did more than any other scholar to place the notions of liminality and «communitas» center - stage in ritual studies.
Curator Raphael Gygax said: «Focused on artistic collaboration, this year's Projects explore «communitas» — the construction of collective identity — and society's relationship with the «Other».
«Focused on artistic collaboration, this year's Projects explore «communitas» — the construction of collective identity — and society's relationship with the «Other».
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