Sentences with phrase «complete sense»

However, it makes complete sense for folks who live at the far end of a dirt road, or motorists who go off the beaten path on a regular basis.
Because it slows the process down from escalating out of control, and it gives the speaker a more complete sense of feeling heard.
As a writer, I am in the content - selling business, and that's why parallel publishing makes complete sense for me.
An actual «here's exactly how many books have been sold to the end user» makes complete sense as the basis of a best seller list in the medium.
The plan also will provide a more complete sense of the costs involved, he adds.
It makes complete sense because when dogs pull on the collar, the pressure is exactly where the thyroid gland resides — at the front of the neck.
It makes complete sense from one angle, but no sense at all from another.
If this is the case, it makes complete sense why people would shy away from fresh beets and think they don't like them!
The original novel that I have with that company isn't selling real well as an e-book, and that makes complete sense since the e-book costs damn near $ 20.
His claim also does not make complete sense today, but for the opposite reason.
It may not make complete sense at first, but it'll be useful to refer back to.
The nearby water sounds from the bubbling pot complete the sense of calm.
The crucial life task of adolescence is to complete the sense of identity.
But there are times when an assumption makes complete sense for the buyer as well as the veteran.
It makes complete sense why it's delivered the way it is.
While this makes complete sense in theory, only about 45 % of American credit card users pay their balances in full every month.
If you don't, this is still a movie that draws you into a richly imagined world, and hurls action and humor at you so fast you don't have time to stop and realize that maybe it doesn't all make complete sense without a Ph.D. understanding of comics.
At the time it was codenamed Vienna, which made complete sense following on from the... Read more
Taking every wrong direction on his lonley way back home» which is cleverly dropped in at an early point in the film but only makes complete sense when his odyssey is over.
Katherine's obsession with the carpets quickly seeped into her paintings; the patterns and wild color combinations making complete sense with her earlier raw and loose portraits of models torn from magazines for which she was already well recognized.
Chromecast Ultra is an easy and predictable upgrade for Google and a device that makes complete sense by supporting the latest formats for video streaming to your TV.
It would then make complete sense seeing as they then Baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.
Doesn't the non-existance of a book of Jesus make complete sense within the divinity argument?
I just saw that this recipe is for 2 servings so it make complete sense now!!
Another top article written by UCHE, always keep a eye out for your posts, always talking complete sense!
As a Nurse - Midwife who takes care of dozens of pregnant women each week, I can say that this pillow makes complete sense physiologically and practically and should be a required gift for all expecting women.
Your «war cabinet» plan makes complete sense Richard as this is clearly the time to draw on the experience of all senior Tories who have not only been in government, but in government during a tricky economic time.
Well, actually it makes complete sense if you're anemic or low on iron.
forces its cast to bend to an unwieldy storyline that ultimately only makes complete sense inside Ellison's head.
Originally, Avengers: Infinity War was announced as two parts, which made complete sense due to its massive scope.
Granted, I've only seen Park Chan - wook's version once (during its initial U.S. run) years ago, so I can't speak to any direct comparisons there, but I can say that the first official poster makes complete sense once you've seen the trailer, which is a sizzling tease for a potentially punishing ride.
While Overdrive has excellent training sessions on this, some of it doesn't make complete sense until you actually are done and utilize the site, because once you use it, you see the reasons for some of the collection development decisions.
The dropping of PS3 and Vita makes complete sense IMO.
These gestures communicate selves whose consciousness have been expunged in the most complete sense, leaving empty shells that have no shame or desire, only an automaton's compulsion to express behaviors no matter how machinic.
Will a clearinghouse for a «personal brand» emerge, so potential business partners can make better and more complete sense of who we are?
Parasite control is an integral part of any wellness program, and year - round preventive use makes complete sense for today's cat.
With Bollywoodesque «How To guides on investing in mutual funds», the AMFI's drive to increase investments in Indian mutual funds is a determined and vigorous campaign, which makes complete sense because AMFI is an association of SEBI - recognized Mutual Fund Houses, and it works in their interest to have more Indians invest in mutual funds.
At the time it was codenamed Vienna, which made complete sense following on from the Priv which was code - named Venice.
In this case, the August Doorbell Cam will work with the Nest Cam to keep track of activities that happen both inside your home and outside your front door, offering a more complete sense of who might be near — or in — your house.
Weiner's snappy performance makes complete sense when I think about the months of watching Bel's work on a giant screen.
Operation Vote made complete sense from a rational point of view, and it was the right thing to do: reaching out to the diversity that makes our country strong, listening to it, provide state of the art organizing training where needed, letting the work of our diverse volunteers and constituents inform decisions at the top, making them feel like the integral part of the American family they are, and together with them, win the election.
Where we do find these subjects being mandated is in licensed paralegal education in Ontario, which makes complete sense since this is within their scope of practice, and they can provide these services in a more cost - effective manner.
Google's Chromecast Ultra is an easy and predictable upgrade for Google and a device that makes complete sense by supporting the latest formats for video streaming to your TV.
So in my opinion, this story makes complete sense as a # 40 million swoop for Lacazette would leave Arsenal with more money to finance moves for the rest of their summer targets.
Putting a $ 30k tiny house on a trailer (or an RV) in your back yard and renting it out for $ 900 / mo makes complete sense in markets like @Natalie Kolodij's or in mine.
«It just made complete sense
It's a simple process that makes complete sense — allow people to thrive where they can and allow others to step in if that's their calling.
Singer Elton John says his foundation's partnership with the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to increase access to medication for HIV and AIDS patients makes «complete sense

Phrases with «complete sense»

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