Sentences with phrase «control treatment»

Standard flea control treatments for the house will usually work to kill the mites.
If you have fleas, we recommend 3 months of continuous flea control treatment for ALL animals in your house.
You will make service calls to residential customers and apply pest control treatments as requested by your clients.
But it isn't safe to use flea and tick control treatment for your dog or cat when the treatment is for a different type of animal specifically.
At the same time you're treating your home and yard, use flea control treatments on your pet.
Clear fresh Oil Control treatment is specially formulated for oily and acne prone skin.
Spider control treatment is often necessary to keep them at bay and off your property.
Lack of accuracy: * Not all vehicles have been lucky enough to get the physical control treatment.
For example, you want them to give the best working flea and tick control treatment possible.
There may be tons of similar products in the market but this flea control treatment stands out thanks to its unique features.
It takes time and hard work, but using a balanced approach of supportive and symptom controlling treatments helps get us all down the road more comfortably.
In contrast to the original findings, cognitive therapy was not superior to «other therapies» once control treatments or apparently inadequate therapies were excluded.
The self - control treatment focused on teaching children self - management skills.
We do our best to keep the pests away; all of our properties are cleaned after every rental and receive monthly pest control treatments.
You may wish to consult your veterinarian who can advise about treating your cat for fleas and recommend and supply flea control treatments.
In addition to analyzing what anchovies did when they detected these odors, we also filmed their anchovies» behavior while feeding on krill and when they were presented with control treatments of unscented seawater.
Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases / Congenital diseases, mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery and weight control treatments.
For instance, MDEQ had misinformed EPA about having corrosion control treatment in place.
Although sociometric measures were included in the trial of MOSAIC, they were not part of PFC.. In an attempt to address these gaps in the existing literature, we are currently undertaking a new trial of PFC that contains a longer follow - up period, an active attention control treatment condition, sociometric outcome measures, and multidimensional assessment of friendship outcomes (e.g., number of friends, friendship quality, behavioral characteristics of friends).
A randomised controlled treatment trial of two forms of family therapy in adolescent anorexia nervosa: a five - year follow - up
A new social communication intervention for children with autism: Pilot randomized controlled treatment study suggesting effectiveness.
The cats from Utah have been spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and received parasite control treatment.
This paper describes a randomized controlled treatment effectiveness study of SNAP versus standard behavioral health services.
Before widespread implementation of this mindfulness - based program in clinical practice is recommended, we recommend future studies using randomized controlled trials to compare the effectiveness of a mindfulness - based program to an active control treatment, preferably in a group setting with the same time investment.
Contributing to the patients» willingness to let physicians control treatment is the tendency of doctors to be overly optimistic in estimating the effectiveness of therapy.
Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women.
After this course, participants will be able to identify connections between laryngeal tension, speech production, and language competence in the EXPRESS (EXPanding Receptive and Expressive Skills through Stories) and vocal control treatments of selective mutism.
The trial needs to involve at least 50 people with OCD and a credible control treatment to really test the efficacy of this idea, says Jon Abramowitz, a clinical psychologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The design allowed for two important control treatments: high tech, in which all management factors are applied at the advanced level, and traditional, in which all management factors are applied at the lower level.
An automated control treatment that used real - time dew point measurements — rather than temperatures — to turn the system on and off, he said.
«By understanding the microbial composition of the diseased state on and in the grapevine crown gall tumor, we can begin to formulate informed biological control treatments — better mixtures of protective bacterial species — to reduce the infection that leads to the development of crown gall tumors in vineyards.»
All were clinical trials that randomly assigned people with constipation to take either probiotics or a placebo (or other control treatment).
Cheristin for Cats is a topical flea control treatment developed just for cats.
Separation anxiety and parasite control treatments contrtibute to the comfort and well - being of pets.
Manufactured by Sergeant's Pet Products Inc., this flea control treatment claims to be as effective as Frontline.
The Bayer K9 Advantix II Flea and Tick Control Treatment for Dogs kills adult ticks and fleas, eggs, and larvae.
Cellular abundances in an unbubbled control treatment did not significantly deviate from results of the current pCO2 - bubbled treatment (data not shown).
Performed bedside treatments, including tracheostomy tube change and gastrostomy tube replacement, as well as conducting catheterization, antegrade colonic enema procedures, and pain control treatments.
Additionally, I am trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Panic Control Treatment.
Congenital diseases, mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery and weight control treatments, abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol.
Our «open science» research collaboration with Flint residents revealed high levels of lead, Legionella and damage to potable water infrastructure due to a failure to implement corrosion control treatment.
Behavioural couples therapy (BCT) v individual based therapy (IBT) or psychoeducational attention control treatment (PACT) for men with alcoholism or other drug abuse (ODA) †
Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the state will apply «eco-friendly» tick control treatments on public lands in the Southern
The 90 % toner, 10 % color formula comes in 13 sheer shades, and is designed to be applied all over face and chin with a cotton ball and smoothed out with fingers.Erno Lazlo Sea Mud Soap (for normal / combination to oily skin) and Shake - It oil controlling treatment (for normal to oily skin) can be found at fine retailers such as Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus, and Nordstrom.
The researchers gave rats with liver cancer either the LDL - DHA nanoparticles or control treatments of LDL without DHA, which were expected to have no effect.

Phrases with «control treatment»

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