Sentences with phrase «community building»

Community building refers to the process of bringing people together to create a stronger and more connected community. It involves activities and efforts aimed at fostering relationships, promoting cooperation, and improving the overall well-being of the community. Full definition
Many have gone on to work with other artists in community building in some capacity.
The game, which is focused on science standards, happened to fit the theme of community building in my social studies class.
The garden provides opportunity for community building as we realize our strength as a group and celebrate with garden - grown food.
Roughly 35 million people live in the permafrost zone, with three cities and many smaller communities built on continuous permafrost.
Instead, you see the incredible products, the sense of community built around learning exhibitions, and the faces of excited children.
At their best, student voice group events can serve as bridges between students and promote learning through community building.
The Catholic academic tradition places as much emphasis on community building as on academic excellence, and sports are important for building community.
Planning, collaboration and community building with families and colleagues can help to lighten the load.
PT: Everyone who wants to talk about publishing I think is really just avoiding talking about community building.
As a writer, he wrote four books and numerous journal articles that focus on empathy and emotional intelligence practices, as community building tools.
A holistic family engagement strategy combines community building events with actions that focus on student learning.
By participating in this program artists take advantage of networking and community building opportunities in addition to having access to low - cost studio space.
They provide diverse services, from community building to prevention, from individual crisis support to advocacy, and from peer support to education.
The most dynamic learning communities build their entire school schedules around their professional learning community model.
There are many community building events and great opportunities to participate in the school as a parent.
Then, as others in the school community build capacity and earn the trust of the troops, let them become more involved in the real decisions of the school.
It supports community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency rewards and users get paid for their posts.
These events encourage community building as students from both grades (7 and 8) play math - oriented games together regardless of their math ability.
It is not only a tool to better manage your classroom, but a way to create a culturally relevant, positive classroom community built around high expectations and strong relationships.
End of the year goodbye stars are a great community building activity that help students further their social emotional development.
The crew period emphasizes community building, and students discuss things that are bothering them, current events, college readiness and other topics.
From playing class games to ensuring culturally relevant curriculum, the author advocates a human approach to community building while developing student interest and intellect.
It is our aim to be known for extensive community building and networking.
This means that you need to be on the latest Community Build to get a taste of Android 7.1.
How will your school community build awareness of instructional coaching?
What if we put community building and the emotional climate of the classroom back at the center of our organizing values?
Many of them organize community builds, group discussions, and town hall meetings.
The goal of creating a sustainable financial model for the school can not be separated from these efforts toward community building and governance.
We need education, community building resources and creating opportunities for people no matter where you're from.
This sounds very similar — and I think it is very community building — which is what the church is «supposed» to be.
This type of community building is what makes shelters run.
We also provide support for founders on things like community building, marketing and business development.
Well, simply put, it's the best fashion and lifestyle blogger community built around supporting each other!
There is a better sense of community built here than on other websites, as this one is based around webcam real time chat and flirting with other members from around the world.
Our teachers serve as advisors, communicating frequently with families about social - emotional development, school - wide community building, and college & career readiness.
How is community building different from developing relationships with parents?
Too many authors don't take the job of community building seriously and instead go in for the quick, hard sell.
They visit reader communities built around their genre, or even their own brand.
A vibrant community built up around the game, with experienced players writing guides and sharing their wisdom on forums.
There is a nice community built around the title.
All of that careful community building, not to mention some key sales with Humble Bundle and a free Steam weekend, has led to a pretty healthy online community.
In its 2016 legislative session, the state passed no fewer than six groundbreaking climate bills: setting historic targets for greenhouse gas reductions, helping disadvantaged communities build climate resilience, and more.
The designers envision whole communities built in this clever fashion, which can float with on the rising waters of a natural disaster.
A small college town that nearly 90,000 people call home, and is a small, tight - knit community built on a strong sense of culture and history.
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