Sentences with phrase «cost burden»

The phrase "cost burden" means the financial load or responsibility that someone or something has to bear, often related to expenses or costs that need to be paid. It refers to the weight or pressure of the financial strain. Full definition
Ultimately, any of those scenarios puts a significant cost burden on you.
The fundamental issue is not the increased cost burden for employers and employees, but rather the purpose of company - led pension plans, he said.
Legal fees will be the most common cost burden for those trusts involved in the transfer of a school and their employees.
This would add to the company's cost burden in the short - term, but over the medium and long term, it could be a benefit — if tariffs go through.
For instance, if there's any damage to your car due to collision and opt file a claim then you receive the entire cost without any deductions for reducing cost burden.
Treatment of large and chronic wounds are a high cost burden to the health care system since effective tools to accelerate healing are lacking.
Ultimately, any of those scenarios puts a significant cost burden on you.
But this additional cost burden will also have profound implications on how markets and investors value properties.
Despite the impact and influence of large malpractice payouts on health care costs, little is known about their specific characteristics and overall cost burden.
All taxpayers are affected through the heavy cost burden on local authorities and the NHS.
These are families that need relief from the child care cost burden, so that no mom has to sacrifice her career because it's more economical for her to stay home.
Cost burden aside, he argues, there's reason for entrepreneurs to be optimistic about the changes.
In theory, the Government could come up with another system, perhaps one that puts a greater cost burden on employers rather than simply being placed on employees.
One study finds that medical costs burden retirees mostly at the end of life.
A cost accountant is responsible for conducting financial analysis and generating weekly or monthly cost burden reports.
LEAs with participating students will be relieved of the long - term educational cost burden of educating such students.
Housing Landscape 2014 finds that after peaking at 23.7 percent in 2011, the share of working households with severe housing cost burdens fell in 2012 to 22.1 percent.
While median renter incomes have increased faster than their median housing costs over the past three years, the share of severely cost burdened working renters was still higher in 2012 than at the end of the Great Recession in 2009.
«There is a real health and cost burden from hospital outbreaks and significant benefits to be gained from their prevention and swift containment.
Nevertheless, the CPP will cause states, taxpayers, and energy consumers to get stiffed with huge cost burdens, including capital - intensive, decades - long transitions needed for adding expensive and unreliable wind and solar infrastructures, coal plant retirements and upgrades, restructured transmission lines, and new natural gas pipelines.
Average cost burdens increased at a robust pace in June, which manufacturers linked to rising prices for imported raw materials.
With little else to cut in their already tight budgets, America's lowest - income renters with severe cost burdens spend about $ 130 less on food each month, and make similar reductions in healthcare, clothing, and savings.
Over time, this may eventually shift the inter-generational cost burden as well.
Selling a mix of old steel - bodied and new aluminum - bodied Ford F - 150s in the first half of 2015 probably didn't hurt, as the old models carried a much lower cost burden, and thus high profit margins, no matter the incentives to clear them from dealers» lots.
The citizen group argues that reforming a cost - sharing model would be an opportunity to form a new partnership between the county and the state, allowing the state to shoulder more Medicaid cost burden in exchange of the county pursuing the group's recommendations.
The leaked draft of the regulatory coherence chapter of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement encourages countries joining the pact to conduct regulatory impact assessments or RIAs when developing regulations which have more than a minimal cost burden on business and the economy.
Approximately 75 percent of the entire $ 16 million in funding is designated for housing for low - to moderate - income residents, who are most vulnerable to high energy cost burdens and whose homes are often especially susceptible to the impacts of extreme weather.
* If that electricity cost electric customers $ 0.02 per kWh more (probably a low estimate) than electricity from other available sources, the annual EXTRA cost burden on electric customers would be $ 23,914,800 - far exceeding any realistic estimate of the true economic benefits of the proposed projects.
While between 2009 and 2012, median housing costs for working renters rose 3.9 percent and median incomes rose 5.1 percent, only in 2012 did the share of severely cost burdened working renters decline for the first time since the end of the recession, from 26.4 percent to 25.4 percent.
Stroke is one of the leading causes of adult - onset physical and cognitive disability, and a significant cost burden due to the need for extensive, lengthy rehabilitation.
Not only does a high number of NEETs signal a waste of young talent and potential, it is also creating a long term cost burden on our society.
The number of households with housing cost burdens still remains higher today than at the start of the decade, and most of the improvement has been centered on the owning side rather than renting.
LAST month, State Scene highlighted the additional cost burden Western Australia's main base - load electricity provider, Verve Energy, will have to carry due to the Gillard government's coming CO2 tax.
Meanwhile, average cost burdens continued to rise at manufacturing firms in April, but the rate of inflation eased markedly since March to the weakest so far in 2016.
Trump's Feb. 3 memo tasked the DOL with delaying the rule to study whether the rule will deprive Americans of retirement advice and / or add undo cost burdens.
The latest survey also pointed to upward pressure on input prices, with overall cost burdens rising at the second - fastest pace since July 2014.
Biotech companies that don't have new drugs or therapies in the pipeline yet (about 40 percent of all those that went public last year, in fact) tend to take advantage of an IPO window because they have serious cost burdens --- like multiple drug tests and regulatory approval --- that other VC - backed companies don't have.
AUSVEG is stepping up its pressure on food manufacturers who have dubiously suggested that changing Australia's Country of Origin Labelling system would place an unreasonable cost burden on businesses by forcing them to alter labels to reflect ingredient changes.
The annual national cost burden of pediatric IBD from hospitalizations alone is estimated at more than $ 150 million.
Original publication: Bond, G.G. & Dietrich, D.R. Human cost burden of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.
The long - term result of such cost burden relief could be a permissive decrease in local expenditures, a permissive reallocation of local funding, or a permissive cost avoidance of local expenditures.
Governor Hogan's P - TECH School Act Of 2017 Will Establish A Funding Mechanism For P - TECH Schools; Would Not Put Cost Burden On Students.
Indeed, since each of the ETFs in the portfolio has its own management expense, the additional management expense of this fund could be called «fee pyramiding» — increasing the total cost burden on each of your investment dollars.
To put a perspective on the current comparative cost burdens that the state's families and businesses suffered last year, Californians paid 62 percent higher electrical costs than the national average for electricity.
Pon worked directly with her opposing union counsel to figure out how to tackle their biggest cost burden.
A YouGov survey conducted on behalf of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has exposed that 41 % of managers think pregnancy in the workplace places «an unnecessary cost burden» on employers.
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