Sentences with phrase «computer models»

"Computer models" are virtual representations or simulations created on computers to predict and understand how things work in the real world. They are used to simulate and analyze various situations before actually testing or implementing them in reality. Full definition
The hypothesis of anthropogenic greenhouse gases was born out of computer modelling of climate changes.
You may recall recently an animal rights activist suggested we use computer models instead of experimental animals to test new drugs.
We're not told the research is based on computer models built on completely inadequate data whose predictions are consistently incorrect.
The researchers developed computer models of the G protein - coupled receptors interacting with different drug compounds.
Still, the increase is about what's predicted by computer models of global climate.
It is important to distinguish between what the climate is actually doing and what computer models predict.
There, he will continue his research on computer models for gamma - ray bursts.
But a new computer model shows that wild bee populations are declining in many agricultural areas.
This is confirmed by the failure of all predictions, forecasts, or scenarios from computer models built on that database.
They built computer models from inadequate data and serious limitations in understanding most weather variables and mechanisms.
They both developed from false assumptions, used manipulated data and science, which they combined into computer models whose projections were, not surprisingly, wrong.
Information is transmitted to a satellite when the animals surface to breathe and is used to create computer models that will better predict ocean circulation patterns.
A new computer model now shows how these gravity monsters influence the large - scale structure of our universe.
Scientists use climate computer models to compare these observed changes with natural climate drivers and human climate drivers.
The rational interpretation of current CO2 levels and temperature compared with the past is that the they aren't nearly as closely related as computer models suggest.
If the temperature plateau continued for another 10 years, would that be enough to cast doubt on the climate computer model predictions?
The team then used sophisticated computer modeling systems to process the scan data and simulate how the amount and distribution of bone loss would affect the ability to sustain mechanical loads and movements.
To wit, the effect of CO2 induced climate change is determined by running computer models assuming no change in CO2.
He and his collaborators employed both simple and complex computer models in early studies of the role of clouds in climate change, and in research on the climatic effects of massive volcanic eruptions.
I realize that «we» put a lot of «faith» in computer model projections here, but surely they're not considered facts just yet.
Even global temperatures aren't rising as fast as the global warming computer models say they should be, as we pointed out in this space recently.
This information can be used with 3D computer modelling to prepare the evidence to use the full collision circumstances.
Of greater concern (whether true or not) is how well computer models can account for feedback effects in relation to cloud cover.
These improvements arise in part from advanced computer modelling.
When computer model forecasts disagree with actual data, guess which one is always right.
In fact, information from deep - sea studies such as this will be essential to improving computer models of global carbon cycling and climate change.
Look around, make observations, real world observations, not computer model outputs.
They built computer models designed to «prove» their hypothesis.
And that is my point, has been my point, about computer models from day 1.
A 3 - D printer is a machine that can turn a three - dimensional computer model into a physical object.
He argues that the current computer models which make more alarming predictions are unreliable, and based on the assumption of large positive «water vapour feedbacks».
They explain why data and computer models indicate that anthropogenic greenhouse gases are making our world warmer.
And it goes against base assumptions used in most computer models assume for cloud formations.
Working with the school's department of systems design, engineers are using detailed computer modeling to study the dynamics and performance of hockey sticks.
The robust study, years in the making, also applied advanced structural and 3 - D computer modeling analysis to identify the underlying basis for the new compound's success.
This possibility is in contrast to existing computer models.
Where computer models of 30 years ago were struggling to make good use of these, current - day methods allow for a superior reconstruction of the atmosphere.
He says the relatively simple computer model provided an excellent basis for planning the experiments by enabling the researchers to change the components rapidly and thereby identify important aspects.
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