Sentences with word «complementary»

The word "complementary" means something that goes well with something else, completing it or making it better. Full definition
Timing of the introduction of complementary foods in infancy: a randomized controlled trial.
It's also open to research that mixes traditional treatment methods with complementary medicines.
Mix textures in complementary colors for a rich, sophisticated look.
In ways that could not have been imagined a few decades ago, the field of complementary medicine now commands more attention by the consumer and the medical communities.
Current state law requires your veterinarian's authorization for complementary therapies, such as massage.
Experts recommend the continuation of breastfeeding or breast milk along with complementary foods for at least the first year.
One can see in this period of about 500 years the tragic evolution away from the Catholic understanding of faith and reason as complementary ways of knowing.
A beautiful spin on the classic hair accessory, in complementary colors with gold accents.
While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve challenges in your life, by applying complementary therapy approaches and techniques.
Introducing solids is known as complementary feeding or weaning and it is the introduction of foods which complement your babies usual milk — rather than replacing it.
She also makes clear that despite their marked differences, and the apparent contradictions in some of the theories related to them, the five methods can function as complementary approaches in religious education.
They're connected by theme, certainly, but there's also a use of complementary colours.
There seem to be a lot of other complementary skills and interests here that I hope will provide you, the readers, with more interesting and regular content.
It has evolved from a specialist rental chain into a home entertainment retailer with a dominant position in the Irish market and the ability to offer complementary product ranges.
Just make sure you're using complementary colours and patterns to tie the room together.
Additionally, there are a plethora of other complementary services provided along with our Management assignment help which are listed as follows.
If you know lawyers in complementary practice areas who can feed you work, that's huge.
I'm all about creating aspects of an outfit that contrast each other in complementary ways.
-LSB-...] proof that giving your baby cereal or any other complementary food will help him sleep more.
Investors and realtors play different yet incredibly complementary roles in local real estate transactions.
This provides complementary information to that obtained with X-rays.
We conduct and support research and provide information about complementary health products and practices.
Many mothers are helped by complementary therapies (such as nutritional supplements, exercise, bright light therapy and / or herbs), so you might like to bear that in mind too.
But he worries that the issue will arise again for other genomic data, such as complementary DNA sequences, where there are as yet no explicit international agreements.
Results of complementary treatments with micro nutrients such as amino acids may vary greatly between individuals.
Healthy full - term breastfed babies do not need additional zinc past what they get from breastmilk and (after 6 - 8 months) from complementary foods.
This focused visit enables our doctors to give recommendations and assist you in choosing the best plan of care, including complementary approaches when applicable, with the goal of optimizing your vitality.
He has helped a number of his clients expand into complementary businesses such as celebrity endorsements and merchandising.
Upon close examination of these core needs and how they are met, we will find that the strategies we employ as healthy men and women are in actuality highly complementary strategies.
Evidence - based complementary and alternative medicine programs such as yoga and meditation that can enhance health outcomes; and interventions addressing prevention behaviors such as sound nutrition and exercise.
Since these won't completely light up the room on their own, add complementary light sources, like a table lamp across the room.
And one of the most complementary shades for any eye color.
When a Canadian business expands its markets or finds complementary strengths through a foreign acquisition, good things happen.
Teachers might help children see the benefits and limitations of both approaches, as complementary sets of strategies to use when tackling unfamiliar texts.
As you will discover, many of our chairs can be paired and coordinated with complementary pieces of French furniture.
It uses a cloud computing algorithm to analyze frequently updated satellite imagery along with complementary information on factors that affect tree cover loss, such as fires and precipitation.
The key to success is your ability to thoughtfully surround yourself with partners, particularly Ph.D. scientists, who offer complementary expertise.
We believe that combining the best in traditional and complementary care creates the greatest opportunity for individuals to protect and improve vision.
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.
The exhibition also presents complementary works by his teachers, associates, students and artists he influenced and was assembled from 50 public and private collections, according to the museum.
He has studied and integrated into his practice several complementary methods of treating patients.
Two independent and complementary studies provide an answer to this question.
The whole point of brand partnerships is to form complementary relationships.
He was very complementary about our kitties which I thought was nice since they see pets all day long.
These foods are mostly sugar in various forms with complementary flavors added.
This much is demonstrated by two excellent complementary exhibitions that combine paintings and works on paper to their great benefit.
Keep the look calm and cohesive by choosing complementary tones.
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