Sentences with phrase «computer virus»

A computer virus is a malicious program that can infect computers and cause damage to the system. It spreads from one computer to another, similar to how a real virus spreads among people, and can disrupt or destroy files, steal personal information, or even take control of a computer. Full definition
You must be able to get rid of computer viruses or, better still, not let them in, in the first place.
If you're still in the process of writing your book, then pay special attention to today's news about the latest computer virus.
You don't have to be a computer genius to be knowledgeable about computer viruses.
Nearly 1 million new computer viruses are released each day.
Many computer viruses automatically mass send themselves to all the contacts in your address book.
Like biological viruses, computer viruses require hosts in order to spread.
Below is a list of eight of the worst computer viruses and worms in the history of the internet.
If someone mentions «virus,» I immediately think computer virus and seldom worry that someone might be coming down with a cold.
Feel the wrath of my terrifying computer virus that will bring this website down!
If you used computers in the 90s, you remember the first mainstream computer viruses.
We're all facing more complex challenges than ever when it comes to computer security, particularly in light of ever - evolving computer viruses and persistent hackers.
The only way to be sure that you're protected from computer viruses is to update your virus definition files on a frequent basis.
Be careful: That's a new computer virus, and it's becoming more prevalent.
In fact, many computer viruses are transmitted via email and infect the computer's hard drive once emails are opened.
not to knowingly or recklessly upload content or any software that could damage, interfere with, harm or otherwise infect by computer virus or other malware the Services or any platform operated by us;
These works consider the code of computer viruses as text, in a sense taking the malicious programmers as his unwitting collaborators.
Upload, post, email or submit Content that contains computer viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;
NHS computers had more than 8,000 computer viruses in the last financial year, an investigation by More4News has discovered.
A mysterious computer virus wipes out highly classified personnel files at the NSA, prompting a top secret investigation.
It also alleged, as raw business intelligence, that his companies, through porn traffic, were used to spread computer viruses and other malware to steal data from and conduct attacks against the Democratic National Committee.
Unlike computer viruses, which embed themselves in programs and can't spread without help, worms use computer networks to propagate.
by Anne R. Allen I've been dealing with an evil computer virus which first attacked my desktop and now seems to have killed my laptop dead.
For example, Iran did not publicly blame the United States and Israel, the presumed perpetrators of the Stuxnet computer virus attack on an Iranian nuclear facility in 2009 and 2010, because the Iranian government likely recognized that the two countries would be able to brush off Iran's recriminations.
See Charles Arthur's «Symantex Discovers 2005 U.S. Computer Virus Attack on Iran nuclear plants,» published online February 23, 2013.
So, we use computer virus protection software, firewalls, and a 128 - bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for data transmission to secure your information.
Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, scareware, spyware, cryptocurrency miners, adware, and other programs intended to exploit computer resources for nefarious purposes.
The town of Río Fugitivo is on the verge of a social revolution — not a revolution of strikes and street riots but a war waged electronically, where computer viruses are the weapons and hackers the revolutionaries.
They'll likely take that with a pinch of salt, so to speak, if not already insulted, but what about when they see the movie «independence day» before the ad breaks... Im sure they'll already be discussing how to avoid having computer viruses uploaded to their UFO hardware, and deciding whether its worth the effort to come to Earth to teach us a lesson about interstellar communications!
Most antivirus programs do a decent job of protecting against computer viruses, but can be hit and miss when it comes to the multiple other types of malware, including adware, Trojans, spyware, browser hijackers, worms, rootkits, backdoors, keyloggers and ransomware.
It's debatable, but some people claim this was the first computer virus.
What it does: Produces a device that detects and eliminates computer viruses
Worst case scenario, some malware can damage your system irreparably, requiring the hard drive to Short for malicious software, malware is a general term that covers computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, and others.
Skrenta's claims to fame include writing the Elk Cloner virus, the first big computer virus ever created.
The FixMeStick ® device is the world's leading computer virus removal tool.
Bugcrowd and HackerOne both launched in 2012 and both businesses are competing within the transforming into computer virus bounty market...
Because of this market being so virgin, I was fearful that I would lose my $ 100 (about a month's worth of groceries), and possibly suffer from computer viruses at the best, or a stolen identity and empty bank account at the worst.
The truth is that just like real viruses, computer viruses mutate.
Learn the most common twishing, phishing, and computer virus messages so you know how to avoid them, and never click on a link you don't trust.
Computer security experts say that every day there are more than 100 computer viruses unleashed and disseminated via the web.
The worm exposes the sophisticated international criminal networks behind modern computer viruses
«The ultimate computer virus would be one that did not just eat code but the components of machines,» says Eileen Choffnes, study director for the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine's recent report, «Globalization, Biosecurity, and the Future of the Life Sciences.»
Web Series And Shorts In H +: The Digital Series, nearly one - third of humanity falls victim to a fatal computer virus that attacks the implanted devices now connecting people's nervous systems directly to the Internet.
It was shown to be not so much a typical computer virus as a multifunctional weapon that can be reprogrammed to target any crucial industry.
Still, Ofria acknowledges that harmful computer viruses may eventually evolve like his caged digital organisms.
ON THE day a new computer virus hits the internet there is little that antivirus software can do to stop it until security firms get round to writing and distributing a patch that recognises and kills the virus.
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