Sentences with phrase «control genes»

These play a key role in controlling gene expression and, thereby help regulate the cell's development, growth and function.
Far from being junk, it's where molecular switches that help control gene activity are located.
Many of these places were in regulatory DNA that helps control gene activity.
The seven sites appear to control a gene involved in cell division.
The team recently received an internal campus grant to use the method to control gene activation in specific regions of the brain.
While we can't control our genes, we can control our lifestyle.
A number of earlier studies of different organisms have indicated that G4 structures are formed in the genome and fulfil important biological functions such as controlling gene expression.
What are the precise mechanisms by which cells in the cardiovascular system control their gene expression?
There is also the possibility that dairy fat controls genes that influence how your body uses the fat that's already in your system.
One of the main ways that hosts manage their interactions with microbes is by carefully controlling the genes that their cells use.
In animal models, maternal diet alters offspring body composition, accompanied by epigenetic changes in metabolic control genes.
Her research focuses on understanding how signaling pathways control gene expression, using T cells and other cells of the immune system as models.
New research studies suggest that intermittent fasting helps optimize insulin levels, promote weight loss, facilitate cellular repair and even control gene expression to promote longevity and disease protection.
Although the disease is rare in general, within an affected line it is important to control the gene frequency so as to prevent producing puppies affected with the disease.
For my dissertation, I studied the fundamental mechanisms that control gene activity in plants.
Combining these two insights, the researchers were able to build a plant system to control genes with red light inside animal cells.
Controls gene expression by turning on some genes while turning off the expression of other genes.
The findings reported in Nature Genetics indicate that genome architecture has important informational value for controlling gene expression during cell reprogramming, and is thus required for the specialized functions of a cell.
With human embryonic stem cells, Kosik explained that for some time he and his team have been studying a set of control genes called microRNAs.
The finding could reveal much about how cells control gene activity, and also illuminate cancer, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases spurred by faulty gene expression.
SU101 targets the signal transduction activated by a messenger called platelet - derived growth factor, which controls the genes involved in tissue formation and wound healing.
After a more detailed analysis, however, the team found a minideletion affecting only two genes, UFD1 and a cell cycle control gene called CDC45.
Furthermore, they found that the Sp7 transcription factor directly controlled gene expression of the Fgf ligands.
The technology to program the cells included optogenetics (a way to control cells with light) a programming language for cells called Cello that Voigt and his team developed last year and a new method for controlling gene functions known as CRISPR.
While it is possible to induce atherosclerosis in some mice, it is important to realize that the presence of cholic acid can influence transcription factors controlling genes involved with regulating lipoprotein metabolism and inflammation, both of which are important in the development of atherosclerosis (16, 17), and can also promote gallstones in certain mouse strains (18, 19).
The Pearson correlation coefficients were consistently greater than or equal to 0.97, strongly suggesting that expression of the three control genes provided a reasonably accurate reflection of cDNA loading.
«We now need to identify how this effect is pass through multiple generations by investigating the effects alcohol has on the genome and epigenome (molecules that control gene translation),» said Cameron.
Surprisingly, the cancer - promoting program that RB - loss unleashed was distinct from the cell - cycle control genes that RB is best known for controlling.
The chemical modification of histones is thought to be a form of epigenetic information — information separate from our DNA — that controls gene regulation.
Researchers observed that the set of genes involved in memory consolidation coincided with the genes regulating Crtc1, a protein which also controls genes related to the metabolism of glucose and to cancer.
The goal of the analysis was to understand mechanisms controlling gene activity in space and time, resulting in a wing vein being reliably placed in its correct position and investigating how this genetic circuit evolved in different species.
Chromatin loops, which allow contacts between regulatory elements controlling gene expression, displayed cell type - specific patterns (B cells vs. iPSCs)
The finding is the result of a world - first study of the human brain that identified more than 100 of these DNA segments, known as enhancers, which are thought to play a vital role in normal development by controlling gene activity in the brain.
The team genetically engineered mice to lack a protein that directly controls the gene Cpe, which is known to make mice susceptible to obesity.
In S. praecaptivus, the quorum sensing genes control genes that function in virulence, or the ability of bacteria to aggressively enter cells.
Since beginning a lab dedicated to understanding cancer metastasis at Rockefeller six years ago, Associate Professor Sohail Tavazoie has found that microRNAs — tiny strands of RNA that function as switches to inactivate specific genes — play an important role in controlling genes linked to metastasis.
Cohesin controls gene expression and chromatin structure, as well as enabling chromosomes to separate correctly immediately prior to cell division.
Now, using computer simulations, James Carothers and his colleagues at JBEI have sped up the RNA design phase, creating computer tools that will help researchers design molecules to precisely control gene expression in bacteria to optimize fuel production.
The ppGpp molecule interacts with E. coli's RNA polymerase — the cellular machine that produces RNA from genomic DNA — but precisely how this interaction controls gene expression remains a mystery.
Some evidence hints that duplicate enhancers may help control genes important in other parts of the brain.
In this way, chromatin - shaping proteins can control gene behavior.
The motor neurons that innervate the digits switch on master developmental control genes called Hoxc8 and Hoxc9 — which is strange, because these two genes are never co-expressed by any other groups of motor neurons.
«Other methods to control gene flow, for example disrupting pollen or using a chemical to control reproduction in crops, are very species - specific and change how the crops are propagated.
«Being able to control genes deep in the body in a specific location and at a specific time, without adding external elements, is a goal our community has long sought,» said Todd Coleman, a professor of bioengineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego and one of the paper's corresponding authors.
The project uncovered 4 million spots in our DNA that act as switches controlling gene activity.
Joining forces with dermatologists and oncologists from the University Hospital in Zurich and backed by the University Research Priority Program «Translational Cancer Research,» Sommer's team was able to demonstrate that, in melanoma cells, the epigenetic factor EZH2 controls genes that govern tumor growth as well as genes that are important for the formation of metastases.
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