Sentences with phrase «control population»

Likewise, an out of control population of a certain butterfly, while it might be pretty to look at, could be just as devastating to a local ecosystem.
Out of control population growth is the cause for all the problems discussed above.
You already know that «fixing» a dog helps control the population of unwanted / homeless pets.
Please continue to support this program as they are doing an excellent job in controlling the population of cats in your area.
Spay and neuter is not only for household pets but also for controlling the population in feral cat colonies.
I didn't see anything in the statements on controlling population growth.
Scientists have also found that large predators may control their population size by killing their young.
«We're looking to realistically control the population because trap - and - destroy doesn't solve the problem,» she said.
On the other hand, an all out effort to control population expansion could be dramatically successful with far less risk and cost.
In response, the community has decided to control population density in the area through limits on coastal construction.
Some researchers believe gene drive technology could one day control populations of mosquitoes that spread malaria.
Humans have the intellectual capacity to help our companion species control their populations.
I was being overwhelmed with cats & this definitely controlled the population for about 15 years.
Sadly, many communities still opt to control populations via outdated methods, including lethal elimination or relocation.
These dangers include diseases that may ultimately control population growth by means of an increased death rate....
Please do not change one child policy continue contribute to the world controlling population.
Control over the meme renders control of the narrative; thus, he who controls the meme controls the population.
Next steps include examining whether the viral infections play a role in controlling the population of toxic algae and continued studies on the nutrients these cells use to grow.
Some irresponsible farmers have used the disease more recently for controlling the population on their land.
But no society is ever going to control its population growth until it has attained social stability and in particular, equal rights for women.
Orange County Cares About Cats (OCCATS) is a program of the Orange County SPCA that provides assistance with controlling the population of Community / Feral cats through a program called Trap - Neuter - Return (TNR).
Instead, organizations are focusing on initiatives that will help humanely control the population and prevent the spread of disease, as well as educate the public about humanely dealing with and caring for stray dogs.
Aside from controlling the population of the animal, in case of animals with large population like dogs and cats, spaying or neutering them can also provide solutions to behavior problems in most animals.
Instead of running its animal shelter with the focus on controlling population through killing, the City Council has expressed its preference to explore a no - kill operation focused on finding homes for all adoptable animals and has backed up its talk with a $ 20,000 investment in a no - kill consultant.
They can live, survive and thrive in almost every landscape and kindhearted people everywhere are stepping up to help these cats by controlling their populations by getting them spayed and neutered through a program called TNR — Trap / Neuter / Return.
«They need to be further investigated in more tightly controlled populations
Lets face the facts, Cats do not belong roaming free, they were never wild animals and you can not and will not control the population with out euthinasia.
There is no reason to control the population when there is a foreign market driving and rewarding the production of excess horses.
With sufficient deposits in the «DNA Bank» by owners, the CHIC DNA Repository can provide researchers with optimized family groups and control populations needed for their research into canine health.
This is the best method of controlling the population numbers and preventing unneeded suffering.
«TNR programs are utilized mainly for feral cat colonies to control population while keeping cats in their own colonies,» Dr. Taul says.
«It erodes the future of democracy and the idea that a special law can be adopted to control the population at large is scary.»
Sametime, UN, G8 and other goverments make control population policy as quick as possible.
I wonder why UN, G8 and other goverments do not act to make control population policy?
In order to keep our ecosystem and left resource for our next generation, we have to control the population!!
(It is no coincidence that those thumping the loudest for a state role in controlling population promote a bigger state role in lots of other things as well: A «Catholics Speak Out» advertisement that appeared just before the Cairo conference called upon the Church's «male celibate hierarchy» to revise its teachings on sex, and in the very next sentence described the need to «redistribute» resources.)
Dr Cusack said: «The study shows that, in many cases, management actions to reduce these conflicts — such as controlling a population or paying out compensation for damage — are not adapted to changes in the conflict population or the damage level, and are sometimes even delayed.
Using deCODE's whole genome sequencing of 2,230 Icelanders, 34 million sequence variants were identified and subsequently analyzed against 4,931 persons with low - bone density disease and a large control population.
Predator prey relationship, and death is how nature controls population
Next: forced abortions to control the population like in China.
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