Sentences with phrase «condition than others»

It means literally that some dogs of the same breed are more prone to certain conditions than other representatives.
There are Mayan ruins throughout the country (some in better condition than others) and intact colonial villages can be found nestled in the mountains.
Some insurers are more willing to accommodate certain medical conditions than others.
Some schools have better contextual conditions than others, providing students with more positive influences — peers who benefit from safe neighborhoods and strong community support.
Some carriers are more favorable to certain health conditions than others.
Being faster and better conditioned than the other guy wins fights all the time.
Because our lenders are offering fantastic promotions on payday loans with very low fees and more advantageous conditions than any other lender on the market.
Seeking profit and creating wealth has done more to advance the human condition than any other conceived by man.
Second, some schools have more favorable contextual conditions than others, providing a student with more favorable peers — those who benefit from strong community support and neighborhood safety.
Life insurance companies all have their own underwriting standards, meaning some look more kindly on certain conditions than others.
There will be a bit of a range, as some homes will have been sold in better condition than others, or will have had more upgrades than others.
Health: The Vizsla is a healthy dog but might be more at risk for certain conditions than other breeds:
The American Society of Civil Engineers reckons U.S. mass transit is in worse condition than any other infrastructure in terms of its quality and funding.
This and other mysteries are elucidated in a Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) study that uses a «realist synthesis» approach to understand when, how, where and why the establishment of MPAs is likely to result in better environmental conditions than other ownership arrangements.
NIPT screens for more chromosomal conditions than other screening options, as well as offers the highest detection rate and lowest false positive rate for Down syndrome.
Seedlings (bottom) and roots (top) of Arabidopsis thaliana plants reveal that one variant of FRO2 gene (right) is better for growth in low - iron conditions than the other FRO2 variant (left).
Teaching has been historically devalued — teachers are less well compensated and have less control of their working conditions than other professionals — because of its associations with women.
● Derivatives are generally more volatile and sensitive to changes in market or economic conditions than other securities; their risks include currency, leverage, liquidity, index, pricing, and counterparty risk.
Some countries provide stricter regulatory conditions than others.
Random market conditions: Market returns are not uniformly distributed, and thus some retirees may experience more adverse conditions than others; and
It is because of this possible genetic connection of food allergies that some dogs are more prone to the development of such conditions than other pooches.
The trees sold in North America are species of the genus Albizzia, probably A. julibrissin as it is much more tolerant of winter conditions than other closely related trees.
I hesitate to say that the landscape is more well - suited to expressing the contemporary condition than other genres.
The replicator goes on to show that this is only true under more restrictive conditions than the other assumptions.
The McCamley turbine was specifically designed to work in the variable and turbulent winds typically found in the city, and because it can continue to operate in extremely strong winds, may be able to harvest energy from a wider range of wind conditions than other designs.
This is not surprising, because the NASA GISS data consistently shows warmer modern conditions than any other agency.
Through thousands of years of selective breeding, the crop has evolved to be more resilient to harsh environmental conditions than other cereals, such as maize and wheat.
As I explained above, every life insurance company has its sweet spot, where it may be more forgiving of a certain heath condition than others.
American General will take everything into account surrounding your health before making a final decision on the cost of your policy, and is a bit more aggressive in approving people that have pre-existing conditions than other carriers.
Banking conditions vary greatly from state to state, with some states having much more favorable conditions than others.
This means some insurers are more lenient for specific medical conditions than others.
He says the county is aware, but some roadways were in worst condition than others.
Some life insurance companies are more accommodating toward some health conditions than others; if you aren't satisfied with the final rates one company gives you, we'll work with other insurers to find the perfect match.
Whether you have a Rat Terrier or a Doberman Pinscher, certain breeds are just more predisposed to certain conditions than others.
Whilst it is clearly accurate to say that that the risk of not breastfeeding is greater with some conditions than others, what is a small protective effect in one child is likely to have a much more dramatic effect across a whole population.
Life events — such as trauma or stress — can contribute to its onset, but it is not clear why some people are more likely to develop the condition than others.
Shopping around can help — some life insurance carriers may offer more competitive rates for people with a certain medical condition than others, so it's always best to compare premiums after plugging in your data.
It can occur in all breeds of dogs and it has been estimated that 1 in 22 dogs in the UK are affected to some degree, with certain breeds, e.g. Cocker spaniels, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Yorkshire terriers and West Highland White terriers, being significantly more prone to the condition than others.
Although any allergen can develop into atopic dermatitis, certain allergens are more likely to result in this condition than others.
Although congenital heart disease can occur in almost any breed of dog or cat, there are some breeds that are more prone to the condition than others.
Bloat is the No. 1 cause of death for Great Danes, and they are at greater risk for the condition than any other breed, although mastiffs are also susceptible.
Animals of all breeds are affected by IBD, but some breeds tend to be more vulnerable to the condition than others.
Certain breeds and obese dogs are more prone to this condition than others.
Somebreeds are more susceptible to the condition than others, including theAlaskan malamute, poodle, chow chow, and Pomeranian.
Any breed of cat or dog can develop breast cancer; however, some are more predisposed to the condition than others.
However, there are some animals that are more vulnerable to the condition than others.
Purebred kitties, especially Persians and Siamese, may be more prone to the condition than other cats.
Shopping around can help — some life insurance carriers may offer more competitive rates for people with a certain medical condition than others, so it's always best to compare premiums after plugging in your data.
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