Sentences with phrase «control techniques»

Contact the property manager for any current pest control techniques in place.
Our training is based on belief, earned through years of experience, that any driver can learn the kind of advanced car control techniques used by professional drivers.
It does a great job of exposing the mind control techniques employed by churches such as the one you describe.
The key aspect of this innovation is the development of control techniques for manipulating the spin that make it a much more sensitive probe of temperature shifts.
There are significant differences in anesthesia and pain control techniques among veterinarians.
Even praise is a behavior control technique because the parent is using a child's need for parenting affection to get his child to obey.
It is uncommon for any other flea control techniques like spraying your yard and house to be necessary.
There are large significant differences in anesthesia and pain control techniques among veterinarians.
The safest and most «natural» flea control technique involves using a flea comb.
There seems to be more of a focus on crowd - control techniques working with groups of slightly weaker enemies, rather than singular threats.
A program designed to add an extra level of expertise in the areas of hazard avoidance, defensive driving, vehicle control and skid control techniques just to name a few.
Provided discipline and control techniques including various forms of physical restraint where necessary.
Unfortunately, these types of self - monitoring behaviors, especially weighing and measuring food and counting calories, are among the most avoided and even criticized weight control techniques.
Cats prefer grooming to baths, but for dogs or long - haired cats, bathing is a superior control technique.
The topics they cover include aircraft control techniques, navigation, aerodynamics, federal aviation regulations and instrument reading.
Highly skilled in serving resident meals correctly and pleasantly utilizing effective portion control techniques.
Oh, and you have to be careful when you go to those public meetings where planners try to push these changes through, because they are using secret mind control techniques.
Particularly effective in stress and anger management, behavior control techniques and family therapy.
If I had a tail, it would be wagging nonstop for what Veterinary Practice News columnist and my longtime pal Dr. Marty Becker has accomplished by launching Fear Free, which promotes a considerate approach and gentle control techniques in calming environments.
The city of Chicago purchased helicopters for its police force and started training 11,500 policemen in using heavy weapons and crowd control techniques in preparation for the year 1968.
In response to active shooter and mass casualty incidents such as the one at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, the Hartford Consensus and the White House's Stop the Bleed campaign have sought to train civilians in hemorrhage control techniques so that bystanders can serve as immediate responders in the case of uncontrolled hemorrhage.
In Tania Bruguera's piece, mounted police will perform crowd control techniques on horseback.
Experienced in quality control techniques and procedures, such as tolerances and analyzing prints
The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is a natural birth control technique based on the fact that lactation (breastmilk production) causes amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
Still, the U.S. situation has improved, mainly because of more vigilance and better infection control techniques in hospitals where drug - resistant bacteria can be endemic, says John Quale, an infectious disease specialist at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn.
My experience has taught me that the most effective parenting skills to deal with bad behavior in children or my son's toddler tantrums are not meeting frustration with desperate control techniques such as:
Display proper call control techniques to meet department standards and control costs without adversely impacting customer satisfaction or loyalty opportunities.
I joined Nidec Control Techniques through a sponsorship scheme at the start of my degree, involving multiple summer placements and resulting with me entering a graduate scheme after graduation.
Adapted new inventory control techniques that helped the company reduce shrinkage and avoid shortages of construction material.
Strong knowledge of new pest control techniques food microbiology and state and federal food regulations
Our UK essay help will teach you how to benefit from time control techniques with time management essay.
Delphi is a mind control technique developed by the RAND Corporation in the 1960 ′ s to manipulate groups of people to accept that plans presented to them were «their idea» when in reality the meetings were managed to direct people to a pre-determined outcome unaffected by their input.
The current state of pain management in dogs and cats is uneven at best, ranging from the excellent use of pain control techniques by some veterinarians to the complete disregard of pain control by others.
This demonstration that abortion is almost always a birth control technique rather than a response to a serious problem with the mother's or the fetus» health must have been a considerable embarrassment to the pro-abortion forces.
The purpose of our Armed Forces is not about building churches and stomping around according to their manipulative and subversive machinations behind the scenes using simple mind - control techniques against our own military's usage of mind - control in training.
Just as a side note, I read a book on brainwashing and mind control techniques about 10 years ago.
Clayton Valley Future Champions Youth Football Non-Contact Camp Perfect and SAFER Blocking, Tackling, Shed Blocking and Ball Control Technique.
The Upper West Side's rat academy session, scheduled for Aug. 15 at 2 p.m. at Community Board 7 at 250 W. 87th St., will educate building owners, management and staff on new rat control techniques and best practices, said Jesse Bodine of Brewer's office.
At the isotope generator ISOLDE, successes ranged from production of isotopes for studies leading to better dose control techniques for use in palliative bone cancer therapy, to new laser - based insights into the «cooking» of heavy elements during the Big Bang and inside stellar «ovens» such as supernovae.
Parry added that until now mosquito control techniques in the United States have only been able to reduce population by about 50 percent.
An active disturbance rejection control technique is applied to servo unit.
Gentle control techniques are particularly important to Becker.
Students learn grooming techniques, health and safety, dog and cat grooming, clipper use and scissor control techniques, body styles and breed specific cuts and pet CPR and first aid.
We will teach you proper buoyancy control techniques combined with training in fish identification and roving survey diving; a basic research diving data collection methodology.
The research being conducted by USGS on this particular snake and others is being done to see if we can «use» the snake's biology against it — by learning about its life in the wild, we are much more likely to develop effective control techniques to limit its numbers and help prevent further spread.
c) Additional peer review is not required when the scientific and / or technical methodologies or information being used are commonly accepted in the field of expertise (e.g., Control Techniques Guidelines (CTGs) or other such compilations).
Beaver control to prevent migration Killing traps are one of the beaver control methods now being tested, in addition to adapting North American beaver control techniques using trappers, dogs, helicopters and boats.
These hand - selected driving schools invest in a significant amount of additional training for their instructors in defensive driving and advanced car control techniques, enhancing and further honing the skills of its driving instructors, and setting them apart from others.

Phrases with «control techniques»

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