Sentences with phrase «condition of the grant»

The full «Terms and Conditions of Grant Aid» document, which will accompany the formal grant Offer Letter, will have the full details.
Grantees who have complied with the terms and conditions of a grant previously awarded to them by the Foundation may apply for a second or third grant one year after the award of their previous grant.
In 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt addressed the Social Security founding committee and said that it «takes so very much money to provide even a moderate pension for everybody, that when the funds are raised by taxation only, a «means test» must necessarily be made a condition of the grant of pensions.»
EFA will closely examine cases and consider remedial action where there is clear evidence that a local authority is not meeting the required conditions of grant.
They might even demand assurances that we would avoid it as a condition of granting us entry.
In either case, she notes, the development «changes the terms and conditions of the grant,» so NSF should be notified.
Subject all grant - awarding institutions to a «law of minimum» unifying the conditions of the grants / contracts, to make the situation of PhDs more homogeneous.
As a condition of the grant, the corporation required that the employees sign a written agreement obligating them to work for the corporation at least 2 years following completion of the leave period.
A condition of the grants is that the six districts contribute funding to the effort.
The federal government granted the DOE money to help turn around 33 of the city's lowest performing schools — but a condition of that grant was improved teacher evaluations.
Having a new evaluation system was a condition of the grant and, without one, those schools were told to halt spending.
Providers in receipt of this funding are expected to bid for places through the allocations process, in line with the conditions of their grant funding agreement.
The conditions of grant document for 2016 to 2017 gives more information on how we calculated the UIFSM funding allocation for the 2016 to 2017 academic year.
Unexpended funds must be returned to GLMA, Inc. in the event that the grant recipient is unable to implement the conditions of the grant.
The conditions of the grant require teaching in a high - need field or schools that serve low - income families for at least four years within an eight - year time window post graduation.
The conditions of the grant require teaching in a high - need field or in schools that serve low - income families for at least four years within an eight - year time window post-graduation.
When we approve a loan or a credit card, the law allows us to place certain requirements on borrowers as a condition of granting the loan or issuing the credit card.
4 Terms and conditions of the grants are subject to change at any time by the federal or applicable provincial government.
All letters of application must be signed by both the Junior Handler and a parent or legal guardian, acknowledging the terms and conditions of the grant.
In October the ICA's managing director resigned, and the Arts Council stepped in with # 1.2 m from its emergency budget; a condition of the grant was that a consultant would look closely at the way the organisation worked.
As a condition of granting the adjournment, Hitti agreed to pay the full amount owed to the LTB in trust pending the outcome of the hearing.
At the end of August, the UK research councils, which control billions of pounds worth of funding, announced their intention to make free access on the internet a condition of grants in a bid to give British research more impact around the world.
It realised early on that it could not demand technology as a condition of grant to the 130 odd organisations that it funds.
This promise can be required as a condition of granting certain kinds of access (so long as the government isn't constitutionally required to provide access to its record systems, it can require those seeking records to accept certain conditions in exchange for access).
The main crux of the Bill is that all payments from tenants to landlords or letting agents that are required as a condition of granting, renewing or continuing a tenancy will be banned, except for rent, a refundable tenancy deposit, a refundable holding deposit and tenant default fees (examples given in the explanatory notes to the Bill being the replacement of a lost key or a late rent payment charge).
In its application for judicial review, Access Copyright submitted that the deletion provision is «a condition of the grant of rights» and that the Board has no authority under the Copyright Act to vary the terms and conditions.
As a condition of granting a mortgage, lenders usually require that they are named in the homeowners policy and that they are a party to any insurance payments related to the structure.
As a condition of granting a mortgage, lenders usually require that they are named in the homeowner's policy and that they are a party to any insurance payments related to the structure.
Or I own the franchise for Ontario and I dictate that all franchises must charge x % as a condition of granting the franchise.
If your home is in a special flood hazard area flood insurance is required as a condition of granting a mortgage loan.
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