Sentences with phrase «control subjects»

"Control subjects" refers to a group of people or things in an experiment that do not receive the treatment or intervention being tested. They are used as a comparison to evaluate the effects of the treatment. Full definition
Most of the studies matched case with control subjects for sex and age.
A 2005 review found that 45 percent of participants who underwent psychotherapy became pregnant compared with only 14 percent of control subjects who received no intervention.
Adult crime rates were higher in all groups of antisocial girls than in any group of either normal control subjects or girls with other psychiatric problems.
On average, both groups did slightly better on these tests than control subjects who read either a nonfiction article or nothing at all.
I don't control the subjects of the ads on my site, but I will look into alternatives and see if I can find a better fit.
Additional studies with lean control subjects, women, and obese individuals pre — and post — weight loss would be informative.
Their activity levels did not change, but their perspective did, and they soon lost more weight and body fat than control subjects did.
The study examined 15 patients with bipolar disorder and 25 control subjects matched for age and gender.
They did, correctly identifying 92 percent of the facial expressions tested compared with the 81 percent identified by control subjects.
The researchers put the competitors and a group of control subjects into an MRI machine and asked them to perform several different memory tests while their brains were being scanned.
Surprisingly, the researchers found that approximately 15 percent of control subjects also had the genetic signature associated with longevity.
Control subjects wrote about daily routines (brushing teeth, say, or drinking coffee).
Each of the 16 healthy control subjects underwent functional MRI to obtain three communication scans.
Once you can successfully control the subject of money, you will have significant leverage.
In accordance with other studies, we found an increased glucose uptake under acute insulin stimulation in cultures established from control subjects precultured under basal physiological insulin concentrations, but when precultured at a higher insulin concentration, we could not see an effect on acute insulin stimulation indicative of induced insulin resistance (10).
In one instance, they showed structures that plan and then activate movement, which tend to interact in one direction in control subjects, may have abnormal bidirectional interactions in the brains of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Yoo's lab is now making these cells from HD patients, as well as control subjects for comparison.
Comparing Olympic weightlifters and untrained control subjects during an isokinetic machine deadlift test, Noe et al. (1992) found some differences in quadriceps muscle activity between the two groups.
Nearly two decades ago, sequences from another retrovirus, the human T - lymphotropic virus type ll, were amplified from the PBMCs of 10/12 (83 %) adult and 13/18 paediatric CFS patients, but not from healthy control subjects [21].
Comparing Olympic weightlifters and untrained control subjects during an isokinetic machine deadlift test, Noe et al. (1992) found no differences in erector spinae muscle activity between the two groups.
GS activity in cultures established from diabetic and control subjects at day 8 are shown in Fig. 2.
The researchers compared the teeth of modern - day control subjects to teeth extracted from bodies buried in rural Quebec and France in the 1700s and 1800s.
These results concur with studies on human patients, which report a decrease in insulin sensitivity of between 44 and 72 % in obese subjects compared with normal - weight control subjects (34 — 37).
Water drinking increases blood pressure moderately in older but not younger control subjects (2).
In recently published studies of ad libitum, low - carbohydrate diets, experimental and control subjects consumed diets in which neither fat content nor protein content were held constant between groups (5 — 7).
The outcome analysis was limited by the fact that not all the hospitals from which control subjects should have been drawn were enrolled in the British Columbia Perinatal Data Registry.
When compared with the blood of healthy, non-pregnant control subjects, galectin - 9 levels in both pregnant women and cancer patients were significantly elevated.
The study showed that 13 trauma patients who had hit their heads and had CT scans showing new brain damage, as well as 39 trauma patients who had hit their heads and had normal CT scans, had significantly less ability to coordinate their eye movements than normal, uninjured control subjects.
What that means, Hochberg says, is that the brain signals that once controlled the subject's paralyzed hand and arm were still there and functioning — they just could not pass through the damaged spinal cord to allow the arm and hand to move.
When prompted by a leader, those that had moved in sync earlier drove 54 percent more insects into the extermination boxes than did out - of - sync control subjects.
They scanned 37 people with OCD and 33 healthy control subjects while they learned to avoid a mild shock by pressing on a foot pedal.
The study, published in The Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1965, revealed that while most criminals and control subjects exhibited significant physiological stress in anticipation of the shock, psychopaths did not.
The examination revealed significant differences in the microstructure of the brain connections between male and female control subjects.
Trans - gender persons as well as female and male control subjects were examined by way of diffusion - based magnetic resonance tomography (MRT).
In the new research, tissue samples from 35 bipolar and non-bipolar control subjects were analyzed.
After eliminating duplicate studies, those with nonstandard measures and those that failed to include control subjects or large enough sample sizes, the team ended up with a total of 67 studies, with 16 of them focused on traditional Chinese medicine.
Compared with backpack - carrying control subjects, the Nepalis used significantly less energy.
The data from scans of multiple patients and control subjects helped piece together insights unavailable from individual techniques like electroencephalography or positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
NASA also saw a unique opportunity for a nature versus nurture study, since U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly is an identical twin, whose brother Mark happens to be a retired astronaut with similar life experiences (allowing for a pretty stellar control subject).
The Discovery Phase dataset contains WGS data on 584 subjects from 113 families, and pedigree data for more than 4000 subjects; WES data on 5096 cases 4965 controls; and whole exome sequence data on an additional 853 (682 Cases [510 Non-Hispanic, 172 Hispanic]-RRB-, and 171 Hispanic Control subjects from families that are multiply affected with AD.
The baseline visit for TRACK - HD was conducted to look for differences between people carrying the HD mutation at different stages, and between those with the mutation and control subjects without it.
We recorded menstrual histories and measured gonadotrophin, androgen, and estradiol levels in 47 women ages 30 to 75 years who were consuming sustained - action oral or transdermal opioids for control of nonmalignant pain and in 68 non-opioid-consuming control subjects.
Participants aged 8 — 17 with ASDs exhibited significantly more illogical thinking and loose associations than matched typically developing control subjects.
Over 10 to 14 years of follow - up, they documented 634 cases of coronary heart disease, which they matched with control subjects for age, smoking status and the date blood was drawn.
The informed consent form required by this bill must include journal citations of «treatment outcome research comparing the proposed treatment to alternative treatments and control subjects receiving no treatment.»
You will remain in control subject to orders by the judge, the rules of Court, the law and our professional / ethical obligations.

Phrases with «control subjects»

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