Sentences with phrase «computer time»

If you want to keep working on it, you need to use the same computer every time.
He loses computer time for the rest of the period (or week).
The simulations, begun in 1983, took so much computer time that they were not completed and published until this summer.
The average American child spends 40 hours a week in front of screens, not including computer time at school.
They can simply include computer time as an additional station or as a replacement for an existing station.
So many beautiful posts to visit and so little computer time this week.
Instead, you can take the course from your home computer any time you like.
If he does not comply, follow through with the loss of something, like computer time privilege.
That might have meant they'd not sneak in a full 45 minutes of extra computer time while I was battling traffic to bring home refined sugar.
Pretty much no educational computer time for any students, unless the district got a grant for one year.
These rewards can be as simple as verbal praise, a positive phone call home, extra computer time, stickers, or lunch with a favorite teacher.
Also, it gives me more precious computer time to get around and visit everyone, which is so important to me.
In many jobs, extended computer time is simply unavoidable, but allowing or encouraging frequent breaks for stepping away from the screen, stretching or taking a minute outside could help minimize effects.
They made a deal: Unlimited computer time for the students in exchange for their help finding bugs in the system.
I have a little computer time today, trying to catch up on your recent posts.
My youngest daughter is a hot head, so time outs happen alot but I take away toys, tv, computer time also.
Each group now will need computer time to research pets and make a final decision on the best pet.
Each model does an ensemble of simulations, varying initial conditions and model parameters, but owing to computer time maybe 10 simulations are run for any one model.
The activity reporting feature can also be turned off — for example, you may want to impose computer time limits but not monitor what your children do on the computer.
-- Do I have to take the course from the same computer each time I log in?
Y ’ know those countless hours of computer time I mentioned above?
At this time, part of your grade was determined by how much computer time you used.
Many students choose it if they have limited computer time or a slow internet connection.
With only 5 hours of educational computer time that you can take at your leisure.
The character of R2 - D2 will likely be done with computers this time as he was in the last three Star Wars movies, so this whole joke doesn't really hold water?
No more heavy paper books to carry around, access the manual at any time, anywhere from any computer
The solution was an ingenious bit of software, designed at Venter's institute, that drastically cuts down on the amount of computer time by screening the pieces and comparing only the most likely matches.
Instead of scheduling computer time in advance and receiving the results of a calculation days later, scientists will be able to find an available supercomputer on the network and get their answers right away.
I'm supposed to know how long it will take for the baby to sleep through the night, and how tired I will be, so that I can schedule computer time 5 months in advance?»
Limit your child's «screen» time to no more than an hour a day - too much television and computer time doesn't give children time to develop their imagination or engage in self - directed play.
I am coming back to read these comments through properly and to follow the links — I will come back later AFTER my real life stuff is done and I think that is the key for me making sure important stuff is done first instead of time running away on the computer
Spike's taking up some free computer time in the library while his meds are being mixed in the pharmacy next door.
For me, that means less computer time, and way more time in the kitchen or in the backyard with my kids
I was planning on sharing this recipe with you while I was away, but then I decided to fully enjoy my time and not worry about it... plus, I didn't have a laptop with me so it was hard to find computer time.
Just because tech companies are churning out software for kids doesn't mean your child will turn out computer illiterate if she doesn't get computer time daily.
Just because tech companies are churning out software for kids doesn't mean your child will turn out computer illiterate if she doesn't have computer time daily.
In other words, the crowdsourced answer is pretty clear: the right way to blend computer time and teacher time is to give the computer about 30 percent, or about one - third, of the school day.
• Timely took and served a range of beverage and food items • Monitored guests at all times, predicted their needs and quickly responded to their requests • Prepared and presented the bill • Completed end of shift income and cash deposit reports • Up - sold beverage and food items to guests • Cleaned dirty glassware and plates to proper dish wash area and sorted same for washing • Recorded all aspects of guests order correctly and entered guest orders into the computer
«Thus, if obese individuals were to replace time spent sitting at the computer with walking computer time by two to three hours / day, and if other components of energy balance were constant, a weight loss of 20 kg to 30 kg / year could occur.»
As technology permitted «time - sharing» (wiring mainframes so that they could perform more than one task simultaneously), users could share computer time.
Because he lived within walking distance of the University of Washington, which happened to have free computer time between 3 - 6 in the morning.
Mine are Law & Order, Queer Eye, and CSI, not to mention computer time and reading.
Rationing computer time is often an effective motivation to increase good behavior and decrease zombie - like staring at the screen.

Phrases with «computer time»

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