Sentences with phrase «control condition»

In the modern era, cars are all tested in controlled conditions with all of the variables that can affect performance well within the control of the engineer.
This experimental setup was used by the team to measure the electrical output of a sample of solar cell material, under controlled conditions of varying temperature and illumination.
Though, it may seem that the treatment is likely to be better, one can not know until it is tested under controlled conditions with objective ways of measuring data and responses.
Table 3 Comparison of the at - risk infants assigned to the behavioural and control conditions on week 12 behaviours.
«We try to observe the phenomena under controlled conditions as closely as possible and with the highest accuracy,» he added.
This study was a randomized clinical trial, with a wait - list control condition involving a sample of 59 matched participants with children aged birth to 8 years of age.
That's because a car is a much easier place for you to control the conditions which will make your hamster comfortable when traveling.
Couples were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 89) or to no - treatment control conditions (n = 80).
Fortunately, there is a growing discussion about these issues which will help scientists design studies with tightly controlled conditions and therefore improve our understanding of obesity and related diseases.
In therapy, people are often able to learn skills and strategies for mitigating negative effects of impulse control conditions.
It can help control this condition by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.
Participants were randomly assigned to child only, mother only, or mother and child treatment conditions, or to a standard community care control condition.
There are several drugs that can be used to help control the condition, and surgery can be very successful (depending on how one defines «success»).
Getting higher - resolution details that show molecular bonds also requires higher - quality crystal samples grown in precisely controlled conditions.
We compared these responses to participants in control conditions who recalled an ethical memory, a memory of someone else's unethical actions or who were not asked to recall a memory.
An experienced pet sitter can monitor food intake and administer insulin at very specific times under very controlled conditions.
Control conditions included usual care, waiting list, and no intervention.
Outside of extremely controlled conditions, no real crystal is perfect; there are always places of disorder within the overall pattern, which are known as defects.
The research team assigned families to the program and control conditions before informing the children's mothers of the time commitment that would be required for mothers in the program group.
This has been demonstrated in closed breeding colonies for service dogs and under controlled conditions over and over again.
Depending on how controlled your condition is depends on your rate.
Further, our study was conducted in regular clinical practice, limiting the possibility of an active randomized control condition.
There are acne treatments that successfully treat and control the condition if the right skincare routine is carried out and maintained.
Sounds impressive, until you consider how the school controls the conditions that lead to such a stellar graduation rate.
The test itself needs to be performed under quality control conditions.
Surprisingly, under controlled conditions adults turn out to be better than children at acquiring a new language skill.
Less than one in 10 people were effectively controlling their condition with medication.
And even if you succeed in growing such an organ, transferring it from sterile, controlled conditions into the bloody, chaotic environment of a human being presents its own array of problems.
You also learned that when people are allowed to decide how much they eat — under poorly controlled conditions — they sometimes lose more weight on low - carb diets without realizing it.
It has helped so much that I have reduced the number of facial products I have to use to control the condition down to just a simple cleanser.
If under controlled conditions there was a 0.8 % improvement in fuel economy, I would say, no noticeable difference.
Research indicates that impulse control conditions share some core characteristics.
Sound or light waves can pull small particles under carefully controlled conditions.
For the generalized cases, medication may be needed to control the condition as well as using dips to relieve symptoms.
Children were enrolled in one of three groups: a clinic - based parenting course for individual families, a large group community - based parenting course, or a waiting list control condition.
Couples were randomly assigned to intervention or to no - treatment control conditions.
Their sleep patterns were monitored in detail under tightly controlled conditions, such as total isolation from natural light.
It can only be found in certain materials, and even then it can only be achieved under controlled conditions of low temperatures and high pressures.
It is estimated that around 70 % of individuals with epilepsy can control their condition with these drugs.
Some of the more common impulse control conditions are explained below.
The results were consistent across in vitro studies conducted under controlled conditions and observational in vivo studies conducted on men in the general population.
Participants were randomly assigned to either treatment - as - usual (TAU) control condition consisting primarily of SSRI medication delivered outside the experimental protocol (n = 75) versus TAU SSRI plus brief CBT (adult and Adolescent Coping With Depression Course [CWD - A], n = 77).
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