Sentences with phrase «contract system»

His talk was on a concept called discreet log contracts which is a kind of smart contract system.
Beyond the newly announced reforms, the scandals already have prompted other changes to the county contracting system.
Public charter schools, which are funded with taxpayer dollars, are exempt from implementing the new teacher contract system.
A new interface, tutorials and significant changes to the transfer and contract systems make it the most realistic football management simulation.
This new behavioral and social contract system uses values, rules and consequences as the main components of an effective school or classroom plan for discipline.
The result is a lean, efficient, secure, and scalable contracting system that finally delivers the ROI desired for contract automation.
Also, the platform's ability to marry the power of decentralized transactions with a touring complete contract system ranks it ahead of other platforms in regard to ICOs.
The smart contract system regulates revenue distribution, token sale, and the entry and withdrawal from the project.?
Would it work something like an umbrella union contract system?
Further, the idea will have a second layer for the smart contract system.
Adding an element of competition to the classroom will be good for boosting academic achievement, say lawmakers who have pushed for the new teacher contract system.
«I am going to visit National Assembly, South Korean Government, and sponsors to have them execute separate contracting system for information communication contractors.
Qtum is the first UTXO - based smart contract system with a proof - of - stake consensus model.
An important purpose of contracting systems is to «standardize production practices with the goal of producing a homogeneous commodity» (ERS, USDA 1999).
A Dutch legal tech group, LegalThings One, has launched a blockchain - based contract system called «Legal Fling» that is designed to allow people to record their agreement to consensual behaviour in the bedroom, but without having to produce a pen and paper in the middle of a romantic moment.
A Dutch legal tech group, LegalThings One, has launched a blockchain - based contract system called «Legal Fling» that is designed to allow people to record their...
Some agencies haven't been able to meet this goal because they haven't found the small businesses to work with, which means there's a great opportunity for entrepreneurial service - disabled veterans who can navigate the government contracting system.
His plan to appoint inspectors general for the SUNY and CUNY contracting systems, coming off a report this week of CUNY mismanagement, creates two new positions to do what the state comptroller once did — before Cuomo and the legislature stripped the power to pre-approve such contracts from Thomas DiNapoli in 2011.
I have helped take companies from an idea over a beer to flourishing businesses by establishing new companies, creating contracts systems, working with vendors, talent, and employees, resolving disputes and handling negotiations, and protecting intellectual property rights.
As such, he framed Counterparty's decision to implement Ethereum's smart contract system as one that would provide the wider crypto - development community with more choices should they seek to utilize this functionality for new projects.
This week, it was revealed that there was a bug in Coinbase's Ethereum smart contract system which could give the users of the exchange access to unlimited amounts of Ether.
Few teachers able to express their concerns and objections over new contract system that replaces tenure A grand total of three teachers and two public education advocates attended the NC Department of Public Instruction's public hearing on the...
The intelligent contract system of LNCAI is constructed in a groundbreaking way.
From there, we had a long and wide - ranging conversation about the trials and tribulations of getting «real» food into school cafeterias, including sourcing local produce, finding processors who will cook pork for Tony using his own dry rub recipe, and fighting counter-productive school contracting systems.
Faux - patriotism, national security and the military - industrial complex have conspired to give us a desperately inefficient contracting system.
Nassau's contracting system came under scrutiny last May after then - State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R - Rockville Centre) was charged in a federal corruption case that included influencing the award of a county contract to a company that hired his son, Adam.
Curran told a crowd of roughly 400 Democrats that she had a solution to wipe out county patronage, repair its much maligned contracting system, and fix the way property taxes are assessed.
That team released a report in 2012 with recommendations, including an improved online reporting system — the New York State Contract System, which is up and running — a streamlined certification process, increased outreach initiatives and a state - sponsored bonding program.
«If the effort really is about streamlining the bureaucracy so nonprofits can focus on their core mission, this will be a winning proposal,» said John C. Liu, the city comptroller, who has made reforming the municipal contracting system one of his top priorities.
Madeline launched a probe into Nassau County's contracting system following allegations of corruption, favoritism, and misuse of taxpayer funds.
Based on a Rolling Stone article, and subsequent book, by Guy Lawson, War Dogs tells the improbably true story of how a couple twenty - something meatheads from Miami gamed the no - bid contract system then - Vice President Dick Cheney put into place to award government contracts.
I believe it is only a matter of time before principals, and other teachers for that matter, work under the five - year contract system
Lawmakers have used the low number of teachers reported as fired as a reason to take away teacher tenure and move teachers into a temporary contract system — making it easier to get rid of bad teachers.
A prime example was the State of Hawaii that went public on many of the services for big money savings over the previous contract system.
For too long, the Department of Education has used an opaque contract system, repeatedly hiring the same old players to administer servicing contracts with little or no accountability.
In EA / DICE's first Star Wars Battlefront, players would earn Star Cards by purchasing them with credits earned in the game or via the Hutt Contract system.
The Law Society agreed a compromise with the government over the summer that year which led to the two - tier contracts system — all firms could apply for own client contracts, but would have to compete for contracts for duty work in police stations and the magistrates» courts.
Counterparty has a live testnet of its Ethereum smart contract system available today, and hopes to make the full version public ahead of Ethereum's planned launch next spring.
For the proof - of - concept, ChromaWay CEO Henrik Hjelte indicated that Telia's technology was used to verify the identity of users registered on a new smart contract system developed by his startup.
In a nutshell, Minerva (read its whitepaper here) is a cryptocurrency payment provider, using a smart contract system built on the Ethereum blockchain.
«What became obvious very quickly, very early on is it's really, really hard to make a smart contract system maintainable,» he said.
Ethereum is a blockchain related and decentralized operating platform which incorporates the smart contract system so that developers can create and * deploy decentralized applications.
Ethereum's flagship smart contract system sets it apart from Bitcoin and has led to it becoming the leading platform for ICOs, allowing developers to use the underlying code for their own applications — commonly known as decentralized applications (dapp).
Tags for this Online Resume: Microsoft Office, Government Reporting System, Negotiation Skills, Contract Writing, Gov «t. Contracting System, Comprizon Suite
Set up and maintain the administrative arrangements for effective and efficient contract management Conduct contractual monitoring Develop effective relationships with the requestors and vendors Maintain accurate and up to date logs of issues / risks and ensure that actions are followed up in a timely fashion Ensure payments are accurate and reflect agreed performance Be responsible for managing contract system uploads, tracking in Pharmaceutical SAP, digital archiving
Candidate will ensure efficient and timely maintenance of the Oracle Contracts System.

Phrases with «contract system»

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