Sentences with phrase «core samples»

The quoted CO2 levels from ice core samples remained fairly constant through this period of ten thousand years yet we had two periods of much warmer temps.
By taking core samples and estimating age and growth using tree rings, they came up with a trend of how trees grew, going back about 150 years.
Beyond philosophical debates about proving a negative, contamination in core samples has been a chronic problem.
Their findings, based on ocean sediment core samples between 2.5 million to 3.3 million years old, provide scientists with a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of climate change today.
But a new study of centuries - old tree core samples indicates an abrupt turn of the weather around the first decade of the 13th century.
Teachers at the meeting agreed to try a Common Core sample lesson with their students.
Ancient ice core samples show that temperature changes and CO2 levels are not correlated.
Not all the teachers were blown away by the Common Core sample lesson.
A needle biopsy is a method whereby a small core sample is taken for analysis.
Ice core samples become very hard to analyze the further one goes back in time, so I am not sure exactly how good it is for determining climate in the deep past.
Will any offer contain conditions on acceptable core sampling?
In addition, they would be well served by the ability to gather more lines of evidence — at least three additional types — from existing sediment core samples.
This is the air that is being trapped in air bubbles, to be preserved in ice core samples.
Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine - Earth Science and Technology, Kochi, Japan.
Curiosity will look for signs that microbial life once existed on Mars, and will also collect core samples of rocks on Mount Sharp and the Gale Crater.
The results discussed in this news release are from drill core samples obtained by PQ and HQ - size triple - tube diamond core drilling using two PMC400 man - portable drill rigs owned by SAMJ and operated by Sumiko Resources Exploration & Development Co., Ltd. (a wholly owned exploration services subsidiary of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.) The drilling program was fully supervised by SAMJ senior project geologists at the drilling site.
Using core samples of the seabed in three locations, the scientists measured the isotopic ratio of nitrogen - 15 to nitrogen - 14 in the organic matter therein; the ratio can be used to estimate the extent of anoxia in these OMZs.
Scientists extract core samples from living corals by scuba diving and collecting a sample from the coral skeleton; geochemical analyses of these samples reveals how ocean temperature, circulation, and salinity change over time.
Older core samples contained even smaller, more degraded chains.
By studying core samples taken from the river delta, the research team, led by Zhen Li of East China Normal University in Shanghai and colleagues, detected patterns and sizes of charcoal to indicate fire distance (small particles can travel farther than 100 meters, whereas larger ones stay put) as well as pollen to deduce the presence of either crops or nonagricultural flora.
Motivated by a sense of critical wonder, but rooted in research and experimentation, her projects range from growing algae under fluorescent lights to digging up geological core samples in the California desert.
I have completed some difference series analyses of replicate core samples from the Yamal and Schweingruber series.
The kinds of core samples obtained by Winkler and others not only help us look back in time, but also serve as critical points of reference for the scientists who use computer models to study climate.
Geomicrobiology Group, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine - Earth Science and Technology, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, Japan.
The interference caused by the event threw the worldwide telegraph network into disarray, and based on ice core samples retrieved from Greenland, caused significant damage to Earth's protective ozone layer.
for example... you can go back in ice core samples as far as 800,000 years, and still locked in the ice is a tiny amount of the atmoshpere from that time, telliing us volumes of information.
«I had some additional core samples going through the event in the repository.
The scientists have recently begun the difficult task of collecting long core samples of sediment from the sites of large landslides, a critical step in determining when they happened and how often they and their associated tsunamis are likely to occur.
Why do some ice core samples seem to indicate CO2 spikes trailed increases in global temperature?
Sediment core samples drawn from Lake Titicaca, South America's largest freshwater lake, have revealed a 25,000 - year precipitation record that may rewrite the books on ancient climate.
For this reason, the PETM, which has been identified in hundreds of sediment core samples worldwide, is probably the best ancient climate analogue for present - day Earth,» the release noted.
Experienced, knowledgeable, and detail - oriented Petroleum Extraction specialist with strong experience in operating a variety of drills used to remove petroleum from the earth, finding, and removing core samples for testing.
A mighty 500 pounds each, each stone surface reveals a geologic face dating back millenniums, like core samples.
The geologists, who publish their research in the new issue Nature Geoscience, say that measures of carbon which are taken from deep sea core samples are probably not accurate.
He said researchers take core samples about 4 inches in diameter and 8 inches deep from farms across the Delta, wash them and count the rice water weevil larvae.
In search of microscopic life, molecular ecologist Kay Bidle of Rutgers University looked for microbial DNA in the soil and ice core samples Marchant gathered for him during one of his expeditions.
The team, led by Dr Kira Rehfeld and Dr Thomas Laepple, compared the Greenland data with that from sediments collected in several ocean regions around the globe, as well as from ice - core samples gathered in the Antarctic.
In the Vostok core sample, they found a DNA sequence related to a bacterium that thrives in hot springs, like those in Yellowstone Park.
As a professor at the Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University she's spent decades analyzing mud core samples drilled from lakes around the world to examine climate and fire going back thousands of years.
According to the marine core sample, a full millennium passed — enough time for both the deep and surface waters to entirely switch places — before sea - surface temperatures and global atmospheric levels of CO2 began to rise.

Phrases with «core samples»

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