Sentences with phrase «contract issues»

Here, electronic insurance policy will mean a policy document which is an evidence of insurance contract issued by an insurer and digitally signed.
We bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our cases — to protect our clients and resolve breach of contract issues — restoring order and calm back into your life.
An annuity is an insurance contract issued by an insurance company.
Answer: A life insurance contract issued for a maximum number of years where the premium, death benefit, and price you pay are guaranteed not to change.
There are insurance contract issues in accident and personal injury claims as well.
CP and two of its unions have until midnight today to settle contract issues to avoid a possible shutdown of services that could negatively impact the Canadian economy.
An erratic start and problems created by transfers and contract issues do nothing to suggest that this season will be any different.
His tenure has been marked by internal chaos, terrible political instincts, and recently, questions around a gambling contract issued to a key local political figure.
Later, even that agreement fell apart over teacher contract issues.
Good research schools would have been on this in days, especially with the government contract issues.
First of all, we need to sort out every outstanding contract issue we have with our players and the coach.
Such a provision allows our union to submit unresolved contract issues to a neutral arbitrator for resolution.
Its scope continues to expand, and there is an increasing focus on particular dispute types, e.g. construction, and intellectual property and specific niche contract issues such as school fee disputes.
The firm's services run through the whole process of construction, ranging from project design and construction contract issues, to lawsuit and arbitration.
We also represent health care providers in corporate and transactional matters, including contract issues, asset sales, real estate matters and lease negotiations.
Construction projects are complex and can involve sophisticated contracting issues, financing, and third - party guarantees.
For most businesses, employee and contract issues present a greater danger of getting out of hand.
That case law may have direct application to building contract issues.
They are contracts issued by a life insurance company that provide a variable rate of return based on the performance of underlying investment options.
We have significant and wide ranging experience of breach of contract issues.
His tenure has been marked by internal chaos, terrible political instincts and, recently, questions about a gambling contract issued to a key local political figure.
So I ask, why are Arsenal FC the only club with contract issues with top players?
Provides counsel to regional leadership and work teams on contracting issues.
This is not a derivative because of the unique attributes of the traditional variable annuity contracts issued by...
* Income for life can be achieved through annuitization at no additional cost, on products where offered, through a guaranteed living benefit rider, available at contract issue for an annual fee.
Our junior members also regularly litigate commercial contract issues in the County Court.
Strategic thinker, with strong analytical skills and a refined ability to analyze complex contracting arrangements and thoroughly resolve contract issues; and
Single premium immediate annuity contracts issued under policy form series IPD - 2112 (PLICO) and AF - 2112 (PLAICO).
Putting contract issues aside, this season will be a decisive one for Emre Can.
Selling Alexis to a PL rival will be one of the biggest mistakes this Board has made in recent history, among them not fixing Alexis contract issues and giving Wenger licence to decide when to leave.
Collaborate with Senior Department Administrator on numerous contracting issues, business development initiatives for new affiliate and case rate negotiations.
September 25, 2012 Comments Off on Thoughts on Sunday's Performance, Zonal Marking, Defensive Cohesiveness, Midfield Efficiency and Walcott Contract Issues
In late 2015, Griffin had said after Walker testified at the Skelos trial that his client had done «nothing wrong,» had «nothing to hide» and would «continue to provide full and complete answers, documentation and information regarding any and all county contracting issues
A Public School Academy is a state - supported public school under the State Constitution, operating under a charter contract issued by a public authorizing body.
General Corporate Work: Represented numerous individual owners and start - up companies with business formation, licensing, buy - sell agreements, shareholder & member control agreements and other business contract issues.
Someday, we will have smart contracts issuing insurance, processing legal claims, and executing accounting transactions.
Pairing the Frenchman with Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil and summer signing Alexandre Lacazette, albeit with contract issues still hanging over the first duo, could be the key to unlocking Arsenal's hopes of challenging for major honours this coming season.
There are still other contract issues that fall under the operation of law, time is of the essence, care and due diligence, good faith, etc, doesn't mean you can act unethically or illegally and get away with some trickery or whatever...:)
While the recent Champion Auto Sales, LLC et al. v Pearl Beta Funding, LLC decision was a win for MCA companies because it determined at the appellate level that an MCA contract issued by Pearl Beta Funding to Champion Auto Sales «was not a usurious transaction,» many lawyers are saying that, more than anything, this -LSB-...]
Smaller producers concerned about supply plans The WA dairy industry has again come to the attention of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) after it was revealed contracts issued by milk processor Brownes contained clauses that would have penalised farmers for under - supplying milk.
If it's not the lack of transfer movement, then it's unsolved contract issues or literally any excuse available.
With talk of Raheem Sterling's contract issues dominating the talk around Liverpool football club at the moment, iconic figure Phil Thompson has shifted his attentions towards another young star at the club, tipping Jordon Ibe for a big future.
Ok, I admit this is pretty idealistic and there are probably all sorts of contract issues between teams, drivers and sponsors that would prevent anything like this happening.
I think the koscielny contract issue is just media hype.
Unbelievable & going from bad to worse, when other teams are building & strengthening, we talk about contract issues, players we've missed and getting rid of players.
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