Sentences with phrase «control theory»

The key to understanding this lies in control theory.
We collected empirical studies that tested assumptions from social control theory as well as from attachment theory.
We utilize computational modeling and network analysis to understand the population dynamics of cancer and immune responses, as well as control theory to find novel interventions.
The team applied classical control theory and robotics and aerospace engineering design principles to improve the converter's efficiency.
To find out what babies are really up to, researchers turned to optimal control theory, a tool often used in robotics.
Social control theory focuses on the effects of parental behavior on adolescent delinquency but fails to take into account the effect of adolescent delinquency on parental behaviors.
Given that social bonds are not limited to bonds to parents in control theory, we used terms related to parent.
This study connected two areas of research by focusing on empirical studies that have tested hypotheses drawn from social control theory and assumptions from attachment theory.
It activates the «Gate control theory of pain,» which basically just means that when you flood the body with pleasurable sensations, the painful sensations are mitigated or lessened.
«These three findings identify for the first the neurons and connections that underlie the Gate Control Theory of pain,» sums up Zeilhofer.
To apply the PID controller, a tedious gain - tuning process is required but the gain - tuning is a difficult process for people who are unfamiliar with control theory.
An integrative review of three theories that explain why some individuals engage in persistent pursuit — coercive control theory, relational goal pursuit, and attachment theory — is presented.
Around the time Doyle began to use control theory to understand the Internet, he also began using it to explore the mechanism of life.
The authors, utilizing control theory approaches, were then able to use the phase response curve to then design stimulus patterns optimized to suppress the oscillation.
After running the data through their reverse - control theory algorithms, researchers were actually surprised by the findings, said Paul Ruvolo, a professor at Olin College of Engineering and an alumnus of the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego.
Teacher adoption of technology: A perceptual control theory perspective.
Toyota achieves dramatic fuel efficiency improvements by adopting Flex Lock - Up control, applying the H - infinity control theory to an industrial product for the first time in the world and establishing the core technology for improving fuel efficiency
Production commenced of the A350E, Toyota's first 5 - speed automatic transmission for rear - wheel - drive vehicles and the world's first automatic transmission to apply modern control theory
The parameters of cross-coupled control are set on the basis of BP neural network control theory, which can not only reduce the tracking error, but also eliminate the synchronization error between adjacent axes.
CAREER FOCUS * Seeking a full time job in the field of electrical control, testing and design validation Strong classical and intelligent control theory with hands - on building and testing circuits experience.
Certifications: Ride Control Theory and Applications — Monroe Auto Equipment Company Certification │ ATRA R & R Automotive Suspension & Steering Certification │ EPA Certified Section 609 │ Monroe Ride Expert UTI Sun Oscilloscope Operator and Emission System Tester │ ATRA Service Writer
A general outline featuring some of the experience I can offer your organization follows: • BSEE degree with emphasis on computer science and control theory including fuzzy logic • AASET degree with emphasis on electronic circuit design, AM / FM radio theory and instrumentation and controls • USCG - R machinery technologist — expertise in shipboard equipment such as diesel engines, evaporators, refrigeration, and oil & wat...
More support for male versus female control theory.
Success and Dyslexia has a theoretical base in coping and perceived control theory with particular reference to these fields in relation to specific learning disabilities / dyslexia.
These findings are interpreted in light of developmental — contextual perspectives on adolescent romantic relationships and Resource Control Theory.
For example, Sampson and Laub's (2005) age - graded social control theory assumes that changes in life circumstances may generate turning points in an individual's criminal career.
Essential for control theory is the affectional bond that the child forms to his or her parents, which is thought to influence child behavior through the psychological presence of the parent.
From control theory, only the power entering the system is considered forcing, which differs from the IPCC definition.
William Glasser in Control Theory in the Classroom makes it very clear that it is an individual's intrinsic motivation and their personal attitude that has the most influence over what the individual will or will not achieve.
The gate control theory of pain, put forward by Ron Melzack and Patrick Wall in 1962, is the idea that physical pain is not a direct result of activation of pain receptor neurons, but rather its perception is modulated by interaction between different neurons.
«The gate control theory of pain is one of the predominant theories of pain right now,» says John Lefebvre, PhD, a professor of psychology at Wofford College in Spartanburg, S.C. «If you can shut the gates down, you can eliminate the pain.
Kacser and Burns and also Heinrich and Rapoport came up with metabolic control analysis, which is now integrated in to classical control theory.
Doyle came to MIT in 1975 and fell in love with a science known as control theory.
The meta - analytic evidence pointing to persistent pursuit as a gendered behavior is reviewed, and coercive control theory is used to explain gender differences.
All this is described mathematically with Control Theory.
The research team of Jennifer Grossman, Ph.D., Allison Tracy, Ph.D., and Anne Noonan, Ph.D., utilized Social Control Theory to examine the level and direction of concordance using data from the Add Health Study, focusing on constructs of religious importance, frequency of prayer, and attendance at religious services.
An important and useful element of the thinking at the time was the replacement of the earlier «control theory» approach to policy (i.e. the belief that the central point was to find an appropriate spot on the Phillips curve and to stay there), towards a «game theoretic» view, in which the critical issues related to behaviour — the interaction between the monetary authorities and the public.
But if anything, one imagines, the Indian government is delighted with the short - term advantage it has gained in its dealings with Canada — a fact that lends credence to our government's leaked damage - control theory.
It is also utilised in cybernetics and control theory.
With the control theory in place, Bowlby discovered more rational ideas behind infant behavior.
This theory is called the Gate Control Theory.
«Control theory is at the center of modern technology,» Doyle explains.
Gianni Antoniazzi is telling us how Spain has offered him a unique opportunity to put into practice all the mathematics, programming, informatics, and control theory he had studied before leaving Italy.
Doyle took up a question that had concerned researchers since the birth of control theory in the 1930s and»40s: Were there any fundamental limits to the growth of robustness?
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