Sentences with phrase «condition of man»

In her works, the young artist (b. 1980 in Belfast, Northern Ireland) engages with the elemental conditions of man in his habitat and reveals the impossibility of grasping the complexity of life and death: «Exploring the physicality of animals, death, and illusions of permanence in the work is my way of trying to come to terms with these things myself.»
All the talk of certain modern schools of theology about the lost condition of man apart from God would have been to the Hebrew thinker just so much crackling of thorns under a pot.
The human condition of mans cruelty towards his fellow man may never change but the struggle and hatred of one religion to another is not helpimg.
With great effectiveness he portrayed the fallen, helpless condition of man, the unspeakable love of God, the judgment of man's reason and conscience convicting him of his failure, and God's gracious redemption in Christ.
We must listen to the voice of St John of the Cross when he says, «The holier a man is, the gentler he is and the less scandalised by the faults of others, because he knows the weak condition of man
The so - called conditions of man are intrinsic to man; they are non-transferable, which is the same as to say that they are «essential» to man.
Somehow they could not re-create the pristine condition of man.
Rather, that which we call nature comes into consideration only so far as it characterizes that present condition of men which is determined by the necessity of decision.
«Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man.
Turner and her colleagues hope that their work on oxytocin will guide future research on the psychiatric conditions of men and women.
In the 1960s, the performer used his considerable clout in his field to co-create the Stuntman's Association, a group which would fight to safeguard the rights and working conditions of the men and women who risked life and limb for Hollywood.As he grew older, Farnsworth thought it wise to cut back on the athletics and to seek out speaking roles.
In 1965 he said, «I am very concerned with what I think, to use a fancy term, is the existential condition of man
20th Century Man can be seen as Mark Titchner's attempt to explore and probe the current spiritual condition of man.
It is the power of Jesus to speak to all sorts and conditions of men in all circumstances that has given Christianity its tenacity through the centuries.
For example, when Pope Benedict XVI was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he penned the recent On the Collaboration of Men and Women, concluding that feminine values are «above all human values: the human condition of man and woman created in the image of God is one and indivisible.
Treating the Bible as metanarrative on the condition of man still produces a viable and rich theological perspective on the transcendent.
In this fact, the Christian faith sees the mystery of the Creator and the condition of man, who was made in God's image.
Without comparing the conditions of men and our own condition with that of others, we can not attend to questions of justice.
But on all other legitimate levels, just having these interests going in intelligent hands is itself an excellent method of evangelizing, of telling the gospel story to all sorts and conditions of men.
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said the conditions of men need to change, such as injustices and exploitation but he also said the character of men needs to change and that's the inner work of the Holy Spirit.
It is pervaded by the sense of the order of the creation, with a definite physical, living, and moral structure which set the conditions of man's life.
It concerns itself with the condition of man apart from Christ, so that by illuminating that condition for the unbeliever, he may be brought to a sense of his need for Christ and to a willingness to acknowledge that need.
It was disturbing because it spoke the truth about the condition of man.
The essays are provocative, cutting, and filled with interesting nuggets of existential insight into the condition of man and the meaning of faith.
The whole book is a monumental attempt to speak to the condition of men and women suffering from a profound intellectual and spiritual shock.
No one in the past two thousand years has been able to read the New Testament accounts of what he did and said without feeling an attraction to this incredibly empathetic, witty, understanding, self - giving, fiercely honest person who seemed to love all sorts and conditions of men, even those who wronged him.
As for the condition of men, we are in need of eternal life, which God gives freely to those who believe in Jesus for it (John 3:16; 5; 24; 6:47, etc.) Hope that helps a bit!
Each has identified itself with doctrinal and cultural elements too specialized to speak to the condition of man as man.
The condition of man's relation to God is first of all one of not having, not seeing, not knowing, and not grasping.
They ascribe John's austere way of life to demonic influence, but denounce Jesus because he enjoys eating with all sorts and conditions of men.
In its endorsement, the party called Paladino «our friend,» a «fighter who audaciously champions the cause better to the conditions of the men, women and children of Buffalo and Western New York,» and «someone who is deeply concerned with the vitality of our region and our state.»
«The life of man [by nature is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short -LSB-...] The condition of Man is a condition of war against every one»
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