Sentences with phrase «control settings»

The sandbox typically provides a tightly controlled set of resources for guest programs to run in, such as scratch space on disk and memory.
It shows information like speed, adaptive cruise control settings, navigation directions, speed limits, and other safety alerts.
The 8.4 - inch screen is easy to read but can be a little challenging when attempting to change the climate control settings on the go.
While we're on the subject of kids, the Fire doesn't have any parental control settings based on content ratings, either.
It comes with two control settings for moisture and it can keep a medium size room comfortable in as long as 36 hours.
The R / T version includes adjustments for the steering effort, transmission response and electronic stability control settings as well as launch control options, gauges and g - force meters.
I wish it allowed custom control settings on remote play.
When it comes to the transmission, steering, throttle, and available traction control settings, there are over 300 possible combinations of settings that should work in any circumstance.
If your store is warm, you might want to keep the containers in a dedicated refrigerator with the temperature control set at 55 degrees.
It is equipped to accommodate many services typically performed in the field, as well as some select procedures that are better performed in a more controlled setting.
You can also control this setting by using the volume rocker or sliding a finger up and down on the display.
It has 20 temperature control settings so everyone will be able to have their perfect temperature setting, and it has the standard safety feature of automatic shut off as well.
You can also change the User Account Control settings here.
Right from the start, the game asks whether or not you would like to choose between three different control sets.
When playing on PC with the default control settings, dancing is as easy as hitting the B button.
So why do we think that that same control set would be capable of detecting changes, especially at high recall?
These features allow you to engage and interact with your child fully while controlling the settings to keep them in good spirits.
I don't know what gets into those things — some secret mind control setting or the inspiring sparkly strands of stray glue as we pull it away from our masterpieces....
By using smart connect app, you can control the settings right from your smart device.
Gone will be the days of agencies controlling set numbers of spaces in specific locations --- a system officials said left some spots unused while workers in other agencies continued to wait.
For this reason, the drugs should only be given in exact doses in a carefully controlled setting, researchers say.
Steering wheel controls set up nicely — well thought out and convenient.
What's new is the ability to remotely control settings.
In fact, if you have ever wanted a permanent music control setting in the notification shade which works across all music apps, then you have one of them as well.
The climate control setting felt fine, but in areas with temperatures above 100 degrees you would probably want to use the car's Normal setting, which runs air conditioning at higher power.
You can also add high - and low - key effects to your photos thanks to the light and dark control settings.
If you're really oily, just make sure to use a primer and an oil - control setting powder and your cream blush will stay put much longer.
The electronics will even detect when a trailer is fitted and adjust stability control settings accordingly.
As a result, the findings are often more realistic than those obtained in an artificial controlled setting.
You can also manually control each setting by shifting a slider.
You can try some alternate control settings, but the default option ultimately works best.
If you do struggle with the controls, you'll appreciate the default «casual» settings, which offer a limited, but descriptive control set.
Even the revamped control setting still suffers from an unreliable camera, bizarre button placements, and some questionable gameplay choices.
Their tiny houses are built under the same factory controlled settings they have used on their modular buildings for decades.
A separate distance control setting assists with lift - off, and it's absolutely necessary to turn it up.
If you have any further questions about family control settings on your PS4, feel free to post in the comments.
We listened to most of our test tracks with the tone control set to warm, though the difference between the three categories was nominal at best.
Instead a large, transparent screen pops up with information about speed, cruise control setting and any safety warnings reflected up to it.
If you add an adult account with an age of 18 or over, you can make that user a family manager with permission to change parental control settings, too.
On the center console, there are switches that control settings for the engine, steering, stability control, and the dual - clutch.
Other common features include the ability to control the settings of the baby room remotely, night vision among others.
As ever, we'd have liked some more physical buttons for the basics, like climate control settings.
In track mode, there are five increasingly dangerous — read: less protective — traction control settings to choose.
But in either case, these kinds of tests should be done over longer periods of time, and in a more controlled setting.
We loved the fact that the four slots had two different control settings, perfect for juggling the needs of picky family members with varying tastes.
So if you exceed the cruise - control setting by a lot, it can shift the transmission into a lower gear and use the engine's natural braking power to slow you down.
Each map will allow you to control a set number of party members of your choosing and you can even swap party members in and out during battles.
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