Sentences with phrase «control regions»

Small amounts of meditation help strengthen the self - control regions of the brain, which is particularly useful for people recovering from addictions such as smoking.
The response was proportional to radiation dose, and in the most contaminated regions, the leaf loss was 40 percent less than in control regions in Ukraine with normal background radiation levels.
One possibility is the spread of the Akkadian Empire, which controlled a region spanning from the Levant to Iran between 4,400 and 4,200 years ago.
De Blasio and Gov. Cuomo, along with MTA officials, have been gridlocked over who has responsibility for properly funding mass transit — the governor who controls the region's transportation authority or the mayor whose city depends on subways and buses.
When Lidstone's team analyzed the patients» brain activity, the PET images showed dopamine flooding the synapses in the crucial motor control region of their brains, just as surely as from a dose of medication.
Sox2 control region - deleted cells have lost the typical appearance of embryonic stem cells (C) and do not express Sox2 (D).
In this figure we show that both mouse and zebrafish control regions for the alpha A-crystallin gene work in zebrafish embryos.
Here, we describe mtDNA control region diversity and geographic differentiation in the surviving population of the Antarctic blue whale, using 218 biopsy samples collected under the auspices of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) during research cruises from 1990 — 2009.
We then will monitor and manipulate neurons throughout the eye - movement control regions to see how these networks adjust, or re-tune, their neural dynamics to adapt to the new environment.
It has threatened to extend the Afrin offensive to another Kurdish - controlled region further east where U.S. forces are stationed alongside the YPG, Washington's ally against Islamic State in Syria.
Instead, interactions between the dorsal anterior cingulate, a principal control region in the brain, and the basal ganglia were highly dysfunctional in that group, suggesting impaired communication between specific brain networks.
Researchers have succeeded in creating a new «whispering gallery» effect for electrons in a sheet of graphene — making it possible to precisely control a region that reflects electrons within the material.
«The cautionary note is, of course, that the proximity of motor areas to song control regions, per se, does not prove anything,» she says.
Phillips believes their study is the first to assess the structure of MCI and AD patients» language and cognition control regions.
But, when the researchers compared the region at the center of the galaxy with control regions away from the galaxy's center — where dark matter signals wouldn't be expected — they also found spots with more gamma rays than expected.
Extended ß - globin locus control region elements promote consistent therapeutic expression of a γ - globin lentiviral vector in murine ß - thalassemia.
â $ œAnalysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences, including HVS - I, HVS - II and HVS - III, from more than 2,000 subjects revealed an overwhelming Native American legacy in the modern Mexican population, with ~ 90 % of mtDNAs belonging to the four major pan-American haplogroups A2, B2, C1 and D1.
They also monitored two other areas of the brain, the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, as control regions because they «weren't expecting any stimulus preference there,» Mormann said via email.
We analyzed genetic (mitochondrial control region) and isotopic information from modern and prehistoric gray whales using serial coalescent simulations and Bayesian skyline analyses to test for a pre-whaling decline and to examine prehistoric genetic diversity, population dynamics and ecology.
True freedom: Roam a massive open world map in real time where Empires control regions and antagonize over land and resources.
For coal - fire boilers in thermal plants, the maximum allowed sulfur dioxide emission in the specially controlled regions is halved to 50 milligrams per cubic meter, from the 100 milligrams per cubic meter that is currently permitted in most of the country, said the report.
They will also have to contend with the toxic stew that is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the region's major airports, the World Trade Center side, PATH and the Hudson River crossings, including the George Washington Bridge.
Using modern functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have shown that the neckâ $ ™ s motor control region in the brain is actually between the shoulders and trunk, a location that more closely matches the arrangement of the body itself.
The researchers then examined a number of DNA variants in the protein production - control region of the bellwether gene in cell cultures.
The outcome of the Iraq and Syrian conflicts may rest on who controls the region's dwindling water supplies.
We named the region of the genome that we discovered the Sox2 control region, or SCR,» said Mitchell.
So they bred mutant mice in which the imprinting - control regions for these genes were deleted, allowing them to be expressed the way they would be in the male genome.
The mutation rate in the human mtDNA control region.
Israel's strike was part of their retaliation against a Hamas - controlled region that has issued a recent streak of rocket attacks on Israeli territories.
Cuomo, with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, controls the region's airports, and security at the airports, through the Port Authority Police Department.
This opportunity comes at the same time Cuomo is tightening his grip on the sprawling bi-state infrastructure agency, which controls the region's cross-Hudson bridges and tunnels, its ports and airports, as well as the World Trade Center site and PATH.
The governor has nominated LaBarbera to fill one of the vacancies on the board of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the region's cross-Hudson bridges and tunnels, its ports and airports, and the World Trade Center site.
The direct methylation of the DNA changes the gene expression permanently if it takes place in the control regions of genes (so - called CpG islands), that have been made accessible by the modification of the histones.
His investigations of how monkeys plan their actions led him to study implants that can tap into the motor - control regions of the brains of paralyzed people.
«Cuatro Cienegas may provide clues because the mechanisms that control the region's biodiversity may have operated during the Cambrian period.»
Dobson found that primates in bigger groups have larger face - controlling regions in their brains.
Nerves developed new branch patterns across the face to control the new muscles, and the face - controlling regions of the brain grew.
«What I see in the control regions looks just like what I see in the galactic center,» says astrophysicist Andrea Albert of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, one of the researchers who worked on the analysis.
Such an allelic chromatin organization might be present at other DMRs as well, and a recent study by Schweizer et al. (2) shows that the imprinting - control region in the 5 % portion of the SNRPN gene has strong hypersensitive sites on the unmethylated maternal chromosome only.
All the samples were sequenced for the three hypervariable segments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region to assess the genetic composition of modern Mongolia.â $ Read more hereâ $ ¦
A model will be discussed which proposes that such protein factors and associated chromatin features regulate the allele specificity of DNA methylation at differentially methylated imprinting - control regions.
At this differentially methylated imprinting - control region, we detected constitutive DNase - I hypersensitive sites (HS) and a non-nucleosomal chromatin organization on the unmethylated maternal chromosome (see contribution of S. Khosla).
Semenza showed that protein from the nucleus sticks to this DNA - control region, but only when oxygen is scarce.
The Gaza Strip has its own elected government but, even though official occupation ended in 2005, Israel continues to control the region's airspace and territorial waters and restricts the movement of people and goods in and out.
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