Sentences with phrase «contract deal»

As mentioned previously, most illustration project contracts deal with the illustrator being paid a full service fee for their time and expertise.
The duo are both believed to be playing hard - ball over their new contract deals, having opened talks during last season, and no agreement yet in place.
We've identified 4 different users that our data shows are the most popular contract deals available right now.
We include 12 month contract deals as well as monthly rolling ones.
Give examples of specific contract deals you participated in and your exact part in the process.
I have acquired expert negotiation skills in dealing with homeowners and business professionals in small and large contract deals.
As Le Prof's current contract deal at Arsenal is said to end in some few months time and should he considers leaving Arsenal at the expiration of this his current deal which could be unlikely, more so if Arsenal win the PL this season or the CL or both.
You can purchase the popular Android powered handset T - Mobile G2 by HTC for Free with a 2 - year contract deal for both new and existed customers.
Moody's Investors Service weighed in today on the nine - year contract deal reached by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC teachers union, the UFT, saying that while the agreement «could eliminate» fiscal uncertainty by paving the way for other outstanding labor contracts, it also comes at a «large» cost and relies on assumptions that may or may not come to pass.
University of Illinois graduate students reach tentative contract deal with administration after being on strike for nearly two weeks.
All the big releases from Samsung, including the Note 8 and S9 Plus, are widely available to buy unlocked from various retailers or direct from Samsung, or you can get them from all the major carriers on contract deals if you prefer.
Peter tries lawsuits and negotiates contracts dealing with IT and the Internet.
As PEF's executive board prepares to vote this afternoon on the tentative second contract deal struck this weekend by the Cuomo administration and union leaders, the Siena poll finds most New Yorkers would prefer to see the governor avoid layoffs at all costs.
Infact, I take the Boss to have his current contract deal renewed for another 3 years after the expiration of his current deal.
The 19 - year - old has gained interest from Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool and Everton in the Premier League, while Borussia Dortmund, FC Twente, and Feyenoord have offered pre contract deals from abroad.
In addition to efficiency considerations, a lawyer who focuses on drafting contracts, for instance, will be familiar with many more contracts dealing with a wide range of situations than your friend who specializes in criminal law.
Yesterday, elected delegates of the Chicago Teachers Union voted not to end the strike, opting instead to reconvene Tuesday after discussing a proposed contract deal with CTU's broader membership.
Out of the major UK mobile networks, the seven - inch 16 GB PlayBook device is currently only being offered for sale on launch day by Vodafone — priced at # 399 — but is not currently being offered on subsidised contract deals.
Looking for a new Android smartphone and want to know the best contract deals available in the UK?
Forbes does post a lengthy piece every year around Wrestlemania time about WWE contract deals.
But on a second thought, I think Arsenal may likely not sign him after all, if his rejection of the # 6.4 m offered him by Dortmond in an improved contract deal to keep him at the club is taken into account.
I believe Coquelin and Akpom principally wants to get the best contract deal possible that borders on money vis a vis what they are been offered by other clubs.
If they do not have, I think it is better they put one in place which should be imbedded into their players contract deals at the point of signing the deals.
Without any shred of doubt majority believes and knows that Arsenal can not afford to lose Alexis and as Arsene Wenger goes back to the drawing board of negotiations, one can only hope they come up with a win - win contract deal for both player and club.
Then, if AS Monaco continue to stall in transferring Thomas Lemar to Arsenal as being demanded by Arsenal to have him transferred to them at the reported # 45m plus another # 5m as add ons in transfer fee, can Arsenal close eye and pay for the sum of the remaining contract deal of Lemar at Monaco if the money isn't big to speed up this transfer but if Arsenal can afford this extra cost and at no any sell on / buy back clause inserted in the transfer deal by Monaco?
A SIM only monthly contract deal is a far better option.
The Buffalo Board of Education and the Buffalo Teachers Federation reached a tentative contract deal late Sunday.
More than two - thirds of those polled (70 - 27) said the governor should suspend his plans to fire some 3,500 PEF members after the rank - and - file rejected the first contract deal.
A de Blasio official said that the city addressed the matter with the union in its recent contract deal, but state legislation is needed to formalize it.
When a 2014 contract deal lifted that freeze, longevity increases were not restored, and so many county workers are owed several thousand dollars each in retroactive longevity pay.
Also relevant are my nine years of service on the Board of Trustees of the Educational Testing Service which has the principal contract dealing with NAEP.
The savings for contract deals range between # 220 saved on the HTC One M8 and # 50 saved for smartphones like the LG G3S or Nokia Lumia 830.
The Viney Shaw Agency is one of the UK's most successful independent agencies and typically ranked in the top fifty of all British and American literary agencies according to the «Top Dealmakers» analysis of contracted deals over the last twelve months in Publisher's Marketplace, the global register for deals in the publishing business.
-LSB-...] to write this post for a while, but what pushed me to it this time was Hugh Howey's excellent post about Brenna Aubrey who turned down a six - figure contract deal to self - publish, and found the -LSB-...]
If traditional publishing has made him so much money, how can he ever abandon the potential success and walk away from alluring contract deals that publishers might have showered them?
If he wasn't making out better on his ebook sales than he was on his hardcover sales, then he had a shitty contract deal with his publishers, because Amazon offers much better royalty rates for ebooks than you'll get from a traditional publisher for hardcovers.
No doubt large - scale one - off procurement contracts deal with security — well, I hope they do — but what about procurements on more of a mass scale?
White & Case's London office is to switch its training contract deal from the University of Law to BPP in a move that will do little to settle nerves at Europe's biggest law school after it was sold in June for the second time in three years.
A written, premarital contract dealing with death and divorce which sets forth the rights and responsibilities of the parties upon occurrence of these events.
Interference with prospective contracts deals with just that — attempting to prevent a contract from being agreed to by two parties.
(2) by failing to consider s. 2 (10) of the Family Law Act («A domestic contract dealing with a matter that is also dealt with in this Act prevails unless this Act provides otherwise») and the doctrine of issue estoppel, given that both the Minutes of Settlement and the Final Order into which it was incorporated stipulated the amount of child support payable by the husband to the wife and therefore determined the amount of the husband's income;
I imagine that here the OEM contracts dealt with the second connotation.
We've got all of the best UK contract deals right here.
Peter tries lawsuits and negotiations contract dealing with IT and the Internet.
In the UK, Three is the exclusive carrier partner for the phone, with on - contract deals expected to be announced soon ahead of an early July launch.
In the meantime, the Nexus 4 has seen patchy availability at carriers, where on - contract deals work out considerably more expensive than the unlocked version Google offers direct.
Much of the prenup contract deals with the terms of a possible future divorce.
More than 13,000 LA Unified employees of labor groups that struck new contract deals with the district are receiving a 2 percent lump sum payment this week.

Phrases with «contract deal»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z