Sentences with phrase «core classes»

Opportunity to earn or retrieve credits in core classes.
All students enrolled in the program complete 12 hours of core classes before choosing and studying a specialization.
However, without widespread agreement on the necessary skills and knowledge required for core classes, proving mastery may be just as elusive and arbitrary as the current system.
I used to avoid core work like the plague and now I teach core classes but I feel like my knowledge in the subject is not very deep.
It also gave students more flexibility in customizing their coursework to account for their ability level, offering core classes at several different levels of difficulty.
Finally, you will take core classes in your chosen content area.
Our online core classes are aligned to critical learning standards and are designed to help teachers prepare students for academic success.
The elective classes may be taught separately or integrated into the other core classes.
This specialized track requires the completion of five courses in litigation technology, in addition to the required core classes.
Ph.D. programs start students with core class requirements, followed by experimental work leading to a thesis dissertation.
This 7 - hour course package includes the 2 core classes needed to meet this year's 6 - hour core credit requirement.
It's an issue that will be expensive to address, but last year the district created more teaching slots to begin reducing the size of sixth grade core classes.
In addition to regular core classes, students are provided experiences with special and community projects.
Core classes make up the bulk of any medical assisting program.
You will take primarily core classes when you enroll in this program, but there will also be classes in general education and other required courses that do not impact your degree.
Students going on for the advanced degree must take elective courses as well as additional core classes.
However, I still consider it to be an act of courage to buy core class - A buildings in gateway cities at cap rates that are below 4.5 percent.
The themes are used to tie together what is being learned in core classes, and the students are challenged to develop a major project related to the theme.
For veteran associates seeking credit hours to maintain their license, company training programs generally are built around six to eight hours of core classes, usually on legal issues, including agency law.
In the early stages of your education, you may take core classes that teach you about medical terminology, medications, and the human body.
There is a mandatory Core class on Agency required this cycle (2017 - 2018), so licensees will be expected to complete 9 total hours with 3 of those 9 being on the mandatory topic.
Extracurriculars, our work suggests, tend to differ from core classes in a number of important ways.
By offering core classes such as math, science, language arts and social studies online, Yeager realized he'd be free to develop a curriculum of electives for dance, drama and music.
Apex has expanded to credit recovery by offering online core classes as well.
Lindsey Yeager Core Class Facilitator Lindsey holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and has worked with students of all ages at tutoring centers and universities.
February 2012, Dr. Wilcox participated in continuing education classes (as she does every year) completing core classes in shelter medicine updates, minimally invasive surgery, and pediatric spay - neuter updated techniques.
Core classes include anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, phlebotomy, basic surgical assisting and patient care.
The unique Schilling School schedule offers core classes (Math, Science, Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Basis fundamental Psychology courses and Development Psychology, I have experiences from other schools core classes, such as sociology, cosmology, mental health just to name a few.
Pioneer High School will contract with Pennsylvania - based Lincoln Interactive to handle core classes.
The analysis of the course objectives and syllabi indicated that the assignments and activities in core classes common to all education majors included little technology use beyond productivity and presentation of information purposes, with the exception of the two computer literacy courses offered by the program.
Core classes meet on Monday and Tuesday evenings plus one weekend per term, and elective classes meet on weekends during the day and on Wednesday evenings during the summer.
Allows students to get instant feedback due to teachers having more time to work in small groups or 1:1 during core class time.
Tuition for each term in the 2018 — 2019 program is $ 2,485 and covers all three mandatory core classes as well as 2 non-mandatory workshops in the fall and spring term, an elective in summer and all lectures.
Students are required to complete the Introduction to Healthcare class module before beginning the standalone core class modules.
Awarded to Alabama Chapter member for CCIM core class.
Programs cuts are happening in the areas of music, business, library, math, foreign language, speech, extracurricular, and many rural students get only core classes and some vocational education.
The program is hybridized with the beginning core classes requiring a once per week face - to - face class while all other classes are offered online.
These include a «Newcomers» program for non-English speakers, a half - day program which offers sheltered core classes as well as language skills needed to be successful in their home schools.
The Miami - based students have most core classes on the Miami campus and travel to Evanston in January of their second year for an International live - in week and to begin their winter quarter studies.
Lindsey came to NTNC as a parent and joined the team to conduct workshops on playful parenting and to facilitate core classes.
Studios offering Pilates reformer with HIIT, and targeted fitness core classes, are growing in popularity as a more 360 approach to fitness.
According to SoulCycle, SoulActivate burns anywhere from 150 to 300 more calories than the tried and true core class, and riders leave with their bods still buzzing.
I have a resistance tube that I travel with and use that to do a modified 30 - minute Les Mills CXWORX core class at home.
In fall 2009, ninth - and tenth - grade students will start a two - year Waldorf core class that integrates subjects such as art history, poetry, art, drama, and gardening.
Additional examples of the schools focus on the whole child, taking place after core classes, include:

Phrases with «core classes»

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