Sentences with phrase «community stakeholders»

The phrase "community stakeholders" refers to individuals or groups who have an interest or investment in a particular community. They can include residents, businesses, organizations, or even government agencies that play a role in making decisions, contributing to the well-being, and shaping the future of that community. Full definition
We sat down with him to understand what it will take for community solar to reach its full market potential, based on his work with community stakeholders.
How did you meet the challenge of encouraging kids to eat school breakfast — and promoting this important meal program to parents, principals, teachers, the media and other community stakeholders?
A well - planned program, involving key community stakeholders in the process, is much more likely to succeed over the long - term.
Vital meetings are often held during school hours which limits the number of parents, guardians and community stakeholders who can attend.
Although the politics are more raw in larger and big city school districts, even the smallest school boards can be marked by alliances among members and between members and key community stakeholders.
We believe that by engaging community stakeholders that focus on the needs of the whole child we will stimulate comprehensive conversations for child development and education.
Our programs are run in partnership with both government and community stakeholders at the local level.
Principals should understand their state's early learning standards so they can effectively communicate to staff and school community stakeholders the elements of learning that are embedded in classroom play.
For these reasons and more, community stakeholders need to dialogue, plan and act.
«In this economic time where there are budget cuts and job losses, it is crucial to utilize parents and community stakeholders as a resource for student success,» she shared.
While construction on the new playground began in the summer of 2015, community stakeholders said they had long advocated for a full renovation of the park.
The district leaders and community stakeholders saw a need to start developing creativity in students.
Teams made up of staff ~ parents and community stakeholders create a map of existing programs and services at a school.
Give community stakeholders easy access to information like your mission, enrollment, achievement indicators, and points of pride (such as awards and key initiatives).
It takes coordination and collaboration by all concerned community stakeholders.
Place - based education offers an ideal opportunity to develop strong, positive partnerships among community stakeholders — in fact, it can't succeed without them.
Teachers, students, parents, and vested community stakeholders don't want their community schools sold, they want them funded.
Establish a communication mechanism so community stakeholders can easily connect with teachers and students on civic education and engagement.
The project engages youth in community mapping, then youth and community stakeholders come together to share findings and develop collaborative action plans that address priorities for engaging youth.
Other community stakeholders, such as police officers, clergy members, elected officials, and health care providers can provide a broader perspective.
This project is supported by a large research team and by a diverse group of community stakeholders.
Merced Union High School District is holding meetings with community stakeholders including youth, parents, and community organizations as it prepares its Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
CCSA will continue to work with our members, like the Alliance, to disseminate information to parents and school community stakeholders about a variety of public education issues such as charter school renewals, facilities challenges, increasing awareness about charter schools in the community, and speaking about their family's personal experience at the charter with media.
Peter DeWitt presents leaders with a variety of tools to improve school climate, community stakeholder engagement, and ultimately, student growth.
In her role she works with executive directors and regional leadership teams across the country to measure the impact they are having in their communities by engaging with local community stakeholders and aligning community needs to local strategy.
At 2 p.m., Mayor Kathy Sheehan will be joined by community stakeholders at a press conference to unveil a public draft of ReZone Albany, City Hall, Eagle Street, Albany.
Community Conversation: School Equity In February 2016, The Mind Trust and UNCF hosted a «community conversation» on the topic of «School Equity,» during which community stakeholders discussed ways to ensure that every child in Indianapolis has equitable educational opportunities and experiences.
By working alongside community stakeholders and local law enforcement agencies, we've built the trust and network we need to get the facts and evidence required to act judiciously and effectively.»
Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability: a Framework for Community Stakeholders
A new Division of Planning Advisory Board, which will involve community stakeholders who will be expected to offer advice and input regarding county development, conservation and ongoing local planning efforts.
Community stakeholders felt this group of older kittens was most at - risk of being unable to care for themselves when released back into their neighborhoods.
This is a long letter, but it frames a deeper understanding of what chartering can achieve when parents, teachers and community stakeholders join together.
In other words, nurturing educated citizens won't be delegated as solely the purview of school systems, but rather the mission of various community stakeholders with an emphasis on public - private partnerships (PPP).
Could a regional or community stakeholder bank, or similar, help facilitate the move to a Viable Economy?
In addition, a number of internal and external community stakeholders are identified and interviewed by AWS auditors.
The amount of district and community stakeholders shaping and defining standards in food procurement is growing as school districts recognize the value in creating a healthy school environment on all levels, including the dining room.
This isn't the first time I've sat in a room like this, where community stakeholders were brought together to talk about improving Houston's school food.
On April 26, elected officials, students and community stakeholders took part in a victory rally outside Wadleigh's historic building to celebrate the school's second chance.
While some community members questioned whether EDC had attempted to put out the amendment discreetly without informing community stakeholders, the agency said it had debriefed the Community Board and local elected officials, including Brewer, on the amendment.
«The Borough President is concerned that the city... and Sporttime have not adequately consulted community stakeholders about this project and have also not been sufficiently transparent with information about the existing 20 tennis courts and the extent to which they can be made more accessible to the surrounding community and general public,» said a Stringer spokesperson,
Picente was joined in support for the agreement by Paul Morgan the Executive Director of the CNYSPCA, Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara, Oneida County Sheriff Rob Maciol as well as representatives from the major community stakeholders, Stevens - Swan Humane Society, Spring Care Farms and the Rome Humane Society.

Phrases with «community stakeholders»

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